
<28 September 1917> |




As George Borrow says in | | "Lavengro," He was | thinking, 'tis true, only of the forge of | Longfellow's | "Village Blacksmith," but nevertheless | he knew of the forge of the Sagos, which was presided | over by Volundar, a magical blacksmith, who | manufactured, besides other wonderful machines, the | chariot and hammer of Thor, the thunderer and War God | of Northern Myths. His Grecian counterpart was | Vulcan, who carried on his work beneath the | volcanoes. That this gentleman should live in so | gloomy an abode, rather than on the heights of | Olympus, requires some explanation. Jupiter was the | son of Saturn, a pleasant old gentleman who ate his | children. Jupiter, who fortunately escaped his | father, grew up to inherit some of his unnatural | characteristics. He did not, indeed, eat his sons, | but he married his sister, Juno, and things went | smoothly until their daughter Hebe became old enough | to attract the old scamp's attention. Mrs Jupiter | objected to the old gentleman's vagaries, and was | rewarded for her interference by being suspended in | chains from the firmament. Vulcan, whose sympathies | were aroused by the sufferings of the disgraced | Queen, set her free, and for punishment he was kicked | out of Olympus by the irate Jupiter. He struck the | ground rather hard, and ever after walked lame. This, | no doubt, explains the significance of the Forge as | an altar of Revolt. As Bernard O'Dowd puts it in his | poem | "Vulcan" -




To myth again must we go for our earliest | Blacksmith rebel. Zohak was son of an usurping King | of Persia. Early in his manhood he came under the | spell of Eblis, the Evil One, who persuaded him to | murder his father, and so succeed to the throne. This | Zohak did, and during his reign Eblis devised daily | new tyrannies, which the king imposed on the people. | Now, Eblis was the inventor of the art of cookery, | and constantly delighted the king's palate with new | dishes. One day he excelled himself, with no less a | dish than a boiled egg. So delighted was Zohak that | he promised Eblis any boon he might ask. The Evil One | replied with a request to be allowed to kiss the bare | shoulders of the King; and in response to the caress | of the lips of the fiend two vipers grew up from the | monarch's shoulders. The creatures twined and hissed, | demanding food. Eblis assured the King that nothing | would satisfy the monsters save the brains of men, | and advised him to draw up a census of his subjects. | This the King did, and as no National Volunteers were | forthcoming, conscription was immediately introduced, | and each day saw the brain pans of two citizens of | Iran spilt of their precious content to satisfy the | hell-gotten monsters that had sprang from the corrupt | carcass of royalty.


So things went on, until one day the lots were | drawn against the two sons of Gavah, the Blacksmith. | But rather than submit tamely the Blacksmith prepared | to meet tyranny with insurrection; and Gavah's forge | became the Altar of Liberty. A great army gathered, | and was armed by Gavah and his sons. All was ready to | march against the tyrant, when Gavah bethought him | that a flag was necessary. So he nailed his leathern | apron to a pike, and held it aloft. But at this | moment another army appeared. It was Feridum, the | rightful king, who joined his forces with those of | Govah, and together they overthrew Zohak. The | vanquished tyrant escaped to the mountains, where he | took refuge in a cave, only, however, to be eaten | alive by the vipers, that still writhed and hissed | about his head. And whoever does not believe this | story is referred to the flag of Persia, which, to | the present day takes the form of a blacksmith's | leathern apron, adorned with the jewels of | Feridun.


If the moral needs pointing, it is this; Let Labor | beware when its erstwhile champions bare their | shoulders to the kiss of Mammon; let Labor never rest | until such are hurled from power, for out of their | hearts grow the vipers of Anarchy.


Coming down to more recent times we find the | banner of Labor again raised aloft by a blacksmith in | England in the latter half of the fourteenth century. | Men were not free at that time, but bound to the soil | as serfs, or villeins. Numbers, however, had gained a | qualified freedom by paying a quit rent, or | blackmail, instead of personal service, but after the | terrible plague, known as the Black Death, which | swept over England towards the middle of the century, | even this meagre privilege was curtailed, and when | Richard II, imposed a poll-tax of one shilling upon | rich and poor alike the rising discontent reached | fever heat, and Wat Tyler, a Kentish blacksmith, | placed himself at the head of an armed host, and | marched on London. There his men sacked a portion of | the city, and hanged a goodly number of lawyers, but | Tyler himself was struck down by a treacherous blow | while parleying with the King. The young monarch | stemmed the anger of the peasants by promising | himself to replace their fallen leader, and the army | of liberty dispersed. At the same time the army of | John Ball, a travelling friar, was advancing from the | Eastern Counties. This man's teaching was summed up | in the couplet:




He further held that |


Now, John Ball's army was not to be dispersed with | the idle promises, but it was overthrown by force of | arms, and it's resistance served as an excuse to the | rulers to break the promise the king had made that | bondage would be abolished. Nevertheless the | landlords had learned their lesson, and villeinage | gradually died a natural death.


Such are a few of the delightful episodes in the | tale of the craft of Tubal Cain. 'Tis true, we have | neglected the ploughshare for the sword, but the | sword we have followed is the brand of freedom, not | the dagger of tyranny.




The "Shah | Nemeh" (Book of Kings) contains the legendary | history of Persia, including the story of | Gavah the | Blacksmith. It is obtainable in a moderately | cheap edition.


For the condition of the people in Mediaeval | England the best work is Thorold Rogers' | "Six Centuries of Work | and Wages," but any economic history, like | Warner's "Trade, | Tillage and Invention," will give a fair | idea. "Piers the | Plowman," by Langland, a poet of the time, | should be read at leisure.