991:06,000[X ]| <*Order and Disorder*, Canto 6, ll. 1-300> 991:06,000[X ]| 991:06,000[X ]| 991:06,001[A ]| When Midnight is the blackest day then breakes 991:06,002[A ]| But then the Infant dawnings plesant streakes 991:06,003[A ]| Charging through nights Host seemd again put out 991:06,004[A ]| In the Tumultuos fflying shadowes Rout 991:06,005[A ]| Often pierst through with the incroaching Light 991:06,006[A ]| While shads and it maintaine a doubtfull fight 991:06,007[A ]| Such was Mans fallen state when at the worst 991:06,008[A ]| Like Day appear'd the Blessed promise first 991:06,009[A ]| The Temporary Curse this overlaid 991:06,010[A ]| Comfort again new Chearing sallyes made 991:06,011[A ]| When Tipes The promises did represent 991:06,012[A ]| And Cloathes were given for new Encouragment 991:06,013[A ]| Then their Expulsion and their sad Exile 991:06,014[A ]| Again Contracted the late gracious Smile. 991:06,015[A ]| When God their Woefull State with pitty viewd 991:06,016[A ]| Again their Consolation was renew'd 991:06,017[A ]| And made the Woman Mans first fruit Conceive 991:06,018[A ]| In hope of which her Husband call'd her Eve 991:06,019[A ]| And by this name not only did Implie 991:06,020[A ]| Her Curse in his superioritie 991:06,021[A ]| But the sweet mittigation of that doome 991:06,022[A ]| promising Life to enter through her wombe 991:06,023[A ]| Faith in which promise the glad Father thus 991:06,024[A ]| profest and made Exemplary to us. 991:06,025[A ]| Then brought she forth; And Caine she calld his Son 991:06,026[A ]| For God, said She, gives us possession. 991:06,027[A ]| Her Teemeing womb with new fruit swelld again 991:06,028[A ]| And finding now his forward first hopes vaine 991:06,029[A ]| Abell she call'd the next whose riper age 991:06,030[A ]| Accomplisht, what his sad name did presage 991:06,031[A ]| And by Converting their delights to woe 991:06,032[A ]| Did the vaine Joy of Earthly Comforts shew 991:06,033[A ]| When Caine was borne, Exultingly she thought 991:06,034[A ]| She had into the World her Champion brought 991:06,035[A ]| But from the Error of that fond Conceit 991:06,036[A ]| She learnt that such as live on faith must waite 991:06,037[A ]| To have the promises whereon they stay 991:06,038[A ]| perform'd alone in Gods own time and way 991:06,039[A ]| The Entaile of Life and victorie was not 991:06,040[A ]| To Earthly Man, of Earthly Man begott 991:06,041[A ]| And such alone could Eve to Adam breed 991:06,042[A ]| Whose Sin And Curse was fixt in all his seed 991:06,043[A ]| And to recover its Corrupted fruit 991:06,044[A ]| It must be set into A nobler Root 991:06,045[A ]| Its Ignominious parentage disclaime 991:06,046[A ]| And be adopted into A new name 991:06,047[A ]| Which then obscur'd in the oracle did Lie 991:06,048[A ]| Till the full Time reveal'd the Misterie 991:06,049[A ]| When God did into Humane nature Come 991:06,050[A ]| Vesting himselfe in A pure Virgins Womb 991:06,051[A ]| Whence he A second stock of Mankind grew 991:06,052[A ]| That dead Grafts set in him might Life renew 991:06,053[A ]| But Death was first to Excercise its reigne 991:06,054[A ]| Long e're new Life to Light came forth again 991:06,055[A ]| Adam in his own Liknesse gott A Son 991:06,056[A ]| Infected with his own pollution 991:06,057[A ]| Which wholly spread it*selfe through all his Race 991:06,058[A ]| Conceiv'd in Sin and borne in sad disgrace 991:06,059[A ]| For that black Crime which did his Honour staine 991:06,060[A ]| Doth yet A Taint on all his blood remaine 991:06,061[A ]| Acknowledging this Truth, allas from whence 991:06,062[A ]| Doth vaine Nobility raise Its pretence 991:06,063[A ]| When the first Monarchs sons in slavery borne 991:06,064[A ]| Were taught those Trads which vpstart Nobles scorne 991:06,065[A ]| The Eldest prince to Agriculture bred 991:06,066[A ]| The next his flocks in the Coole shadow fed 991:06,067[A ]| Nor were they only taught to Excercise 991:06,068[A ]| Honest Employments; but with sacrafise 991:06,069[A ]| To worship God in his appointed Day 991:06,070[A ]| And seeke his favour and their due thanks pay 991:06,071[A ]| The Cerimony with a diverse Mind 991:06,072[A ]| They both perform'd, And such successe did find. 991:06,073[A ]| Cain some of his new Corne and fruits did bring 991:06,074[A ]| But God accepted not his offering 991:06,075[A ]| For it is the Heart more than the Sacrefice 991:06,076[A ]| That must find Grace in the Almightys Eyes 991:06,077[A ]| He that with Meale And pure devotion Comes 991:06,078[A ]| Shall better please than pompous Hecatombs 991:06,079[A ]| Which unbeleevers in a formall way 991:06,080[A ]| With ostentation on his Alters slay 991:06,081[A ]| Smoothring their Faith with overgrowing pride 991:06,082[A ]| While they in their Performances Confide 991:06,083[A ]| Abell the fattest of his whole flock sought 991:06,084[A ]| And humbly to the Lord his offering brought 991:06,085[A ]| Whose stedfast faith and self denying mind 991:06,086[A ]| Gracious acceptance with his God did find 991:06,087[A ]| This made Cain's wicked Heart with Rancor swell 991:06,088[A ]| At which his late errected Countenance fell 991:06,089[A ]| While wrath like fire beneath the Cauldron Lyes 991:06,090[A ]| And made his Thoughts like filthy Scumme arrise 991:06,091[A ]| Till they Confusedly run or'e and drown'd 991:06,092[A ]| Every faint sparke in his darke bosome found 991:06,093[A ]| Envy that most pernitious Hagg of Hell 991:06,094[A ]| Observing this starts from the gloomey Cell 991:06,095[A ]| Where she Maligning all things good and great 991:06,096[A ]| With pineing Rage doth her own Carkase eat 991:06,097[A ]| And secretly into his sad brest Creeps 991:06,098[A ]| There all his thoughts in her black poyson Steeps 991:06,099[A ]| The Infection first his sick Heart vlcerates 991:06,100[A ]| And thence it*selfe to every part dilates 991:06,101[A ]| No more Could his dimme Eyes Heavens splendor brooke 991:06,102[A ]| But on the Earth fixt their deiected Looke 991:06,103[A ]| Where while he walkd with slow and sullen pace 991:06,104[A ]| A Thousand ffancies heightned his disgrace 991:06,105[A ]| Envy and spite thus reigning nourisht state 991:06,106[A ]| And all together vengeance Meditate 991:06,107[A ]| His ill surmiseings with his guilt Increase 991:06,108[A ]| Destroying the last remnant of his peace 991:06,109[A ]| When God from Heaven Graciously did Call 991:06,110[A ]| To the grief'd wretch; Why doth thy Countenance fall? 991:06,111[A ]| Why doth thy Anger burne? Why art thou sad? 991:06,112[A ]| If thou dost well, shall not Regard be had 991:06,113[A ]| To thy good deeds? To give them recompence? 991:06,114[A ]| If thou dost ill; the guilt of thy offence 991:06,115[A ]| As A Tormentor at thy dore shall waite 991:06,116[A ]| And ever shall perplex thy future state 991:06,117[A ]| What hath thy Brother done to Cause thy Ire 991:06,118[A ]| To thee he bends to thee is his desire 991:06,119[A ]| The favor he hath found doth not Elate 991:06,120[A ]| His thoughts against thee to an Insolent height 991:06,121[A ]| Thee as his Elder he doth Reverence 991:06,122[A ]| And beares thy wrath with humble Innocence. 991:06,123[A ]| These reasons could not Caines dire wrath appease 991:06,124[A ]| For such Contagion had his wild dissease 991:06,125[A ]| That as a forge more violently burns 991:06,126[A ]| By Casting water on; his sick mind turns 991:06,127[A ]| All Cures to poyson And what should abate 991:06,128[A ]| Rather gives growth unto his Cruell hate 991:06,129[A ]| He with his Brother talkes whose answers mild 991:06,130[A ]| Inflame his passion more and make him wild 991:06,131[A ]| To see those vertues he can never Reach. 991:06,132[A ]| ffurious despaire then entring at the breach 991:06,133[A ]| Did all the obstacles of sin remove 991:06,134[A ]| Trod down his piety and fraternall Love 991:06,135[A ]| Advanceing only his Triumphant pride 991:06,136[A ]| Which had no rest till guiltlesse Abell dy'd 991:06,137[A ]| Whom whilest his Innocence no feare Instilld 991:06,138[A ]| His Cruell Brother on the suddaine killd 991:06,139[A ]| And better to Conceale his wicked deed 991:06,140[A ]| The lifelesse Carkase in a Covert hid 991:06,141[A ]| This vengance pleas'd his impious mind a while 991:06,142[A ]| But Ah! How wicked men themselves beguile 991:06,143[A ]| They think God sees not Mischife he permitts 991:06,144[A ]| And long unexecuted Threats forgetts 991:06,145[A ]| And that because he is not in their view 991:06,146[A ]| He sees and marks as little what they do 991:06,147[A ]| When no darke shroud, nor the thick vaile of night 991:06,148[A ]| Can hide the Sin of Sinners from his sight 991:06,149[A ]| Which penetrates into all shades all deeps 991:06,150[A ]| All that the Heart in its darke Corners keeps 991:06,151[A ]| The Secretest Sinnes Contrived there, are knowne 991:06,152[A ]| To him even in their first Conception 991:06,153[A ]| He sees their growth, is present at their birth 991:06,154[A ]| Though in the darkest Entrailes of the Earth. 991:06,155[A ]| Remote from him, nor Caves nor Rocks, nor farr 991:06,156[A ]| Extended Shores, nor distant Islands are 991:06,157[A ]| His view that stretches to the Largest space 991:06,158[A ]| Is not Extended in the narrowest place 991:06,159[A ]| Can any*thing from him obscured be 991:06,160[A ]| Who made all that is seene, and all that see 991:06,161[A ]| He who by winking would put out the Sunne 991:06,162[A ]| Is not so worthy of Derision ~~ 991:06,163[A ]| As he who while God is not in his Eyes 991:06,164[A ]| Beleaves himselfe unseene, by him he flyes 991:06,165[A ]| This foolish unbelief is the Chiefe sin 991:06,166[A ]| That shutts out awe and lets all villany in 991:06,167[A ]| Why else doth Lust and Treason seeke A shade 991:06,168[A ]| Except men hop'd they thereby Could Evade 991:06,169[A ]| As well as man's, Gods eyes, which are too pure 991:06,170[A ]| ffowle deeds without abhorrence to endure 991:06,171[A ]| Would not the Adulterer start from leud Embrace 991:06,172[A ]| Dreading to abuse God's house before his face 991:06,173[A ]| Would not the swinish drunkard be afraid 991:06,174[A ]| To Come before the Judge in Masquerade 991:06,175[A ]| Reason his soveraignes livery to divest 991:06,176[A ]| Weareing the Badge of Devell and of Beast 991:06,177[A ]| Would not the stoutest Murtherer shrink with feare 991:06,178[A ]| Gods sacred Image in his sight to Teare 991:06,179[A ]| Were not Hells mists so in their sences rould 991:06,180[A ]| They think him far whom they canot behold 991:06,181[A ]| While the old Enchanter with his Sorceryes 991:06,182[A ]| Seales up their vnderstandings blinded Eyes 991:06,183[A ]| Till the fact is done then doth his Charmes vnbind 991:06,184[A ]| And they Gods presence to their Terror find 991:06,185[A ]| So the first Murtherer was a little Time 991:06,186[A ]| ffalsly secure in his Close acted Crime 991:06,187[A ]| Till God himselfe did then appeare in view 991:06,188[A ]| When Sathan all his Trecherous blinds withdrew 991:06,189[A ]| And naked left the wretch without defence 991:06,190[A ]| But what he sought in Lyes and Impudence 991:06,191[A ]| Though he A witnesse in his own brest bore 991:06,192[A ]| As much convincing as a Thousand more 991:06,193[A ]| And in his blushes, guilt it*selfe betraid 991:06,194[A ]| When Inquisition of the fact was made 991:06,195[A ]| For God who suffers many sinns to lie 991:06,196[A ]| Buried in Darkenesse or Hipocrisy 991:06,197[A ]| Till that day which all secretts shall reveale 991:06,198[A ]| Seldome permitts foule Murtherers to Conceale 991:06,199[A ]| Their Guilt till death but makes them oftentimes 991:06,200[A ]| In Dreames and Reaveings to disclose their Crimes 991:06,201[A ]| Oft to betray themselves by their own dread 991:06,202[A ]| Oft times by the fresh bleedings of the dead 991:06,203[A ]| By Complices, by Ghosts wandring in night 991:06,204[A ]| And various other wayes to Come to Light 991:06,205[A ]| Oft have the Murtherers themselves been slaine 991:06,206[A ]| And at their Deathes Confessd their bloody staine 991:06,207[A ]| ffinding themselves by their own Crimes persu'd 991:06,208[A ]| And Crying out, that Blood must expiate blood 991:06,209[A ]| Caine's vingance to its vtmost stretch had run 991:06,210[A ]| And where that ended, Gods revenge begun 991:06,211[A ]| Which vnexpected did the wretch surprize 991:06,212[A ]| Askeing where Abell was; In Surly wise 991:06,213[A ]| Am I his keeper, said the paricide 991:06,214[A ]| I know not where he is. The Lord reply'd 991:06,215[A ]| What hast thou done? His blood spilt on the Ground 991:06,216[A ]| To Heaven Cryes, and there hath audience found 991:06,217[A ]| The Earth your Common parent shall no more 991:06,218[A ]| Indulge thee nor her Rich blessings as before 991:06,219[A ]| No more her fertile strength impart; when thou 991:06,220[A ]| Opnest her rich wombe by thy labouting plow 991:06,221[A ]| Thou with thy Brothers blood, her mouth hath fill'd 991:06,222[A ]| And that food shall no Crop but Curses yeild 991:06,223[A ]| No portion shalt thou hensforth have in her 991:06,224[A ]| But be a fugitive and Wanderer 991:06,225[A ]| Sad Cain thus sentenc'd for his Cruell fact 991:06,226[A ]| Cry'd out to God: O Lord thou dost Exact 991:06,227[A ]| My punishment greater than I can beare 991:06,228[A ]| Behold I am an Exile every*where 991:06,229[A ]| This day I have in all the Earth no place 991:06,230[A ]| And am for*Ever Banisht from thy face 991:06,231[A ]| Thou dost me from all habetation drive 991:06,232[A ]| And whosoe're shall meet this ffugitive 991:06,233[A ]| This bloody vagabond with Justice will 991:06,234[A ]| So vile A wretch as the first Murtherer kill 991:06,235[A ]| Thus was vile Caine Convicted with deepe sence 991:06,236[A ]| Not of Its Sinne but of Its Consequence 991:06,237[A ]| When God assur'd him, sevenfold vengance should 991:06,238[A ]| Seize on what ever man should shed his blood 991:06,239[A ]| And to Confirme it set a Marke on Cain 991:06,240[A ]| To shew it was not God's will he should be slaine, 991:06,241[A ]| Was it Gods will then that parracide should be 991:06,242[A ]| At first Encorag'd by Impunitie 991:06,243[A ]| Not so but the first Execution 991:06,244[A ]| Was more severely by the Lords hand done 991:06,245[A ]| Than Could by any Minister have been 991:06,246[A ]| And Magestrates did not their power begin 991:06,247[A ]| Till Mankind grew into Societies 991:06,248[A ]| On whom that power hath its Exercise 991:06,249[A ]| Before the Lord his substitutes ordein'd 991:06,250[A ]| Himselfe Imediately In Judgment reign'd 991:06,251[A ]| His Rebells by his own mouth did Condemn 991:06,252[A ]| And by his own hand Executed them 991:06,253[A ]| The Sword is Gods and who without his Leave 991:06,254[A ]| Vsurps it, shall a double Stroake receive 991:06,255[A ]| Yet did not this first Impious Criminell 991:06,256[A ]| Scape punishment, nor was it light and small 991:06,257[A ]| No more allow'd unto the Lord to bring 991:06,258[A ]| With bloody hands, his Loathed offering 991:06,259[A ]| No more with pur Saints to associate 991:06,260[A ]| Their sacred Misteries to Communicate 991:06,261[A ]| No more to Come before the Almighty's face 991:06,262[A ]| (That is) into his favour and his Grace 991:06,263[A ]| Though he can no*where from his Justice Run 991:06,264[A ]| Nor no*where can his dreadfull Terror shun 991:06,265[A ]| By which he up and down the world was throwne 991:06,266[A ]| As a Light Barke by Rageing Tempest blowne 991:06,267[A ]| Horror like Thunder on his bare sides knockes 991:06,268[A ]| Remorse, Rage, Spite, split him like poynted Rocks 991:06,269[A ]| Affrights like whirlwinds heave him in the Ayre 991:06,270[A ]| Swallow'd at Last in Quicksands of despaire 991:06,271[A ]| When he Lookd down upon the blood stain'd ground 991:06,272[A ]| His Trembling Leggs, unfirme their station found 991:06,273[A ]| Dreading that under him the Earth should Rive 991:06,274[A ]| And in their dire Jawes swallow him allive 991:06,275[A ]| He shiver'd when he felt the sportfull Ayre 991:06,276[A ]| ffancying his Brothers pale Ghost hover'd there 991:06,277[A ]| And while he drunke the Coole refreshing flood 991:06,278[A ]| Thinking it poyson'd with his Brothers blood 991:06,279[A ]| He starts and flyes from the scarce tasted Streams 991:06,280[A ]| Nor is lesse persecuted in his Dreams 991:06,281[A ]| When Greefe Conducts him to the house of sleepe 991:06,282[A ]| Where dullnesse doth on the tyr'd members Creepe 991:06,283[A ]| Then they a Thousand Terrors Represent 991:06,284[A ]| And Torture him in Every Element 991:06,285[A ]| Lightning from Heaven round about him flyes 991:06,286[A ]| And sulphurous flames from the Cleft Mountaines rise 991:06,287[A ]| About his Eares The furious Tempest Raves 991:06,288[A ]| The sea devoures him in its Angry waves 991:06,289[A ]| Earths savage brood teare him with Torturing smart 991:06,290[A ]| Which makes him from his frightfull slumber start 991:06,291[A ]| Whose ffeares being in the wakeing sence renew'd 991:06,292[A ]| He flyes; but each where by him*selfe persu'd 991:06,293[A ]| In vaine he Reaves about the world for Rest 991:06,294[A ]| Carrying his Torturer in his guilty Crest. 991:06,295[A ]| Thus from God's presence driv'n all that do so 991:06,296[A ]| From Light, from Life, from Rest and pleasur, go 991:06,297[A ]| And all the space they afterward survive 991:06,298[A ]| keepes but their woe and Misery allive 991:06,299[A ]| While they are dead, from God cast off; and this 991:06,300[A ]| Sad seperation only true Death is 991:07,001[A ]| Although Seths ofspring did God's wayes decline 991:07,002[A ]| Mixt with Caine's Impious brood, yet of that Line 991:07,003[A ]| In Every Age, some few with pure hearts sought 991:07,004[A ]| The Lord of Life and to their Children taught. 991:07,005[A ]| Seth was the founder of the holy State 991:07,006[A ]| Enos his Son And Kinam he begate 991:07,007[A ]| Whose True, but Melencholly names Imply 991:07,008[A ]| ffraile Man's Lamenting Imbecillity 991:07,009[A ]| The Sence of Which produceth God's just praise 991:07,010[A ]| Who by the Infirme can his firme structure raise 991:07,011[A ]| This Intimated in Mahaleells name 991:07,012[A ]| The Monument of Kenam's faith became 991:07,013[A ]| Mahaleel Jared gott; He Henochs Sire 991:07,014[A ]| Whose holy Life not suffered to Expire 991:07,015[A ]| Is yet Continued in High Heaven above 991:07,016[A ]| He left Methuselah at his remove 991:07,017[A ]| Whose stay was longer than all others here 991:07,018[A ]| strectht to his six hundreth, ninty and ninth yeare 991:07,019[A ]| From his son Lamech pious Noah came 991:07,020[A ]| Carrying his ffathers glad hope in his name 991:07,021[A ]| In ten successions thus the first world past 991:07,022[A ]| But all we know is that their Lives did Last 991:07,023[A ]| Longer than ours; no memory remain'd 991:07,024[A ]| By what such great experience they had gain'd 991:07,025[A ]| Their deathes, their warrs and all the Arts they found 991:07,026[A ]| Were in the deluge and oblivion drown'd 991:07,027[A ]| We think the Worlds young vigor made them strong 991:07,028[A ]| And that plaine food preserv'd their Lives so Long 991:07,029[A ]| For they on fruites, Herbs, milke and hony fed 991:07,030[A ]| No Beasts to satiate their Hunger bled 991:07,031[A ]| No fowle were into hidden netts betrai'd 991:07,032[A ]| No snares for the vnwary Creatures laid 991:07,033[A ]| No fishes Caught in Rivers or in Brooks 991:07,034[A ]| With Trecherous baites upon their vnseen hooks 991:07,035[A ]| No seas, no shores were sercht for new delights 991:07,036[A ]| To Recreate their wanton appetites 991:07,037[A ]| Yet Though Luxurious Sins were then vnknowne 991:07,038[A ]| That World did under other vices groane 991:07,039[A ]| Rapine, Lust, Murther Cruelty and Rage 991:07,040[A ]| With Impious Blasphemies defil'd that Age 991:07,041[A ]| For when the sons of God his sweet Curb broake 991:07,042[A ]| polluted by the Worlds vnequall yoake 991:07,043[A ]| They Cast off all pure Reverentiall Awe 991:07,044[A ]| And broake the fence of Matrimoniall Law 991:07,045[A ]| His neighbours Wife Each potent Letcher tooke 991:07,046[A ]| Each wild Adulterer his own forsooke 991:07,047[A ]| No more Could modest flight secure from Rape 991:07,048[A ]| Chast virgins could not Ravishers Escape 991:07,049[A ]| promiscuous Lust polluted Every Bed 991:07,050[A ]| Children were to vncertaine fathers bred 991:07,051[A ]| whose vices as their Bodyes vastly grew 991:07,052[A ]| Each Gyants strength the only bound he knew 991:07,053[A ]| Whereby he kept the Weaker vulgar down 991:07,054[A ]| And got his wicked greatnesse a Renowne 991:07,055[A ]| As by Impunity these hardned were 991:07,056[A ]| At last they God no more than Man did feare 991:07,057[A ]| Scoffe at his Worshipers, his Threats disdain'd 991:07,058[A ]| And in Contempt of him their Crimes maintained 991:07,059[A ]| Who yet his prophetts to those lew'd men sent 991:07,060[A ]| And gave them Gracious Warnings to repent 991:07,061[A ]| By me said He men live and move; When I 991:07,062[A ]| Call back the Inspired soules the Bodyes Dye 991:07,063[A ]| Their sins are growne up to that full height now 991:07,064[A ]| That I no longer will their Lives allow 991:07,065[A ]| But will Comand away their quickning breath 991:07,066[A ]| Leave them like Empty scabbards at their Death 991:07,067[A ]| They shall not ever*more stand in my sight 991:07,068[A ]| Which cannot in their Impure flesh delight 991:07,069[A ]| <2>No longer shall my wakeing provedence 991:07,070[A ]| Act for their sustenance or their defence 991:07,071[A ]| Whose mighty opperation Ceaseing All 991:07,072[A ]| Confounded natures will to Ruine fall 991:07,073[A ]| <3>My spirit sent to inhabit Humane kind 991:07,074[A ]| Whom for My*selfe a Temple design'd 991:07,075[A ]| I will retract, nor shall it still remaine 991:07,076[A ]| With Those who do my holy seate prophane 991:07,077[A ]| I will dessert their vile polluted Race 991:07,078[A ]| No longer will I offer them my Grace 991:07,079[A ]| <4>I will at last draw forth my glittering sword 991:07,080[A ]| My stroakes shall follow my despised word 991:07,081[A ]| Nor shall the quiver still my arrowes keepe 991:07,082[A ]| My sure Revenge shall not for*ever sleepe 991:07,083[A ]| <5>No longer shall my Ingur'd spirit plead 991:07,084[A ]| No more shall it this stubborne Race perswade 991:07,085[A ]| <1>For they are flesh exalting fleshly will 991:07,086[A ]| Which sets it*selfe against my spirit still 991:07,087[A ]| <2>For they are flesh not Caines lewd sons alone 991:07,088[A ]| But My sons too; They all are fleshly growne 991:07,089[A ]| And all flesh now shall in destruction End 991:07,090[A ]| My spirit shall now more with flesh Contend 991:07,091[A ]| Yet the Condemn'd have six score yeeres repreeve 991:07,092[A ]| So long will I permitt them yet to Live 991:07,093[A ]| No sadder worse presageing Judgment Can 991:07,094[A ]| ffall on the vnhappy Race of sinfull Man 991:07,095[A ]| Than when Gods holy spirit in Iust Ire 991:07,096[A ]| From the polluted Temple doth retire 991:07,097[A ]| When God forsakes the House defil'd by sin 991:07,098[A ]| All the whole Crew of vgly fiends throng in 991:07,099[A ]| Rendring that soule which drunke in sins first staine 991:07,100[A ]| Vncapable of being Cleans'd again 991:07,101[A ]| As when the spiritt Heaven did Inspire 991:07,102[A ]| Retracts from the Cold members quickning fire 991:07,103[A ]| Corruption soon disolves the rotten frame 991:07,104[A ]| Which at the first out of Corruption came 991:07,105[A ]| As when the sun is set, night Creepes on fast 991:07,106[A ]| Till blacknesse have Invouled all at Last 991:07,107[A ]| Such darke quick dissolution followes when 991:07,108[A ]| The long griev'd spiritt leaves rebellious Men 991:07,109[A ]| Who in that dead state loose all sight and sence 991:07,110[A ]| And motion stiffned by Impenitence 991:07,111[A ]| Their purenesse Chang'd into an ugly hiew 991:07,112[A ]| And Carrion stinking where sweet Roses grew 991:07,113[A ]| Such were the old World when God would strive no more 991:07,114[A ]| By those kind Checks he Excercis'd before 991:07,115[A ]| Angry Indulgence rendred them secure 991:07,116[A ]| The seared Conscience Could all threats Endure 991:07,117[A ]| They thought themselves from pupilage now free 991:07,118[A ]| Their Guardian gone Ioy'd in their Liberty 991:07,119[A ]| Through which their sure and swift destruction Came 991:07,120[A ]| Yet Triumph they in their obdurate frame 991:07,121[A ]| As if their stout sins had Caused God to yeild 991:07,122[A ]| And leave them Masters of the quitted field 991:07,123[A ]| As Mad men, who their friendly Chaines had broake 991:07,124[A ]| So Rag'd they, gotten out of that safe yoake 991:07,125[A ]| Which was A Curb to their Licentious Will 991:07,126[A ]| While wakeing Conscience checkt them in their Ill 991:07,127[A ]| While Heaven shind and Rich fruits Crownd the Earth 991:07,128[A ]| They wholly gave themselves to feasts and mirth 991:07,129[A ]| Eat, drunke, built piles, gott Children and new wives 991:07,130[A ]| As if not danger threatned their Lewd Lives 991:07,131[A ]| And their first naturall Impressions were 991:07,132[A ]| Vaine Superstitions and a childish feare 991:07,133[A ]| Boasting they had attained to be Wise 991:07,134[A ]| When they with Manly Courage could despise 991:07,135[A ]| ffictions of God and Hell that did Controle 991:07,136[A ]| A vulgar, weake, deluded pious Soule 991:07,137[A ]| So Runne the old world then, so do they now 991:07,138[A ]| who none but Atheists for wise men allow 991:07,139[A ]| Such as no Awe of the vnseene God doth Curb 991:07,140[A ]| No thoughts of any future state disturb 991:07,141[A ]| Who valliantly have Conscience overcome 991:07,142[A ]| And feele no paine when that is once made numbe 991:07,143[A ]| Meanewhile the Lord his goodnesse did persue 991:07,144[A ]| To These Ill men their Seasons did renew 991:07,145[A ]| Allow'd them common Blessings Ayre and Light 991:07,146[A ]| Restor'd Calme dayes, Expell'd the stormy night 991:07,147[A ]| A Table for his Rebells dayly spread 991:07,148[A ]| Whereat themselves they fatt for slaughter fed 991:07,149[A ]| His watchfull provedence for them employd 991:07,150[A ]| Nor left the wretched world without a Guide 991:07,151[A ]| But Wisely led and turn'd their violent streames 991:07,152[A ]| To Ends that were not in their Thoughts nor Aymes 991:07,153[A ]| Wrought their deliverance, danger did prevent 991:07,154[A ]| When they miscall'd his high help accident 991:07,155[A ]| Nor own'd nor blest that vnseene powerfull hand 991:07,156[A ]| By whose support natures loose frame did stand, 991:07,157[A ]| <">Happy when Mercies Lye in Judgments Wombe 991:07,158[A ]| <">But sad when all Mercyes in a Judgment Come 991:07,159[A ]| For by Indulgences that store growes vast 991:07,160[A ]| Which will be all Exacted at the Last ~~ 991:07,161[A ]| Though God had long foreseene the Curs'd abuse 991:07,162[A ]| of his abounding Grace, that no Excuse 991:07,163[A ]| To the Impenitent Sinners might remaine 991:07,164[A ]| Before he strooke he sercht the World again 991:07,165[A ]| And did a Total depravation find 991:07,166[A ]| In all the Thoughts and Actions of Mankind 991:07,167[A ]| Corrupted in the Whole and every part 991:07,168[A ]| All the Imaginations of the Heart 991:07,169[A ]| Not only Evill were but only Ill 991:07,170[A ]| Not mixt nor Intermitted Evill still 991:07,171[A ]| No signes, no admonitions, no wise feare 991:07,172[A ]| Had stopt the violence of their Carreire 991:07,173[A ]| Nor Gods approach: Before his face they yet 991:07,174[A ]| Held on, And him in high Rebellion mett 991:07,175[A ]| Thus Sin not only sinfull seemes, but mad 991:07,176[A ]| No other power desserted nature had 991:07,177[A ]| Mans vniversall fall left nothing good 991:07,178[A ]| Nothing is pure that Springs from flesh and blood 991:07,179[A ]| In naturall and Morrall Actions then 991:07,180[A ]| Is there no goodnesse left to fallen Men? 991:07,181[A ]| Nor nothing is good, all Ill by Ill men done 991:07,182[A ]| pure Water which Through stinking Channells Run 991:07,183[A ]| Become Corrupt in their declineing streame 991:07,184[A ]| Such all good Actions are, perform'd by them 991:07,185[A ]| If Acts derive their goodnesse from their End 991:07,186[A ]| Whate're they do they sinfully Intend 991:07,187[A ]| If we would seeke their goodnesse in the Spring 991:07,188[A ]| Who from Impurity can purenesse bring 991:07,189[A ]| Though we are Cheated with fair lookeing fruite 991:07,190[A ]| All banefull are upon a poyson'd Root 991:07,191[A ]| Such are the virtues of all Humane Race 991:07,192[A ]| Till fallen nature be renew'd by Grace 991:07,193[A ]| The holy Spiritt drew the old World thus 991:07,194[A ]| To be our Emblem that ourselves to us 991:07,195[A ]| In our polluted Birthes most truly showne 991:07,196[A ]| Might in our*selves no goodnesse seeke nor own 991:07,197[A ]| But to the first eternall Spring repaire 991:07,198[A ]| Carrying and seekeing all our goodnesse there 991:07,199[A ]| Dreading to drive away that Spirit whence 991:07,200[A ]| All that is virtuous hath its Influence 991:07,201[A ]| But if that too vnhappily retire 991:07,202[A ]| As when the salt floods quench dayes radiant fire 991:07,203[A ]| Wild Beasts breake from their dens and Range about 991:07,204[A ]| So Savage Crimes comes in where God goes out 991:07,205[A ]| The long space given the old World to repent 991:07,206[A ]| Did but their provocations more augment 991:07,207[A ]| Impiety at Monstrous height was found 991:07,208[A ]| And violence did throughout the Earth abound 991:07,209[A ]| No dread no soft remorse did Sin abate 991:07,210[A ]| Even when vengance knockt at every gate 991:07,211[A ]| Love seeing this did into pitty melt 991:07,212[A ]| And deepely griev'd for those who no griefe felt 991:07,213[A ]| Repenting It had mankind made to be 991:07,214[A ]| Subjects of such Eternall Miserie 991:07,215[A ]| Yet did not Mercy all to Judgement yeild 991:07,216[A ]| But kept one quarter of the bloody field 991:07,217[A ]| Sweetly it*selfe with severe Justice Mixt 991:07,218[A ]| Its Gracious view on pious Noah fixt 991:07,219[A ]| Whom when All others did degenerate 991:07,220[A ]| Is yet preserv'd in an vnblemisht State 991:07,221[A ]| And in his vpright soule its own worke Crown'd 991:07,222[A ]| For which he Grace before the Almighty found 991:07,223[A ]| Then said the Lord I will all Men destroy 991:07,224[A ]| With All the abused Creatures they enjoy 991:07,225[A ]| Whatever walks on Earth, all Creeping things 991:07,226[A ]| All that divide the Ayre with outstretcht Wings 991:07,227[A ]| Shall in that generall deluge be Involv'd 991:07,228[A ]| Which I to punish Sinners have resolv'd 991:07,229[A ]| For I Repent that I for Mankinds sake 991:07,230[A ]| Did the fair World and all its Dwellers make 991:07,231[A ]| To be by Man's polluting vse defil'd 991:07,232[A ]| And by my*selfe destroy'd when by them spoyld 991:07,233[A ]| After those Threats lookeing again the Lord 991:07,234[A ]| Saw the Earth still fowle And more to be abhor'd 991:07,235[A ]| No longer now to them his summons sends 991:07,236[A ]| Sad signe that he no more his Care Intends 991:07,237[A ]| His holy prophetts who the warnings gave 991:07,238[A ]| Calls home into the quiet of the Grave 991:07,239[A ]| That Deathe's Insensible and misty night 991:07,240[A ]| Might hide the Approaching horrors from their sight 991:07,241[A ]| The Church alone in Noahs house remaind 991:07,242[A ]| Who to the last his vprightnesse retaind 991:07,243[A ]| To him the Lord his latest speech adrest 991:07,244[A ]| Disdaineing to take notice of the rest 991:07,245[A ]| The fatall period of all Humane seede 991:07,246[A ]| Said God Aproaches now; It is decree'd 991:07,247[A ]| Never to be recall'd since all my Grace 991:07,248[A ]| Is but Contemned even before my face 991:07,249[A ]| And violence doth in the Earth abound 991:07,250[A ]| Which I will with Its wicked dwellers drownd 991:07,251[A ]| But thou shalt for thy*selfe an Arke provide 991:07,252[A ]| Of Gopher wood and pitch it on each Side 991:07,253[A ]| The Length shall to threehundreth Cubits stretch; 991:07,254[A ]| ffifty the Height; thirty the breadth shall reach 991:07,255[A ]| Above, A Window of A Cubitt Square 991:07,256[A ]| And in the side thou shalt A dore prepare 991:07,257[A ]| Into three storyes shalt the roome divide 991:07,258[A ]| That Creatures there Distinctly may reside 991:07,259[A ]| And now behold I that have long Endured 991:07,260[A ]| Mens horrid Crimes, whose patience scoffs procur'd 991:07,261[A ]| I that by Threats endeavor'd to prevent 991:07,262[A ]| The fatall stroake; allow'd time to repent 991:07,263[A ]| That sent so many Messengers in vaine 991:07,264[A ]| That long Contest with sinners did maintaine 991:07,265[A ]| At last In my just Judgment gave them o're 991:07,266[A ]| When my abused Grace enflamed their store 991:07,267[A ]| I that Long suffering was, to vengeance slow 991:07,268[A ]| I that so oft bewaild their overthrow 991:07,269[A ]| I even I a flood of Waters bring 991:07,270[A ]| Whose greedy Waves shall swallow everything 991:07,271[A ]| That doth in Living breath respire the Ayre 991:07,272[A ]| Nor shall it any of the Creatures spare 991:07,273[A ]| That move beneath the bright all Covering Sky 991:07,274[A ]| What ever Earth Containes at once shall dye 991:07,275[A ]| Only to thee I will Indulgence grant 991:07,276[A ]| With thee Confirme the gracing Covenant 991:07,277[A ]| Renew'd to Man when I of Humane seed 991:07,278[A ]| A Conqueror over Hell and Death decreed 991:07,279[A ]| In the prepared Arke thou shalt survive 991:07,280[A ]| Thy wife and Children kept with thee allive 991:07,281[A ]| Of all the Creatures thou shalt bring in too 991:07,282[A ]| Of every kind That species to renew 991:07,283[A ]| Thou also shalt all sorts of food provide 991:07,284[A ]| Whereby thy*selfe and they may be supplyd 991:07,285[A ]| Noah without dispute the Lord obay'd 991:07,286[A ]| No faithlesse staggering objections made 991:07,287[A ]| Which in a scrupelous Carnall soule might rise 991:07,288[A ]| But with full Confidence on God relyes 991:07,289[A ]| fflesh might have said what will this Arke availe 991:07,290[A ]| When there is no shore to which the boate can sayle 991:07,291[A ]| Why should we Chuse this nasty sepulcher 991:07,292[A ]| And lingering Death before quick ease preferre 991:07,293[A ]| What Matters it Whether Choak's in the flood 991:07,294[A ]| We soon expire, or when the exhausted food 991:07,295[A ]| Is spent; In hungers dry jawes slowly wast 991:07,296[A ]| In vaine preserv'd for A worse death at Last 991:07,297[A ]| Is life desirable drawne out in Woe 991:07,298[A ]| When horrid Threatning stormes on all hands blow 991:07,299[A ]| When panthers, Tigres, Beares, still in our sight 991:07,300[A ]| present us dread, outliving all delight 991:08,001[A ]| Next day after the Lord reveald his Grace 991:08,002[A ]| All things appeard with A new Chearfull face 991:08,003[A ]| The sun no more its Radiant Lusture shrouds 991:08,004[A ]| Muffled in dismall black and weeping Clowds 991:08,005[A ]| Which seem'd to have extinguisht his bright fire 991:08,006[A ]| While Heaven Mourn'd under its Makers Ire 991:08,007[A ]| No more did Watery fogge the Ayre Condense 991:08,008[A ]| Shutting out all Superior brightnesse thence 991:08,009[A ]| While thick blacke did the dying world Enfold 991:08,010[A ]| Now the vaile thinner drawne Azure and Gold 991:08,011[A ]| With paler flames, Carnation Sky and white 991:08,012[A ]| vary the sweet Reflections of the Light 991:08,013[A ]| No more did seas dissorder'd as before 991:08,014[A ]| Swell up like Mountaines and with fury Roare 991:08,015[A ]| But calme as peace in a Broad Levell Lay 991:08,016[A ]| Where the winds Rage turn'd all to sportive play 991:08,017[A ]| One while in Rings the fluid Waters twirls 991:08,018[A ]| With the next breath varies the latest Curles 991:08,019[A ]| As Women with their proud phantastike Care 991:08,020[A ]| Nere satisfied, sett and unsett their haire 991:08,021[A ]| A Thousand Times e're they themselves can please 991:08,022[A ]| So plaid the soft Gales on the varied seas 991:08,023[A ]| Now Crisp'd, now marbled the successive streames 991:08,024[A ]| Now weav'd them into breeds with glittering beames 991:08,025[A ]| Whose penetrations Chang'd their sullen Heiw 991:08,026[A ]| While Gold appear'd through the transparent blew 991:08,027[A ]| What will full Restoration be if this 991:08,028[A ]| But the first day breake of Gods favor is 991:08,029[A ]| Through which as Heaven still benignly shines 991:08,030[A ]| So still the late Insulting flood declines. 991:08,031[A ]| Till after forty dayes Continued Wast 991:08,032[A ]| The Mountaines long hid Heads emerg'd at Last 991:08,033[A ]| And now A plesant difference was seene 991:08,034[A ]| Betwixt the sea and Earths more perfect greene 991:08,035[A ]| Yet As A prince who long in prison bound 991:08,036[A ]| Comes squallid forth at first, vntrim'd vncrown'd 991:08,037[A ]| So Rose the Mountaines from the Imprisning flood 991:08,038[A ]| Their faces slim'd their standards dropping mud 991:08,039[A ]| When Heavens Compassionate kind refreshing Eye 991:08,040[A ]| With its all Cleareing Glances lookt them dry 991:08,041[A ]| More gently washt with Nights descending dew 991:08,042[A ]| Againe they fair, again they stately grew 991:08,043[A ]| Againe lookt down on the sunk Realme where they 991:08,044[A ]| So long space late Captiv'd and vanquisht Lay. 991:08,045[A ]| But Curb fair hills, O Curb your growing pride 991:08,046[A ]| He who above your Covering Clouds doth Ride 991:08,047[A ]| Whose pitty drew you from your low Estate 991:08,048[A ]| When you Insult will Cast down your proud height 991:08,049[A ]| If humbled waters must no more asscend 991:08,050[A ]| Thunders will fall which shall your bosomes Rend 991:08,051[A ]| Your now restored Glory shall Expire 991:08,052[A ]| To Ashes Turnd in the Worlds funerall fire 991:08,053[A ]| And you Great Lords who on the Mountaines Reigne 991:08,054[A ]| With them shall once more be destroyed again 991:08,055[A ]| When you throug Horror run into the Caves 991:08,056[A ]| The Almightyes voyce shall open all your Graves 991:08,057[A ]| And draw you trembling out to see them high 991:08,058[A ]| To whom your pride did sepulture deny 991:08,059[A ]| But while you think his thretned day far off 991:08,060[A ]| Like the old world you these predictions scoffe 991:08,061[A ]| With Blindnesse Curst; not to recover sight 991:08,062[A ]| Till your own dreadfull flames be your first Light 991:08,063[A ]| But let us not glance at Judgments due to you 991:08,064[A ]| While we old Miracles of Grace review 991:08,065[A ]| Grace which did not Confound with violence 991:08,066[A ]| But gently Issueing, feasted Human sence 991:08,067[A ]| With such variety of sweet delight 991:08,068[A ]| As fed at once and bred new appetite 991:08,069[A ]| Safe are those pretious Joyes which so distill 991:08,070[A ]| Endangering not the vessells they would fill 991:08,071[A ]| The Arke which Noah through the wild waves bore 991:08,072[A ]| Left on firme ground where seas could come no more 991:08,073[A ]| Did Like a fortresse on the Mountaines stand 991:08,074[A ]| The only Habetation in the Land 991:08,075[A ]| Which haveing brought him thether Noah yet 991:08,076[A ]| Did not with rash precipitation quitt 991:08,077[A ]| But from the Mountaines first appeareance stayes 991:08,078[A ]| In quiett Expectation forty dayes 991:08,079[A ]| Then did the Windowes of the Arke unclose 991:08,080[A ]| And for his messenger A Raven Chose 991:08,081[A ]| Whom he into the new World sends to see 991:08,082[A ]| If yet there any food or firme Rest be 991:08,083[A ]| The Mellencholly Bird no Towrings made 991:08,084[A ]| But Hovering all about the Arke there staid 991:08,085[A ]| vntill the sun had dry'd the Earthes wet face 991:08,086[A ]| Then for her*selfe sought out her naturall place 991:08,087[A ]| So in the Churche that is figur'd by this Arke 991:08,088[A ]| Impure and pure together may Imbarke 991:08,089[A ]| While showers of vengance blacken in the Skyes 991:08,090[A ]| Threatning A Deluge of Calamityes 991:08,091[A ]| To the polluted World; which if they flie 991:08,092[A ]| A while Conceal'd they in its bosome Lie 991:08,093[A ]| But Issuing thence, though for a little space 991:08,094[A ]| Not quitt of dread, they hang about the place 991:08,095[A ]| vntill they find their Earthly Joyes renew'd 991:08,096[A ]| yet then they seeke again their Carrion food 991:08,097[A ]| And fowle delights and utterly forsake 991:08,098[A ]| What in distresse they did their shelter make 991:08,099[A ]| Nor that alone but turne to open hate 991:08,100[A ]| Of those with whom they did associate 991:08,101[A ]| And As when A weake sheepe expiring Lyes 991:08,102[A ]| These Ravenous birds allive pick out her Eyes 991:08,103[A ]| So doth A late Church fostred Hippocrite 991:08,104[A ]| Watch to put out A sick saints dying Light 991:08,105[A ]| We from this ill presaging bird may draw 991:08,106[A ]| A parrallell of the Death denouncing Case 991:08,107[A ]| Who sent forth, the soules Comfort to Explore 991:08,108[A ]| No restoration finds but ever more 991:08,109[A ]| Ingemminating Curses with hoarse Cryes 991:08,110[A ]| About the secure Roofes and windowes flies 991:08,111[A ]| After he sent the Raven forth seaven dayes 991:08,112[A ]| Hopeing the sun had with his drying Rayes 991:08,113[A ]| Exhall'd the Wett; Noah ill satisfied 991:08,114[A ]| With that first messenger; A dove Imply'd 991:08,115[A ]| Who with high mounting wings the soft Ayre Cleaves 991:08,116[A ]| And A long tract of Skyes behind her leaves 991:08,117[A ]| But when her Curious serch, because the ground 991:08,118[A ]| was yet vndry'd, not firme Cleane footing found 991:08,119[A ]| With tired pinnions to the Arke again 991:08,120[A ]| She came for succour and was taken in 991:08,121[A ]| Endeavours though they want successe and still 991:08,122[A ]| Acceptable, with the same Chearfull will 991:08,123[A ]| perform'd, as those which happyer Issues gaine 991:08,124[A ]| Nor do Just Lords such services disdaine 991:08,125[A ]| When seaven dayes more had with Times Current Run 991:08,126[A ]| The Dove sent forth again her flight begun 991:08,127[A ]| Cutting her passage through the spatious skyes 991:08,128[A ]| Where keeping on her wing she bent her eyes 991:08,129[A ]| On the vnderlying world discovers there 991:08,130[A ]| An Olive, whose fresh bowes new flourisht were 991:08,131[A ]| Here she descends, a while her journey stops 991:08,132[A ]| And one of the fair sprouting branches Crops 991:08,133[A ]| Wherewith again she mounts her outstretcht wings 991:08,134[A ]| And in her Mouth the happy Ensigne brings 991:08,135[A ]| A pledge of peace; Implying that Love once more 991:08,136[A ]| Renew'd the world which it produc'd before 991:08,137[A ]| In memory of this, The ollive Tree 991:08,138[A ]| Was after Sacred to posteritie 991:08,139[A ]| So that in Embassies where peace was sought 991:08,140[A ]| The humble suppliants still those branches brought 991:08,141[A ]| But this Doves ollive was the effect and signe 991:08,142[A ]| Of A pacification more Divine 991:08,143[A ]| peace which all other blessings Comprehends 991:08,144[A ]| springs not from the earth, though it to Earth descends 991:08,145[A ]| Its pure vntroubled fountaine is above 991:08,146[A ]| In the fair bosome of Eternall Love 991:08,147[A ]| The pledges here, Tipes, hopes, Effects, are All 991:08,148[A ]| Bur various streames from that originall 991:08,149[A ]| Earths Restoration did from thence proceed 991:08,150[A ]| When peace in Heaven was for men agree'd 991:08,151[A ]| After sin had averted Gods first Grace 991:08,152[A ]| And brought A flood of wrath on Humane Race 991:08,153[A ]| That Gracious providence might so prepare 991:08,154[A ]| The prince of peace A propper Theatre 991:08,155[A ]| Where to Confirme the Heavenly Sanction He 991:08,156[A ]| A while might Conversant with Mortalls be 991:08,157[A ]| This done, Emblems the spirit which in prayer 991:08,158[A ]| Asscending Heaven is directed there 991:08,159[A ]| To make a stoope on that late leafelesse Tree 991:08,160[A ]| Where dying Love destroyed the Enmitie 991:08,161[A ]| And Caus'd new peace, life, pleasure health to sprout 991:08,162[A ]| Sending the Everlasting Gospell out 991:08,163[A ]| Which in its Mouth the Active spirit brings 991:08,164[A ]| The sight of whose returning radiant Wings 991:08,165[A ]| With the glad pledge A firme hope reassures 991:08,166[A ]| To those whom mercyes darke wombe yet obscures. 991:08,167[A ]| Of All the plants that spring up from the ground 991:08,168[A ]| With more or Richer blessings none are Crownd 991:08,169[A ]| Than are the ollive, which still feeds that Light 991:08,170[A ]| That makes the Alter and the Temple bright 991:08,171[A ]| Gives lusture to the face poysons Expells 991:08,172[A ]| All Ranckling wounds, All venomous bitings heales 991:08,173[A ]| produceth softnesse smoothnesse supplies ease 991:08,174[A ]| ffattning all food allaying all disease 991:08,175[A ]| Such are the blest effects the Gospell hath 991:08,176[A ]| On sinners Wounded with the sence of wrath 991:08,177[A ]| By firey serpents stung, It cures their smart. 991:08,178[A ]| Rough Nature smoothes, softens the obdurate heart 991:08,179[A ]| ffeeds the Internall Temples Lamps of Grace 991:08,180[A ]| And setts sweet Lusture on the Exterior face 991:08,181[A ]| But where these glorious great effects are wrought 991:08,182[A ]| The Ollive must in the Doves mouth be brought 991:08,183[A ]| For ffruitlesse is the Gospell Remidie 991:08,184[A ]| Except the spirit do the Cure Applie 991:08,185[A ]| But to proceed: yet six dayes had the Light 991:08,186[A ]| To Shades resign'd A seaventh Chas'd the Night 991:08,187[A ]| When Noah sent his dove out as before 991:08,188[A ]| Who after that third flight return'd no More 991:08,189[A ]| Great Father, when my soule shall fly away 991:08,190[A ]| Out of this flesh, when thou this house of Clay 991:08,191[A ]| Shalt with thy breath dissolve, O let me then 991:08,192[A ]| The swift Wings of thy sacred Dove obtaine 991:08,193[A ]| Which may beare up my soule through Empty Ayre 991:08,194[A ]| To thy Celestiall Court and fix it there 991:08,195[A ]| Noah thus knowing that the World was drie 991:08,196[A ]| Laid his Ark open to the Chearfull Skye 991:08,197[A ]| And from the Decks his glad eyes recreates 991:08,198[A ]| While he the Almightyes farther order waites 991:08,199[A ]| Nor staid he long but Licens'd by Command 991:08,200[A ]| Opens the doore and getts the fraight on land 991:08,201[A ]| Gladly the Creatures their long prison leave 991:08,202[A ]| Their old minds with their libertyes receive 991:08,203[A ]| And now no more observ the loveing truce 991:08,204[A ]| Which their late Common danger did produce 991:08,205[A ]| All led by Natures secret Guide soon find 991:08,206[A ]| The habitations propper to each kind 991:08,207[A ]| Againe the gentle Amourous Turtle Doves 991:08,208[A ]| Single their Mates in solatary Groves 991:08,209[A ]| The greedy kites and murderous beasts of prey 991:08,210[A ]| Their Wings like Standards in the Skyes display 991:08,211[A ]| Threatning the weaker and the gentler brood 991:08,212[A ]| Who seeke again the shelter of the wood 991:08,213[A ]| The owle herselfe in hollow Trees Conceales 991:08,214[A ]| The light no more her vgly looks reveales 991:08,215[A ]| Geese poultry Ducks, all turne to their old haunts 991:08,216[A ]| Swans to the streames, to Rocks the Cormorants 991:08,217[A ]| In Clowd wrapt Trees, Eagles their Ayries build 991:08,218[A ]| Partridges make their beds in the greene fields 991:08,219[A ]| Sweet Nightingalls, and the small Sylvan quire 991:08,220[A ]| To Solatarie Thicketts all Retire 991:08,221[A ]| The Reptiles to their various dwellings Creepe 991:08,222[A ]| Vnlovely things themselves in darke holes keepe 991:08,223[A ]| Cruell wild Beasts seeke Coverts from the Light 991:08,224[A ]| Waiteing in Deserts for the Trecherous Night 991:08,225[A ]| Serpents Conceale themselves in Rushy fens 991:08,226[A ]| And other Monsters Lurke in Secrett Dens 991:08,227[A ]| ffoxes to their well guarded holes resort 991:08,228[A ]| Lyons make hallow Caves their Mountaine fort 991:08,229[A ]| Some Mellancholly Creatures vrg'd with dread 991:08,230[A ]| Into Concealing solatudes are led 991:08,231[A ]| And while they wast their Lives in Musings there 991:08,232[A ]| They allmost sterve themselves to feed their feare 991:08,233[A ]| Whose hearts plot mischiffs murthers, stealthes and fraud 991:08,234[A ]| Muffled in darknesse only walke abroad. 991:08,235[A ]| But all that is hurtlesse kind and Lovely play 991:08,236[A ]| In open fields, nor shun the Chearfull Day 991:08,237[A ]| So generous Horses in the Valleys feed 991:08,238[A ]| And Beautious kine in the green Meadowes breed 991:08,239[A ]| The gentle sheep in open pastures graze 991:08,240[A ]| And fly not from the suns discerning Rayes 991:08,241[A ]| All Creatures else thus to their places sent 991:08,242[A ]| Noah himselfe his wife and Children went 991:08,243[A ]| Last forth, with solemn pace and Reverent dread 991:08,244[A ]| Heaveing his Eyes and bowing down his Head 991:08,245[A ]| While he the Almighty God did there Adore 991:08,246[A ]| Who had conducted them to the dry Shore 991:08,247[A ]| Where he before he his own house projects 991:08,248[A ]| An Alter to the Lord of Life Erects 991:08,249[A ]| So Consecrating the restored ground 991:08,250[A ]| Which first he did for holy service wound 991:08,251[A ]| Then on it the long destin'd victims Slayes 991:08,252[A ]| And as they burnt, with fervent prayer and praise 991:08,253[A ]| His Heart he for a Liveing Sacrafice 991:08,254[A ]| presents vnto the Almightyes well pleased Eyes 991:08,255[A ]| Wherefore delighted in the perfumed smoake 991:08,256[A ]| Jehovah thus his gratious purpose Spoake 991:08,257[A ]| Although Man's Nature be Corrupted still 991:08,258[A ]| And all his thoughts Even from his Childhood still 991:08,259[A ]| I will not yet for his vnpurged staine 991:08,260[A ]| Inflict my Curse upon the Earth again 991:08,261[A ]| An vniversall Deluge shall no more 991:08,262[A ]| Destroy all Lives as it hath done before 991:08,263[A ]| While the World stands in its vicissitude 991:08,264[A ]| The various Seasons shall be still renew'd 991:08,265[A ]| Moyst springs when seed into the Earth is throwne 991:08,266[A ]| Fair weather when those seeds are Ripe fruits growne 991:08,267[A ]| Successive Cold shall temper the hot Ayre 991:08,268[A ]| And due Heat shall Expell the Cold frosts there 991:08,269[A ]| Rough Winters shall in their Just Course prevaile 991:08,270[A ]| And after plesant Summers shall not faile 991:08,271[A ]| Night shall succeed the Day and Day again 991:08,272[A ]| Shall never Cease to Imploy the Alternate Reigne 991:08,273[A ]| And that they might not be too much opprest 991:08,274[A ]| With sad discouragments the Almighty Blest 991:08,275[A ]| Noah and his sonns with the same Word of Grace 991:08,276[A ]| He us'd before to the first founder of Mans Race 991:08,277[A ]| Encrease said he and Multiply, vntill 991:08,278[A ]| Your numerous ofspring shall the whole Earth fill 991:08,279[A ]| My delegated power to you I give 991:08,280[A ]| Over the whole Creation, those that Live 991:08,281[A ]| In the Watery Element, In moyst Ayre flie 991:08,282[A ]| Walke on the Earth or in her Crannies lie 991:08,283[A ]| To your Dominion I Subject them All 991:08,284[A ]| Let them under your Awful Terror fall 991:08,285[A ]| Dispose them as you please their flesh is meat 991:08,286[A ]| As free as growing fruits for you to eat 991:08,287[A ]| But eating flesh you shall from blood abstaine 991:08,288[A ]| For blood the quickning Spiritts do Containe 991:08,289[A ]| Your Blood wherein your Humane lives reside 991:08,290[A ]| I will require of every homicide 991:08,291[A ]| No one vnpunisht shall comitt that fact 991:08,292[A ]| Even of Beasts I will your Blood Exact 991:08,293[A ]| Much more those men who Violators prove 991:08,294[A ]| Of Human Rites and of fraternall Love 991:08,295[A ]| No favour in their Bloody guilt shall find 991:08,296[A ]| But men shall slay the Murtherers of Mankind 991:08,297[A ]| Because they thereby God himselfe Contemne 991:08,298[A ]| For in his Immage he Created them 991:08,299[A ]| But be you frutefull Cherrish those you breed 991:08,300[A ]| And Multiply A numerous spreding seed 991:09,001[A ]| Noah and his sons gladly Gods promise heard 991:09,002[A ]| And in the hopes of their Successors cheard 991:09,003[A ]| Those dreadfull horrours from their thoughts expelld 991:09,004[A ]| Which seizd their frighted Souls when they beheld 991:09,005[A ]| The Old worlds ruine that sad sight forgott 991:09,006[A ]| The dead they now vainly lamented nott 991:09,007[A ]| Applying all their thoughts and busie cares 991:09,008[A ]| To plant and build for their succeeding heires 991:09,009[A ]| Now were the sunnie hills cover'd with Vines 991:09,010[A ]| And from the swelling grapes they press forth wines 991:09,011[A ]| Then Noah of the sparkling juice drunk deepe 991:09,012[A ]| And stupified with liquor fell asleepe 991:09,013[A ]| Whom Ham his scoffing Son in lewd plight found 991:09,014[A ]| Immodestly incover'd on the ground 991:09,015[A ]| Of all the generous and usefull plants 991:09,016[A ]| Earth nourisheth for her inhabitants 991:09,017[A ]| None more abounds with blessings than the Vine 991:09,018[A ]| In whose fair arms numberless bottles shine 991:09,019[A ]| All filld with precious noble powerfull juice 991:09,020[A ]| Which doth a thousand miracles produce 991:09,021[A ]| It reinflames sick natures dying fires 991:09,022[A ]| New vigour adds to those whom Labour tires 991:09,023[A ]| Revives Sad hearts opprest with loads of griefe 991:09,024[A ]| To low dejected spirits gives reliefe 991:09,025[A ]| It vallour animates dispells cold feares 991:09,026[A ]| Vigour of youth recalls to wasted yeares 991:09,027[A ]| Conquers that dull that poore unmanly shame 991:09,028[A ]| That in faint Breasts smothers a glorious flame 991:09,029[A ]| Rayses dull fancy to its noblest flights 991:09,030[A ]| Quickens the dead and languid appetites 991:09,031[A ]| The baths of it cold palsied limbs restore 991:09,032[A ]| For these and many Soveraigne vertues more 991:09,033[A ]| The after ages held those men divine 991:09,034[A ]| Who taught the nations the first vse of wine 991:09,035[A ]| Wine which they did to sacred Altars bring 991:09,036[A ]| As the most rich and precious offering 991:09,037[A ]| They could elect among those various fruits 991:09,038[A ]| Heavens bounty by the kind Earth contributes 991:09,039[A ]| But what*ere most excells in its right vse 991:09,040[A ]| Is most pernicious in its vile abuse 991:09,041[A ]| Wine which drunk moderately doth mortalls blesse 991:09,042[A ]| So many various wayes, by its excesse 991:09,043[A ]| As many various mischiefs doth produce 991:09,044[A ]| And turns a poysonous and bewitching juice 991:09,045[A ]| Whose operation by the effects is showne 991:09,046[A ]| When it doth Soveraigne Reason disenthrone 991:09,047[A ]| Reason that rul'd as Monarch in the brest 991:09,048[A ]| The great distinction between man and beast 991:09,049[A ]| Which charm'd by it hath no force to controwle 991:09,050[A ]| The transportation of the feeble Soule 991:09,051[A ]| Whose lustfull and whose raging appetite 991:09,052[A ]| The too enflaming liquor doth excite 991:09,053[A ]| According to the rate that it prevailes 991:09,054[A ]| The understanding and the memory failes 991:09,055[A ]| Forgotten are friendships and natures ties 991:09,056[A ]| All Obligation and all injuries 991:09,057[A ]| There rivalls bury for a while their hate 991:09,058[A ]| And wretches drowne the sence of their sad state 991:09,059[A ]| Princes forget their Ranks and great affaires 991:09,060[A ]| Cast off their kingdomes necessary cares 991:09,061[A ]| And revell in their drunken jollities 991:09,062[A ]| Till vnwatch'd foes the silly beasts surprize 991:09,063[A ]| So was Belshazzar cut off in his sinne 991:09,064[A ]| When the Besieging Persians suddenly broke in 991:09,065[A ]| So have great Conquerors oft met suddaine falls 991:09,066[A ]| And drunk themselves into their funeralls 991:09,067[A ]| While the Lethean cupps seald up their Eyes 991:09,068[A ]| Forgetting all the dangers of surprize 991:09,069[A ]| Oft so forgetfull of Eternity 991:09,070[A ]| The vulgar drunkards in their surfeits die 991:09,071[A ]| Who wine adore, because it will not let them think 991:09,072[A ]| A serious thought of heaven till into hell they sinke 991:09,073[A ]| To it they sacrifice their glorious dayes 991:09,074[A ]| Wracking their witts to celebrate its praise 991:09,075[A ]| Nor give tir'd nature the reliefe of sleepe 991:09,076[A ]| Till they their braines in their crownd gobletts steepe 991:09,077[A ]| When the wine working with wilde fancy makes 991:09,078[A ]| False dreames of pleasure horrid sad mistakes 991:09,079[A ]| Which waking too vnhappily they finde 991:09,080[A ]| Yet the infection rooted in the minde 991:09,081[A ]| They violently court their plague again 991:09,082[A ]| Run into buitishness and thirst for paine 991:09,083[A ]| For where the force of conquering drink prevailes 991:09,084[A ]| The Sight growes dimme the active vigour failes 991:09,085[A ]| The weake leggs cannot beare the members weight 991:09,086[A ]| But march with an vncertaine staggering gate 991:09,087[A ]| The eyes deeper sunk no liveliness retaine 991:09,088[A ]| Black misty vapours fume up to the braine 991:09,089[A ]| Trembling the hands numnesse the joynts invades 991:09,090[A ]| Sicknesse the Stomack the fresh Colour fades 991:09,091[A ]| All ore cold sweats and ghastly palenesse creepe 991:09,092[A ]| Till the faint spirits yield to death*like sleepe 991:09,093[A ]| Which lays all down in their transformed shapes 991:09,094[A ]| Some wanton and ridicuous like Apes 991:09,095[A ]| Some roaring with more senceless furious wrath 991:09,096[A ]| Than the fierce mastive or the Lyon hath 991:09,097[A ]| Some acting Goates whose bloods hot Lust doth fire 991:09,098[A ]| Some nasty swine that wallow in foule mire 991:09,099[A ]| Some filthy Doggs by loathsome vomitts made 991:09,100[A ]| The stupid Asse the sottish drunkard play'd 991:09,101[A ]| Nor from the forme of man alone estranged 991:09,102[A ]| But in their proper inclinations chang'd 991:09,103[A ]| The powerfull charme makes Cowards brave and bold 991:09,104[A ]| Makes Misers cast away their hoarded Gold 991:09,105[A ]| The Silent talk the talkative sitt dumb 991:09,106[A ]| The froward kind the patient quarrellsome 991:09,107[A ]| Base minds to high and haughty thoughts erecting 991:09,108[A ]| And to meane Actions noble soules dejecting 991:09,109[A ]| It makes the cold and chaste burne with wild fires 991:09,110[A ]| In the hott Lover drownes all fierce desires 991:09,111[A ]| The effeminate to manly act excites 991:09,112[A ]| The bold and brave enclines to soft delights 991:09,113[A ]| Makes Sly dissemblers hidden truth reveale 991:09,114[A ]| And the open hearted every thing conceale 991:09,115[A ]| Nor doth it alwayes work by contraries 991:09,116[A ]| By horrid transformation and disguise 991:09,117[A ]| As oft it doth mens inclinations draw 991:09,118[A ]| Without regard of any bound or awe 991:09,119[A ]| To the extreamest acting of their powers 991:09,120[A ]| Which all their merrit and their prayse devours 991:09,121[A ]| Rendring them monstrous who exceed all Rules 991:09,122[A ]| Exposing wise men to the scorne of fooles 991:09,123[A ]| Yet though the greatest drunkards this confesse 991:09,124[A ]| There is that witchery in drunkennesse 991:09,125[A ]| That where*soere it is indulg'd at first 991:09,126[A ]| The infection causes an unquench'd thirst 991:09,127[A ]| Which makes them still pursue the sin although 991:09,128[A ]| They all the cursed consequences know 991:09,129[A ]| And their own follies in all else despise 991:09,130[A ]| Which when they cannot conquer they devise 991:09,131[A ]| Extenuating pretences for it and say 991:09,132[A ]| They drink to drive their anxious cares away 991:09,133[A ]| To entertaine the mellancholly night 991:09,134[A ]| Which did they not soft slumbers thus invite 991:09,135[A ]| Would vainly be consum'd in waking griefe 991:09,136[A ]| Wine is the only soveraigne reliefe 991:09,137[A ]| For that inevitable woe that waites 991:09,138[A ]| On humane life perplexing all estates 991:09,139[A ]| Which drownes the memory of ills that are 991:09,140[A ]| Allready past and future feares doth barre 991:09,141[A ]| Whcih stifles sorrow and gives hope new birth 991:09,142[A ]| Glad hope the nurse of life prolonging mirth 991:09,143[A ]| Dull impious argument foolish pretence 991:09,144[A ]| Sad aggravation of the great offence 991:09,145[A ]| By ignorant fooles and vicious cowards sought 991:09,146[A ]| By the voluptuous cheating devills taught 991:09,147[A ]| Should silly mortalls shunning dread and woe 991:09,148[A ]| Their refuge seek in that fromm whence they flow 991:09,149[A ]| Intemperance with disobedience joynd 991:09,150[A ]| Began the fatall ruine of mankinde 991:09,151[A ]| Are long renewd experiences so scant 991:09,152[A ]| Or can we an unhappy instance want 991:09,153[A ]| How vaine how contrary is that delight 991:09,154[A ]| Propounded by the Bruitish appetite 991:09,155[A ]| Is Phrenzie, sickness, torture, impotence 991:09,156[A ]| Hott blouds cold sweats, faint powers, disordered sence 991:09,157[A ]| A happy cure of griefe, a pleasant Ease 991:09,158[A ]| Adding ten plagues to drive out one disease 991:09,159[A ]| Which yet is but confounded not expelld 991:09,160[A ]| Like the poore infants cries which Moloch held 991:09,161[A ]| Frying in his arms which with the various sound 991:09,162[A ]| Of barbarous instruments they strove to drownd 991:09,163[A ]| Were there no God no future heaven no hell 991:09,164[A ]| As those fooles dreame who thus would cares expell 991:09,165[A ]| Yet were it but vnmanly Cowardize 991:09,166[A ]| So to decline short lived Calamities 991:09,167[A ]| And flie to vices rather than oppose 991:09,168[A ]| With virtuous courage fortunes hurtlesse blows 991:09,169[A ]| But neither could they be evaded so 991:09,170[A ]| Their arms in fight the drunkards from them throw 991:09,171[A ]| When in their flowing cupps they drowne their sence 991:09,172[A ]| Fame, Witt, Strength, vertue, Health, their chiefe defence 991:09,173[A ]| Against whatever can mans life invade 991:09,174[A ]| All which by this inchantment are betrayd 991:09,175[A ]| No lott is so vnfortunate but may 991:09,176[A ]| Admitt a change blacke nights must yield to day 991:09,177[A ]| But small advantage will he have of light 991:09,178[A ]| Who digd out his own eyes because it was night 991:09,179[A ]| His vnderstanding quencht least he should be 991:09,180[A ]| Too sensible of his Calamity 991:09,181[A ]| Most other sins are punisht in the event 991:09,182[A ]| But this draws with it its own punishment 991:09,183[A ]| Especially in Princes who thereby 991:09,184[A ]| Make themselves cheape prophane their majesty 991:09,185[A ]| Expose their shame vnto their subjects eyes 991:09,186[A ]| Who seing their impotence their Rule despise 991:09,187[A ]| Noah the new worlds Monarch here lies drunk 991:09,188[A ]| His awfull dread is with his temperance sunke 991:09,189[A ]| And Ham finding him naked on the Earth 991:09,190[A ]| Dares make him thus the subject of his mirth 991:09,191[A ]| Feares not to publish his indecent shame 991:09,192[A ]| And to his brethren doth the news proclaime 991:09,193[A ]| But they more pious hating to deride 991:09,194[A ]| A Fathers frailty did contrive to hide 991:09,195[A ]| Even from their own eyes the sin tempting view 991:09,196[A ]| And with averted steps and faces drew 991:09,197[A ]| A covering on their naked sire till he 991:09,198[A ]| At his awaking found their pietie 991:09,199[A ]| And the miscarriage of that lewder son 991:09,200[A ]| That would not spare him from derision 991:09,201[A ]| This knowledge did impresse a various sence 991:09,202[A ]| Of the kinde duty and the vnkinde offence 991:09,203[A ]| Which to a Prophet and a Magistrate 991:09,204[A ]| Thus did he sentence thus remunerate 991:09,205[A ]| Cursed be Canaan Vassallage his doome 991:09,206[A ]| His brothers servants servant to become 991:09,207[A ]| Blest be the Gods of Shem by speciall grace 991:09,208[A ]| He shall be Lord of Canaans servile race 991:09,209[A ]| God shall enlarge Japhetts still growing stemme 991:09,210[A ]| He shall inhabitt in the tents of Shem 991:09,211[A ]| And Canaan shall be servant vnto him 991:09,212[A ]| <">God shall perswade Japhetts compliant race 991:09,213[A ]| <">To come and dwell in Shems deserted place 991:09,214[A ]| Here Hells mallitious chief again renewes 991:09,215[A ]| The fatal warre and and his old hate persues 991:09,216[A ]| Against the new foundation of mankinde 991:09,217[A ]| Late in Gods blessing layd this vndermind 991:09,218[A ]| He at the fatall breache of one fraile sin 991:09,219[A ]| Leads a large traine of woes and curses in 991:09,220[A ]| A Prince and Father yielding to his sense 991:09,221[A ]| Divests himself of awe and reverence 991:09,222[A ]| Gives the more pious Children cause to mourne 991:09,223[A ]| And yields occasion to the Rebells scorne 991:09,224[A ]| That scorne a Fathers dreadfull wrath provokes 991:09,225[A ]| Whose tender hand still smarts with its own stroaks 991:09,226[A ]| Sad is a Parents curse how*ever given 991:09,227[A ]| And very seldome vnconfirmed in heaven 991:09,228[A ]| Which when on the devoted head it falls 991:09,229[A ]| At once it punisheth two Criminalls 991:09,230[A ]| Were not the governours first guilty by 991:09,231[A ]| Foolish remissnesse or harsh Tyranny 991:09,232[A ]| Or weake vice which betrays their impotence 991:09,233[A ]| And gives occasion to the next offence 991:09,234[A ]| Of those who formall Majesty despise 991:09,235[A ]| When sins base slave strutts in the great disguise 991:09,236[A ]| Pride and Rebellion under their wise curb 991:09,237[A ]| Would not start out and the whole state disturbe 991:09,238[A ]| Who sentences his sons his own sins doomes 991:09,239[A ]| And his own Executioner becomes 991:09,240[A ]| Cutting those rotten limbs off that were fed 991:09,241[A ]| With corrupt influence from the vnsound head 991:09,242[A ]| Yet when a Father is a Judge he must 991:09,243[A ]| Impartially discharge his sacred trust 991:09,244[A ]| When Guilty grace favours one criminall 991:09,245[A ]| Injustice draws down vengeance upon all 991:09,246[A ]| Those who the reins of Government remitt 991:09,247[A ]| Because they have sin'd must not persist in it 991:09,248[A ]| Lest finding a slacke curb the headlong beast 991:09,249[A ]| In its loose fury run down all the rest 991:09,250[A ]| This remisse David found vnpunisht rape 991:09,251[A ]| Murther provokes the murtherers escape 991:09,252[A ]| Rebellion did produce for where the law 991:09,253[A ]| Vnexecuted is, reverence and awe 991:09,254[A ]| Sink in contempt and untam'd hearts no more 991:09,255[A ]| The empty name of Royalty adore 991:09,256[A ]| Gods pure lawes are with such firme sanctions made 991:09,257[A ]| That how*ere broke the forfeit must be paid 991:09,258[A ]| Though men indulge each others crimes yet he 991:09,259[A ]| Will not a partiall Judge to any be 991:09,260[A ]| Eternall wisdome so brought mercy in 991:09,261[A ]| That there is no impunity for sinne 991:09,262[A ]| Especially their bold presumption who 991:09,263[A ]| To flatter lust made God nor just nor true 991:09,264[A ]| Nor stedfast in his holy fixt decrees 991:09,265[A ]| Who all sin with most just abhorrence sees 991:09,266[A ]| But why on Canaan doth the Curse descend 991:09,267[A ]| Since it was his Father Ham that did offend 991:09,268[A ]| Blessings once given God would not recall 991:09,269[A ]| Yet can he adde unto the manna gall 991:09,270[A ]| When secure wantonnesse from that grace springs 991:09,271[A ]| That should engage mens hearts to better things 991:09,272[A ]| Hams personall miseryes with himselfe had died 991:09,273[A ]| But Slavery on his successors tied 991:09,274[A ]| Must needs afflict him more than all the woe 991:09,275[A ]| That he himself could singly undergoe 991:09,276[A ]| Envie, remorse, disdaine, anguish, and spite 991:09,277[A ]| Ulcerate his rankling proud heart day and night 991:09,278[A ]| When he revolves that by his awlesse scorne 991:09,279[A ]| His Children equall to his brothers borne 991:09,280[A ]| Excluded from the speciall blessing were 991:09,281[A ]| And all the common mercies they did share 991:09,282[A ]| But little would availe a haplesse race 991:09,283[A ]| Still multiplied to Sorrow and disgrace 991:09,284[A ]| So heinous so degenerate a crime 991:09,285[A ]| Deservd a brand to all succeeding time 991:09,286[A ]| Who love to Scoffe at others frailtyes shall 991:09,287[A ]| Themselves at last into abjection fall 991:09,288[A ]| Hams proud irreverent derision 991:09,289[A ]| Cutt his whole ofspring off although but one 991:09,290[A ]| Was by Gods Soveraigne will designd to be 991:09,291[A ]| The speciall instance of his just severitie 991:09,292[A ]| Whose issue thus preventing grace denied 991:09,293[A ]| Persued their fathers disobedient pride 991:09,294[A ]| Till their own sins were ripe for vengeance growne 991:09,295[A ]| And justified the Execution. 991:09,296[A ]| Which though nine hundred yeares repriv'd was not 991:09,297[A ]| In all that space remitted or forgott 991:09,298[A ]| When threatnings are delayed the wicked grow 991:09,299[A ]| Secure in ill But vengeance that is slow 991:09,300[A ]| By dayly Aggravations gathers strength 991:11,001[A ]| The Sons of Shem with other nations mixt 991:11,002[A ]| In Ur a Cittie of Caldea first 991:11,003[A ]| Where vnto Peleg sprung of Hebers breed 991:11,004[A ]| Reu, Serug, Maher Terah did succeed 991:11,005[A ]| Terah the father of great Abraham 991:11,006[A ]| Who founder of the faithfull state became 991:11,007[A ]| Him God call'd forth of his own native Soyle 991:11,008[A ]| And thus excites to vndergoe the toyle 991:11,009[A ]| Come leaave these shores I will lead thee to a place 991:11,010[A ]| Where thou engendring an illustrious race 991:11,011[A ]| Shalt be a blessing to the earth In time 991:11,012[A ]| Thy glorious Nephews by my grace shall clime 991:11,013[A ]| To starrie seats, delay not then, nor feare 991:11,014[A ]| To quit thy countrie and relations here 991:11,015[A ]| A holy seed out of thy loyns shall rise 991:11,016[A ]| In thee shall all the whole earths families 991:11,017[A ]| Their happiness find thou shalt a blessing be 991:11,018[A ]| For I will bless who*ever blesseth thee 991:11,019[A ]| And such as curse thee shall themselves fare worse 991:11,020[A ]| For I will lay on them my heaviest curse 991:11,021[A ]| Abraham thus call'd forth by the Lords command 991:11,022[A ]| Immediately left the Chaldean land 991:11,023[A ]| His brethren and his kindred there forsooke 991:11,024[A ]| Only his wife and Lott his nephew tooke 991:11,025[A ]| With these he many vnknowne Cities past 991:11,026[A ]| And to the land of Canaan came at last 991:11,027[A ]| Where then the cursed nations dwelt again 991:11,028[A ]| The Lord appear'd to him in the large plaine 991:11,029[A ]| Of Moreh where the Shechemites did live 991:11,030[A ]| And promisd he would all that country give 991:11,031[A ]| To Abrahams seed who with a gratefull sence 991:11,032[A ]| There to the Lord an Altar rays'd and thence 991:11,033[A ]| To mountaines on the east of Bethel went 991:11,034[A ]| And on those hills before he pitcht his tent 991:11,035[A ]| Another Altar vnto God did rayse 991:11,036[A ]| Invoking his grest name with prayer and praise 991:11,037[A ]| Soon after which that land yielded no greine 991:11,038[A ]| Which could his family with bread susteine 991:11,039[A ]| Famine drove him to Egypt whose fat soyle 991:11,040[A ]| Needs not heavens showers waterd with their own Nile 991:11,041[A ]| But there his former resolution fayl'd 991:11,042[A ]| And feare of death above his faith prevayld 991:11,043[A ]| Who thus to Sarah spoke O thou my wife 991:11,044[A ]| And sister now have mercy on my life 991:11,045[A ]| Nor here the first of those deare titles own 991:11,046[A ]| But let the Sisters name be only knowne 991:11,047[A ]| For these are lustfull men and thou art fair 991:11,048[A ]| If thy known marriage put them in dispaire 991:11,049[A ]| When they enamoured of thy Beauties be 991:11,050[A ]| I shall be killd that they may seize on thee 991:11,051[A ]| Sarah agreed and both the marriage hide 991:11,052[A ]| Professt the sister but the wife denied 991:11,053[A ]| And now her sparkling eies disperst the flame 991:11,054[A ]| And Egypts king heard of her beauties fame 991:11,055[A ]| Then he himself with eagernesse desir'd 991:11,056[A ]| To see that face his Courtiers so admir'd 991:11,057[A ]| And sent for her Then those youths who before 991:11,058[A ]| Hoped for themselves did only then adore 991:11,059[A ]| The Excellencies of their future queene 991:11,060[A ]| Whom Pharaoh with such ravishment had seene 991:11,061[A ]| Upon her lookes he feasted his glad sight 991:11,062[A ]| And drunke down loves infection with delight 991:11,063[A ]| The more she saw him burne the more she blaz'd 991:11,064[A ]| For blushes which her guilty feare had rays'd 991:11,065[A ]| The lustre of her beauty did augment 991:11,066[A ]| And more attractions to his eyes present. 991:11,067[A ]| Then in the court her lodgings were assignd 991:11,068[A ]| But there she did not any pleasure find 991:11,069[A ]| Her thoughts still fixed on her deare husband kept 991:11,070[A ]| And for the want of his lov'd presence wept. 991:11,071[A ]| But yet in private vents her griefes lest they 991:11,072[A ]| The secret of her marriage should betray 991:11,073[A ]| For as her brother kind to him they were 991:11,074[A ]| And largely he did Pharaohs bounties share 991:11,075[A ]| Presents he had of Asses, Camells Kine 991:11,076[A ]| Servants, and sheep, for then there was no coyn 991:11,077[A ]| And quick goods were the riches of those dayes 991:11,078[A ]| But God his Curse on Pharaohs kingdome layes 991:11,079[A ]| Who seeking why those heavy plagues so reign'd 991:11,080[A ]| Found he unjustly Abrahams wife detain'd 991:11,081[A ]| Whom he with griefe to her own Lord return'd 991:11,082[A ]| And now with rage as erst with love he burn'd 991:11,083[A ]| What madness say'd he did thy thoughts inspire 991:11,084[A ]| To kindle in me this unquench't desire 991:11,085[A ]| Whilst thou thy wife didst for thy sister own 991:11,086[A ]| I might myselfe have married her unknowne 991:11,087[A ]| My guiltlesse land now suffers for thy sake 991:11,088[A ]| Wherefore thy wife with all thy substance take 991:11,089[A ]| And wholly from my injurd sight remove 991:11,090[A ]| The lovely object of my lawlesse love 991:11,091[A ]| The fair enticer of forbidden love 991:11,092[A ]| The king dismist them thus and gave command 991:11,093[A ]| They should receive safe conduct through the land 991:11,094[A ]| From Egypt then back to the south he went 991:11,095[A ]| And once again in Bethell pitcht his tent 991:11,096[A ]| And on the Altar built when first he came 991:11,097[A ]| Into those parts again invokt Gods name 991:11,098[A ]| His riches in his travells were encreast 991:11,099[A ]| Silver and Gold he plenteously possest 991:11,100[A ]| Both he and Lott had much improv'd their stocks 991:11,101[A ]| Abounding with large heards and bleating flocks 991:11,102[A ]| Which every day so multiplied their breed 991:11,103[A ]| They could no longer in one pasture feed 991:11,104[A ]| For then they sojournd with the Canaanite 991:11,105[A ]| And in that Country had no proper right 991:11,106[A ]| Wherefore their heardmen streightned in the ground 991:11,107[A ]| So brawld that they forc't Adam to propound 991:11,108[A ]| A separation from his kinsman so 991:11,109[A ]| What inconveniences in riches be 991:11,110[A ]| Their Servants frequent quarrells now destroy'd 991:11,111[A ]| That quiet they in meaner states enjoy'd 991:11,112[A ]| Rich men drive all their dearest friends away 991:11,113[A ]| To make their own roome large yet cannot thay 991:11,114[A ]| Assure themselves that they at last shall have 991:11,115[A ]| More of the earth than what serves for a grave. 991:11,116[A ]| When Abram saw contention still encreast 991:11,117[A ]| To Lott his kinsman he this speech addrest 991:11,118[A ]| We brethren are and linkt by many ties 991:11,119[A ]| Betwixt us therefore let no quarrells rise 991:11,120[A ]| But to remoove the cause divide our stocks 991:11,121[A ]| And chuse out severall pastures for our flocks 991:11,122[A ]| Make thy election what part of the land 991:11,123[A ]| Thou likest to inhabite if on the right hand 991:11,124[A ]| I will the left my habitation take 991:11,125[A ]| If thou choose that I will the right hand take 991:11,126[A ]| Then from the hills of Bethell Lott survey'd 991:11,127[A ]| The country round for his dwelling made 991:11,128[A ]| Choice of a pleasant vale through which did glide 991:11,129[A ]| Jordans cleare streame and all the river side 991:11,130[A ]| Adornd with trees which various fruits did beare 991:11,131[A ]| Made the rich plaine a paradice appeare 991:11,132[A ]| There for his flocks fresh pastures did abound 991:11,133[A ]| And silver currents waterd all the ground 991:11,134[A ]| There saw he groves and cities all the grace 991:11,135[A ]| That could give ornament to the place 991:11,136[A ]| But lewd men did this pleasant land possess 991:11,137[A ]| For plenty oft accasions sinfullness 991:11,138[A ]| In prosperous fortunes men neglect their God 991:11,139[A ]| Nor think on him but when they feele his rod 991:11,140[A ]| Those only to Celestiall seates aspire 991:11,141[A ]| Whom pressures in their earthly dwellings tire 991:11,142[A ]| None willingly part with the things that please 991:11,143[A ]| Or wish a change before they feele disease 991:11,144[A ]| Then God to Abram once again appeard 991:11,145[A ]| And in his Solitude his sad heart cheard 991:11,146[A ]| On all this land syd he now cast thine eyes 991:11,147[A ]| Whatever on the north or south side lies 991:11,148[A ]| From the easterne hills where first the sun displays 991:11,149[A ]| The purple splendor of his early rayes 991:11,150[A ]| To the westerne Sea in which his teare is drownd 991:11,151[A ]| All that long spacious tract of fruitfull ground 991:11,152[A ]| I on thy future ofspring will bestow 991:11,153[A ]| Whose families to such multitudes shall grow 991:11,154[A ]| That sands on the sea shore and all those bright 991:11,155[A ]| AEtheriall flames which grace the silent night 991:11,156[A ]| Shall be as easily numbred as thy race 991:11,157[A ]| To whom I have decreed this ample space 991:11,158[A ]| Wherefore arise now the whole land survey 991:11,159[A ]| Passe through all the Countries every way 991:11,160[A ]| And when thou dost those pleasant regions see 991:11,161[A ]| Know they are reservd for thy posteritie 991:11,162[A ]| Abram obeyd the Lord from Bethell went 991:11,163[A ]| And in the plaine of Mamre pitcht his tent 991:11,164[A ]| There to the Lord another Altar reares 991:11,165[A ]| Soon after breathlesse at his tent appeares 991:11,166[A ]| A man whose staring eyes full of affright 991:11,167[A ]| Express ill news before he could recite 991:11,168[A ]| How warre had ruin'd Sodom's glorious state 991:11,169[A ]| And Lott in it had shar'd a Captive fate 991:11,170[A ]| This sad report the patriarch heard with griefe 991:11,171[A ]| And while his houshold armd for Lotts relief 991:11,172[A ]| He bade the messenger at large declare 991:11,173[A ]| The cause and the proceedings of the warre 991:11,174[A ]| Is the vale said he waterd with Jordans flood 991:11,175[A ]| On those greene banks five goodly cities stood 991:11,176[A ]| Luxurious Sodome with strong walls girt round 991:11,177[A ]| Stately Gomorrah with high turretts crownd 991:11,178[A ]| Admah and Leboim both well fortified 991:11,179[A ]| And little Bela plac't on the hill side 991:11,180[A ]| These citties built by Syrian Collonies 991:11,181[A ]| While as their yet vnperfect walls did rise 991:11,182[A ]| For twelve yeares servd that king but at the length 991:11,183[A ]| When now they were confirmd in their own strength 991:11,184[A ]| His tribute they denied his fetters broke 991:11,185[A ]| And scornd to weare a forreigne Princes yoake 991:11,186[A ]| But Chedorlaomer who in Elam reignd 991:11,187[A ]| With three kings more yet under his command 991:11,188[A ]| Even Arioch Amraphell and Tidall made 991:11,189[A ]| All warlike preparations to invade 991:11,190[A ]| His late revolted subjects they again 991:11,191[A ]| With no lesse care their liberties maintaine 991:11,192[A ]| All love of culture ceast some were employ'd 991:11,193[A ]| To cast up trenches others to provide 991:11,194[A ]| The magazins with victualls and with Armes 991:11,195[A ]| While this is doing dayly new alarmes 991:11,196[A ]| Spurre on their dilgence for fame bring news 991:11,197[A ]| How Chedorlaomers conquering host subdues 991:11,198[A ]| The neighbour realmes the countries of the vale 991:11,199[A ]| All readie vanquisht that he did assaile 991:11,200[A ]| The castles and strong places of mount Seir 991:11,201[A ]| And in the hilly Countries spread his feare 991:11,202[A ]| Chasing his foes into the Wildernesse 991:11,203[A ]| That his victorious troops proud with successe 991:11,204[A ]| And full of threats were marching back again 991:11,205[A ]| Like to a furious torrent swell'd with raine 991:11,206[A ]| Which in its violent passage overthrowes 991:11,207[A ]| What ever doth the rapid streame oppose 991:11,208[A ]| And falling down the hills with horrid noise 991:11,209[A ]| All the plantations vines and Corne destroyes 991:11,210[A ]| Carrying away the oxen stalls and fruites 991:11,211[A ]| Resisting Banks and trees torne from their rootes 991:11,212[A ]| So came these proud insulting enemies 991:11,213[A ]| Encouragd by their conquests to chastise 991:11,214[A ]| The late revolted townes in whom dispaire 991:11,215[A ]| Prevaild not yet but with more prudent care 991:11,216[A ]| They indeavourd to make good their own defence 991:11,217[A ]| Encouragd by a noble confidence 991:11,218[A ]| That the enemies triumphs would renowne the field 991:11,219[A ]| And Glorie to their fall or victory yield 991:11,220[A ]| Each of these cities had a severall King 991:11,221[A ]| Yet did not they small scatterd armies bring 991:11,222[A ]| To encounter such a foe but all vnite 991:11,223[A ]| And in the conduct of one generall fight 991:11,224[A ]| The royall Bera that command obteined 991:11,225[A ]| For he in Sodom the chiefe citie reignd 991:11,226[A ]| He then a counsell of the captains calls 991:11,227[A ]| And there thus spoke no more within these walls 991:11,228[A ]| Said he let us expect the coming foes 991:11,229[A ]| But in the field our fearlesse lives expose 991:11,230[A ]| Unto the chance of warre if we must die 991:11,231[A ]| Let us not basely yield the Victory 991:11,232[A ]| But sell our noble blood at such a rate 991:11,233[A ]| As shall leave all the blame upon our fate 991:11,234[A ]| And we more fame in death than conquest gaine 991:11,235[A ]| Yet let us not too easily entertaine 991:11,236[A ]| Despaire of Victory though we may fall 991:11,237[A ]| It is not therfore certaine that we shall 991:11,238[A ]| All worldly things have a vicissitude 991:11,239[A ]| Who often conquers is at last subdued 991:11,240[A ]| Allthough their numbers ours exceed yet may 991:11,241[A ]| Vallor as much into our ballance lay 991:11,242[A ]| If motives could great courages excite 991:11,243[A ]| We for our country wives and children fight 991:11,244[A ]| If victory encline to us, the spoyles 991:11,245[A ]| Of vanquisht nations shall reward our toyles 991:11,246[A ]| And all the glories which they have acquir'd 991:11,247[A ]| Shall heighten ours who with this thought inspir'd 991:11,248[A ]| Can be content to make a bare defence 991:11,249[A ]| And will not strive for such a recompence 991:11,250[A ]| Let feeble women, men of wasted age 991:11,251[A ]| Keep fortresses but let brave youths engage 991:11,252[A ]| In open fields and not to bullworkes ow 991:11,253[A ]| Their preservation from the invading foe 991:11,254[A ]| This speech their eager vallors did enflame 991:11,255[A ]| And the brave youth out of the cities came 991:11,256[A ]| As bees which from the hive send forth new swarmes 991:11,257[A ]| So their thick troops march out with glittring armes 991:11,258[A ]| In Siddims slimie vale their camp they made 991:11,259[A ]| Nor there long idle in the trenches stay'd 991:11,260[A ]| For clouds of rising dust obscur'd the skies 991:11,261[A ]| And usher'd their approaching enemies 991:11,262[A ]| Then all the Souldiers in Battalia stood 991:11,263[A ]| When with the furie of a violent flood 991:11,264[A ]| The adverse host marcht down the shadie hills 991:11,265[A ]| And all the plaine with horrid clamor fills 991:11,266[A ]| Now the hoarce trumpets give the fatall signe 991:11,267[A ]| All run up to the charge both battles joyne 991:11,268[A ]| On every side they close with horrid cries 991:11,269[A ]| And grapple rending heaven with loud noyse 991:11,270[A ]| Clashing of steele did dying groans confound 991:11,271[A ]| And mangled limbs lay scatterd on the ground 991:11,272[A ]| Falling as thick from mens Redoubled stroakes 991:11,273[A ]| As riper acorns from the shaken Oakes 991:11,274[A ]| The ayre grew darke with steames of reaking blood 991:11,275[A ]| Whose crimson streames discoloured Jordans flood 991:11,276[A ]| The shours of darts obscur'd heavens shining light 991:11,277[A ]| And hid their glorious deeds in horrid night 991:11,278[A ]| Against the assaulting Syrians furious shocks 991:11,279[A ]| The Sodomites at first stood like firme rocks 991:11,280[A ]| Amongst the raging waves but oft assaild 991:11,281[A ]| Numbers above their vaine spent strength prevaild 991:11,282[A ]| Breathlesse and fainting they at last gave ground 991:11,283[A ]| Which great advantage when the Syrian found 991:11,284[A ]| They with more eagernesse renewd the fight 991:11,285[A ]| Slaughterd the valiantest, put the rest to flight 991:11,286[A ]| And being now sole masters of the place 991:11,287[A ]| Did like faint heards the flying Cowards chase 991:11,288[A ]| The fugitives possest with feare and shame 991:11,289[A ]| Some to their townes some to their trenches came 991:11,290[A ]| Hurried with dread some in the slimepitts fall 991:11,291[A ]| Some in the rocks their wretched lives conceale 991:11,292[A ]| Some seeke the shelter of a well knowne cave 991:11,293[A ]| Some the thick woods and some the steep hills save 991:11,294[A ]| Some in the reeds some in the sedge did hide 991:11,295[A ]| But brave Gomorrahs king in battle died 991:11,296[A ]| The insulting foes revivd with their successe 991:11,297[A ]| After the slaughter felt no wearinesse 991:11,298[A ]| But marcht up to the cities where they met 991:11,299[A ]| A weake resistance for their minds were yet 991:11,300[A ]| Lost in amazement which their sad soules filld 991:12,001[A ]| Abram returnd victorious from the fight 991:12,002[A ]| Had cause to feare the envious Canaanite 991:12,003[A ]| Might by disturbing him strive to suppresse 991:12,004[A ]| A strangers power augmenting with successe 991:12,005[A ]| Amidst these doubts in visions God appear'd 991:12,006[A ]| And with such gracious words his servant cheard 991:12,007[A ]| Abraham said he let not thy spirits yield 991:12,008[A ]| To feares intrusions for I am thy shield 991:12,009[A ]| Therefore in me build up thy confidence 991:12,010[A ]| And I will be thy ample recompence 991:12,011[A ]| Ah! gracious Lord the Patriarch then replied 991:12,012[A ]| What canst thou give to me who am denied 991:12,013[A ]| Children of all thy temporall gifts the best 991:12,014[A ]| Behold thou hast not me with issue blest 991:12,015[A ]| Eliezer of Damascus takes the care 991:12,016[A ]| As Steward of my substance, and my heire 991:12,017[A ]| Must be a Son borne in my family 991:12,018[A ]| Since I my*selfe have no posterity 991:12,019[A ]| Then Sayd the Lord this man shall not succeed 991:12,020[A ]| In thy inheritance I have decreed 991:12,021[A ]| An heire to be of thine own bowells bred 991:12,022[A ]| Then God out of the tent his servant led 991:12,023[A ]| Saying to heaven now advance thine eies 991:12,024[A ]| Tell if thou canst those starres which grace the skies 991:12,025[A ]| For to an equall infinite account 991:12,026[A ]| The number of thy children shall amount 991:12,027[A ]| Abram the promise of the Lord believ'd 991:12,028[A ]| And God his faith for righteousnesse receivd 991:12,029[A ]| Then further said it was by my command 991:12,030[A ]| That thou wert brought from the Chaldean land 991:12,031[A ]| And I to recompence thy place of birth 991:12,032[A ]| To thee and thine will give this fruitfull earth 991:12,033[A ]| For an inheritance Ah by what signe 991:12,034[A ]| Sayd Abram Lord wilt thou confirme it mine 991:12,035[A ]| A female goate said God before me here 991:12,036[A ]| A ram, and heifer all of the third yeare 991:12,037[A ]| A turtle dove and a young pigeon bring 991:12,038[A ]| And of all these make me an offering 991:12,039[A ]| Abram immediately the Lord obeyd 991:12,040[A ]| Killd and dissected all the beasts, then layd 991:12,041[A ]| Halfe of each Sacrafice on either side 991:12,042[A ]| But the two livelesse birds did not divide 991:12,043[A ]| Then down he sate and drove the foules away 991:12,044[A ]| Which stoops to make those carkases their prey 991:12,045[A ]| Now day resignd the alternate throne to night 991:12,046[A ]| Which with black mists extinguisht heavens light 991:12,047[A ]| No radiant starre broke thorow that thick shade 991:12,048[A ]| Horror did Abrams anxious minde invade 991:12,049[A ]| Till God cast him into a Sleepe profound 991:12,050[A ]| Whose charming power his active sences bound 991:12,051[A ]| All vitall motion ceast in this dull state 991:12,052[A ]| And then the Lord declared his future fate 991:12,053[A ]| Thou said he in a good old age shalt have 991:12,054[A ]| A quiet death and honorable grave 991:12,055[A ]| To thy posteritie all that rich soyle 991:12,056[A ]| Which lies betweene Euphrates and the Nile 991:12,057[A ]| I for a sure inheritance will give 991:12,058[A ]| But first they shall in a strange countrie live 991:12,059[A ]| And greate afflictions for long time susteine 991:12,060[A ]| Then will I bring them to this place again 991:12,061[A ]| Their wealth with their late masters spoyles encreast 991:12,062[A ]| And judge the Land in which they were opprest 991:12,063[A ]| But ere they their own heritage acquire 991:12,064[A ]| Foure hundred yeares of bondage shall expire 991:12,065[A ]| Then shall they be restord at those just times 991:12,066[A ]| When the Amorites have filld their unripe crimes 991:12,067[A ]| Now was all light departed from the skies 991:12,068[A ]| When there appeard amidst the sacrifice 991:12,069[A ]| A fiery lamp which did bright flames disclose 991:12,070[A ]| And clouds of smoake which from a furnace rose 991:12,071[A ]| These unperceiv'd came where the bodies lay 991:12,072[A ]| And only passing through vanisht away 991:12,073[A ]| Which Abram as a joyfull signe receiv'd 991:12,074[A ]| But Sarah at her own misfortune griev'd 991:12,075[A ]| No longer would prevent her husbands heires 991:12,076[A ]| But she her*self his concubine prepares 991:12,077[A ]| Hagar a young AEgyptian her own maide 991:12,078[A ]| Whom kindly she in his warme bosome layd 991:12,079[A ]| Nor was it long before the damsell knew 991:12,080[A ]| That in her pregnant womb the wisht fruit grew 991:12,081[A ]| Hence did her pride thence Sarahs Anger rise 991:12,082[A ]| Which the insulting Hagar did despise 991:12,083[A ]| In vulgar brests such base thoughts ever dwell 991:12,084[A ]| That they against their raysers first rebell 991:12,085[A ]| No obligations can meane spirits bind 991:12,086[A ]| Favours are lost upon a servile mind 991:12,087[A ]| Sarah afflicted with her handmaids scorne 991:12,088[A ]| For slaves contempt is most uneasily borne 991:12,089[A ]| With harsh reproach to Abram represents 991:12,090[A ]| The grievous story of her discontents 991:12,091[A ]| Fraile is the state of all our earthly joyes 991:12,092[A ]| What comforts one houre brings the next destroyes 991:12,093[A ]| The trouble of this female strife allayes 991:12,094[A ]| That pleasure which the hope of heires did rayse 991:12,095[A ]| A haughty minion and a froward wife 991:12,096[A ]| Disturbing all the quiet of his life 991:12,097[A ]| Then sayd he thus if Hagar give offence 991:12,098[A ]| Complaine not but suppresse her insolence 991:12,099[A ]| Why am I troubled with those injuries 991:12,100[A ]| Which thou thy*selfe hast power to chastise 991:12,101[A ]| Sarah encouragd thus against her slave 991:12,102[A ]| Harsh usage to the poore AEgyptian gave 991:12,103[A ]| Who fled the terror of her mistresse frowne 991:12,104[A ]| And in a desart wandring up and down 991:12,105[A ]| Found out a spring by which she sate and first 991:12,106[A ]| Borrowd a few coole drops to quench her thirst 991:12,107[A ]| But twice as many from her eies returnd 991:12,108[A ]| The gracious Lord above saw how she mournd 991:12,109[A ]| A winged messenger from the archt skies 991:12,110[A ]| To the afflicted woman he employes 991:12,111[A ]| Whose joyfull errand in is face did shine 991:12,112[A ]| And made her wavering thoughts to hope incline 991:12,113[A ]| When thus the Angell spoke Hagar who art 991:12,114[A ]| Greate Sarahs handmaid whence dost thou depart 991:12,115[A ]| Or whither wilt thou go Alas said she 991:12,116[A ]| I only flie my mistresse crueltie 991:12,117[A ]| Go back the sacred messenger replied 991:12,118[A ]| And towards thy mistresse bend thy stubborne pride 991:12,119[A ]| I with glad fruite will comfort thy distresse 991:12,120[A ]| And rayse from thee a people numberlesse 991:12,121[A ]| Within thy womb thou hast conceivd a childe 991:12,122[A ]| Whose disposition shall be rude and wilde 991:12,123[A ]| All men that dwell near him shall be his foes 991:12,124[A ]| And he again shall every man oppose 991:12,125[A ]| And prosper so by his prevailing might 991:12,126[A ]| That he shall still dwell in his brethrens sight 991:12,127[A ]| Ishmaell shall be the name thy son shall beare 991:12,128[A ]| Because the Lord did thy affliction hear 991:12,129[A ]| Then rising up she said thou Lord dost see 991:12,130[A ]| Such as invoke thee in calamitie 991:12,131[A ]| Here have my fervent prayers successefull been 991:12,132[A ]| In woes I lookt to God and I was seene 991:12,133[A ]| Returning then she Gods command obeyd 991:12,134[A ]| And Abram was a joyfull father made 991:12,135[A ]| When after Ishmaells birth the glorious sun 991:12,136[A ]| Had thirteene races through the zodiacke run 991:12,137[A ]| And now Abram ninetie nine birthdayes told 991:12,138[A ]| When God again appeard and said behold 991:12,139[A ]| I am the Lord whose power is unconfin'd 991:12,140[A ]| Walk thou before me with a perfect mind 991:12,141[A ]| And I will make a covenant with thee 991:12,142[A ]| Father of many nations shalt thou be 991:12,143[A ]| To Abraham which doth imply the same 991:12,144[A ]| From henceforth thou shalt change thy former name 991:12,145[A ]| Thy seed shall be abundantly encreast 991:12,146[A ]| And spread their families in the spicie east 991:12,147[A ]| Princes thy noble linage shall renowne 991:12,148[A ]| The sacred Mitre and the Regall Crowne 991:12,149[A ]| The heads of thy great nephews shall adorne 991:12,150[A ]| And it shall be a blessing to be borne 991:12,151[A ]| Out of thy holy stock to thee will I assure 991:12,152[A ]| A lasting covenant which shall endure 991:12,153[A ]| For evermore to thy posterity 991:12,154[A ]| I will their God, they shall my people be 991:12,155[A ]| They in their land of sojourning shall reigne 991:12,156[A ]| And henceforth in their flesh my seale reteine 991:12,157[A ]| The seale of circumcision by which signe 991:12,158[A ]| I will distinguish all thy holy line 991:12,159[A ]| Wherefore now circumcise thou all thy males 991:12,160[A ]| For whosoever of this duty failes 991:12,161[A ]| My wrath with death shall punish his contempt 991:12,162[A ]| Neither the Childe nor stranger is exempt 991:12,163[A ]| Whoever in your congregations live 991:12,164[A ]| Must this perpetuall ordinance receive 991:12,165[A ]| And circumcise his Males at eight dayes old 991:12,166[A ]| That I in them my covenant may behold 991:12,167[A ]| And now my promises shall take effect 991:12,168[A ]| Nor shalt thou long the blessed seed expect 991:12,169[A ]| Yet not from Hagars but from Sarahs womb 991:12,170[A ]| The Children of the covenant shall come 991:12,171[A ]| And ere twelve moones have compassed the earth 991:12,172[A ]| Her ripe fruite shall receive a happie birth 991:12,173[A ]| These words in Abrahams heart did laughter raise 991:12,174[A ]| Ah said he shall such joyes crowne my old dayes 991:12,175[A ]| Shall I have sons who count a hundred yeare 991:12,176[A ]| And Sarah in her ninetieth summer beare 991:12,177[A ]| O God how great a blessing wouldst thou give 991:12,178[A ]| If Ishmael too might in thy presence live 991:12,179[A ]| The Lord replied I will thy Sarah blesse 991:12,180[A ]| And her son shall the promis'd land possesse 991:12,181[A ]| And mighty nations out of her shall grow 991:12,182[A ]| Upon her nephews I will thrones bestow 991:12,183[A ]| My covenant establish with her seed 991:12,184[A ]| In which I the worlds blessing have decreed 991:12,185[A ]| Yet Ishmaell in my favour shall have place 991:12,186[A ]| And I will multiply his prosperous race 991:12,187[A ]| His twelve sons shall twelve princes be and reigne 991:12,188[A ]| But Sarahs shall my covenant retaine 991:12,189[A ]| After these words from Abraham God withdrew 991:12,190[A ]| Then he the Lords commandment to persue 991:12,191[A ]| With all his males and Ishmaell his Son 991:12,192[A ]| Receivd the seale of circumcision 991:12,193[A ]| Soon after when at noone the schorching heate 991:12,194[A ]| Made very creature seeke a coole retreate 991:12,195[A ]| As Abraham sate in the tent doore he spide 991:12,196[A ]| Three men which seemd to stand by the way side 991:12,197[A ]| To these he running forth himself addrest 991:12,198[A ]| And with a courteous invitation prest 991:12,199[A ]| That till the sun his fervor had allayd 991:12,200[A ]| They would accept repose beneath that shade 991:12,201[A ]| Let us said he fetch water for your feete 991:12,202[A ]| And your faint spirits here revive with meate 991:12,203[A ]| Only afford your servant this short stay 991:12,204[A ]| And thus refresht keep your intended way 991:12,205[A ]| The men assented to his kind requests 991:12,206[A ]| And then acquainting Sarah with his guests 991:12,207[A ]| While she prepares the meale and kneads the Cakes 991:12,208[A ]| Which moulded she upon the hot hearth bakes 991:12,209[A ]| In diligence he to the next herd goes 991:12,210[A ]| There a young calfe out of the fallings chose 991:12,211[A ]| This recommended to a servants care 991:12,212[A ]| Who did with speed the tender flesh prepare 991:12,213[A ]| Which to his guests with milke and butter sett 991:12,214[A ]| Himselfe stood waiting while the strangers eate 991:12,215[A ]| How happie times that primitive age enjoyd 991:12,216[A ]| Nature was not with strange excesses cloyd 991:12,217[A ]| Firme was their health then when their food was plaine 991:12,218[A ]| By surfeits causd diseases did not reigne 991:12,219[A ]| Great women were not delicate and nice 991:12,220[A ]| Bred up in idleness the nurse of vice 991:12,221[A ]| Luxurious diet made them not unchaste 991:12,222[A ]| Nor did the stock of Living creatures waste 991:12,223[A ]| Queenes their own hands to huswiferie applied 991:12,224[A ]| They spun the woole and they the scarlet died 991:12,225[A ]| They with the honourable Ladies wrought 991:12,226[A ]| And by example the meane damsells taught 991:12,227[A ]| They did not flattering courtships then attend 991:12,228[A ]| Nor did the men their houres so vainely spend 991:12,229[A ]| Great ones lived not like slothfull drones as now 991:12,230[A ]| But kings fed flocks and Counc'llers servd the plow 991:12,231[A ]| Thus Sarah though a noble Dame made bread 991:12,232[A ]| Abraham who foure great kings had vanquished 991:12,233[A ]| And from their slaughter in such triumph late 991:12,234[A ]| Returnd now on three travellers did waite 991:12,235[A ]| Not knowing that they from heavens high courts employd 991:12,235[A ]| 991:12,236[A ]| In humane shapes did angells natures hide 991:12,237[A ]| Till after the conclusion of the meale 991:12,238[A ]| The ambassadors their message did reveale 991:12,239[A ]| Assuring Abraham ere the yeare had run 991:12,240[A ]| His circle round Sarah should beare a Son 991:12,241[A ]| She then by chance within the tent doore stood 991:12,242[A ]| And hearing this laught at the unlikelyhood 991:12,243[A ]| My Lord and I said she are old can we 991:12,244[A ]| After a barren youth hope age should be 991:12,245[A ]| With children blest they who her thoughts descri'd 991:12,246[A ]| To Abraham said why doth thy wife deride 991:12,247[A ]| Our gracious words as if they were not true 991:12,248[A ]| Is any*thing too hard for God to do 991:12,249[A ]| Though she cannot our promises believe 991:12,250[A ]| Yet thou the expected blessing shalt receive 991:12,251[A ]| I will revisit thee at the fixt terme 991:12,252[A ]| And by performances my words confirme 991:12,253[A ]| When Sarah did this reprehension hear 991:12,254[A ]| Her heart was seizd with a cold trembling feare 991:12,255[A ]| She by deniall though to evade the offence 991:12,256[A ]| But they convict her guilty conscience 991:12,257[A ]| Then rising up their steps towerds Sodom bent 991:12,258[A ]| And Abraham onwards with the Angells went 991:12,259[A ]| To whom the Lord did thus his grace reveale 991:12,260[A ]| Shall I said he from Abraham conceale 991:12,261[A ]| The vengeance which I now on earth intend 991:12,262[A ]| Since from him mighty nations shall descend 991:12,263[A ]| And all the families of the world shall be 991:12,264[A ]| Hereafter blest in his posteritie 991:12,265[A ]| I know he will instruct his sons the way 991:12,266[A ]| Of godlinesse commanding them to obey 991:12,267[A ]| My righteous precepts and prepare his seed 991:12,268[A ]| For those great blessings which I have decreed 991:12,269[A ]| Then further said the Lord lewd Sodoms pride 991:12,270[A ]| And proud Gomorrahs Lust for vengeance cride 991:12,271[A ]| The vrgent clamor heard in heavens high court 991:12,272[A ]| I thence descended to examine the report 991:12,273[A ]| And if I find their crimes to ripenesse growne 991:12,274[A ]| I will by vengeance make my knowledge knowne 991:12,275[A ]| This said to Sodome the angells tooke their way 991:12,276[A ]| And Abram with the Lord alone did stay 991:12,277[A ]| Whom reverently appoaching thus he prayd 991:12,278[A ]| Lord let there be a just distinction made 991:12,279[A ]| On good and bad let not one mischiefe light 991:12,280[A ]| Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right 991:12,281[A ]| If with the rebells thou the faithfull slay 991:12,282[A ]| Who will thy name adore thy Laws obey 991:12,283[A ]| Shall pure soules loose the promsed reward 991:12,284[A ]| And pietie in heaven find no regard 991:12,285[A ]| Lewd men will scoffe seeing one punishment 991:12,286[A ]| Involve the guilie and the innocent 991:12,287[A ]| And will ascribe to the blinde rule of chance 991:12,288[A ]| The dire effects of thy just vengeance 991:12,289[A ]| Rather let sinners the saints mercies share 991:12,290[A ]| And for the godly the lewd citie spare 991:12,291[A ]| If it but fiftie righteous ones include 991:12,292[A ]| For their sakes save a wicked multitude 991:12,293[A ]| The Lord replied for fifty I will save 991:12,294[A ]| If Sodom fiftie righteous persons have 991:12,295[A ]| The Abraham said let it not cause thine ire 991:12,296[A ]| Greate Lord that dust and ashes dares aspire 991:12,297[A ]| After one grant to make a new request 991:12,298[A ]| Though five of fiftie faile let not the rest 991:12,299[A ]| For want of five amongst the wicked fall 991:12,300[A ]| Bur rather for their sakes reprieve them all 991:13,001[A ]| Heavens flaming coursers now did steepe 991:13,002[A ]| Their fiery fetlocks in the Isberian deepe 991:13,003[A ]| When Sodoms children who with day begun 991:13,004[A ]| Their workes conclude them with the setting sun 991:13,005[A ]| And to the circumjacent fields repaire 991:13,006[A ]| For the refreshment of the evening aire 991:13,007[A ]| Here the active youths to severall games addrest 991:13,008[A ]| In manly exercises some contest 991:13,009[A ]| Run wrestle pitch the barre, in Jordans streames 991:13,010[A ]| Some swim with art some coole their sweaty limbs 991:13,011[A ]| All severall wayes to one conclusion moove 991:13,012[A ]| Tempting or tempted to lascivious love 991:13,013[A ]| The elder sort sitting without the gate 991:13,014[A ]| Seeme gravely to discourse affaires of weight 991:13,015[A ]| Meane while among the sportfull youth their eies 991:13,016[A ]| Are searching to finde out a lustfull prize 991:13,017[A ]| With these sat Lott by a far different thought 991:13,018[A ]| Into the high way of the citie brought 991:13,019[A ]| He searcht out guests to save from Sodoms sinnes 991:13,020[A ]| For then great cities had no common Innes 991:13,021[A ]| And the lewd Sodomites in the disguize 991:13,022[A ]| Of hospitallitie us'd to surprize 991:13,023[A ]| Passengers who to their houses traind 991:13,024[A ]| Had their chaste bodies with their foule lust staind 991:13,025[A ]| This pious Lott endeavouring to prevent 991:13,026[A ]| Vnto the citie gates each evening went 991:13,027[A ]| And if a broad he any strangers saw 991:13,028[A ]| Did them into his own protection draw 991:13,029[A ]| Thus the two Angells whom the Lord had sent 991:13,030[A ]| To inflict the lustfull cities punishment 991:13,031[A ]| Disguizd in humane shapes the good man meets 991:13,032[A ]| And with a courteous invitation greets 991:13,033[A ]| Which they at first as modestly denies 991:13,034[A ]| But vanquisht with his importunitie 991:13,035[A ]| Entring the courteous house became his guests 991:13,036[A ]| Whom while he plaine food and free heart feasts 991:13,037[A ]| A great disturbance at his gates arose 991:13,038[A ]| The furious Sodomites his house enclose 991:13,039[A ]| And with loud clamor his two guests require 991:13,040[A ]| To quench the rage of their unnaturall fire 991:13,041[A ]| He stepping forth employd his elloquence 991:13,042[A ]| To turn their thoughts from such a foule offence 991:13,043[A ]| But they like a strong flood whose rapid course 991:13,044[A ]| A little stopt gathers more violent force 991:13,045[A ]| Demand the strangers with more instant rage 991:13,046[A ]| And though he freely offerd to asswage 991:13,047[A ]| Their burning lust, two daughters of his own 991:13,048[A ]| Who virgins never yet had mankind knowne 991:13,049[A ]| This yielding rather their desire encreast 991:13,050[A ]| And with rude threats upon his house they prest 991:13,051[A ]| Dost thou said they who only sojournst here 991:13,052[A ]| Believe we will thy contradiction beare 991:13,053[A ]| Darest thou to make thy*selfe a judging Prince 991:13,054[A ]| We shall chastise thy sawcie insolence 991:13,055[A ]| And what reproach we only for thy guests did ayme 991:13,056[A ]| Since hty deniall hath encreast our flame 991:13,057[A ]| Thou shalt from us receive both that and more 991:13,058[A ]| Then they all rudely rusht upon the doore 991:13,059[A ]| When as the Angells thought it now was time 991:13,060[A ]| To use their power against so bold a crime 991:13,061[A ]| Pulling back Lott they struck the others blinde 991:13,062[A ]| Who groping long for what they could not finde 991:13,063[A ]| Perceivd they were involv'd in double night 991:13,064[A ]| And had the want of sence as well as light 991:13,065[A ]| Which to their eies where lust so lately burn'd 991:13,066[A ]| No more but in their funerall flames return'd 991:13,067[A ]| Lot with astonishment these things beheld 991:13,068[A ]| But terror his first wonder soon expell'd 991:13,069[A ]| When the two Angells Sodoms doome declar'd 991:13,070[A ]| This place said they will not be longer spard 991:13,071[A ]| Loude have their sins to heaven for vengeance cride 991:13,072[A ]| And we now are by the just Lord employ'd 991:13,073[A ]| To manifest his wrath with such a power 991:13,074[A ]| As shall the wicked and their seates devoure 991:13,075[A ]| Only for thee the stormes of vengeance stay 991:13,076[A ]| Which until thou art safe God will delay 991:13,077[A ]| But hasten then to leave this impious towne 991:13,078[A ]| That Gods long vrgd vengeance may fall down 991:13,079[A ]| Fly quickly with thy daughters and thy wife 991:13,080[A ]| Thy sons and those to whom thou wishest Life 991:13,081[A ]| Nor grieve thy house and all thy wealth to leave 991:13,082[A ]| It is enough thou dost thy life receive 991:13,083[A ]| Two bridegroomes for his daughters Lott designd 991:13,084[A ]| To whom his friendship was so firme and kinde 991:13,085[A ]| That for their safeties he did his expose 991:13,086[A ]| Venturing once more amongst his furious foes 991:13,087[A ]| His future sons in every place he sought 991:13,088[A ]| To tell them what sad threats the angells brought 991:13,089[A ]| But they Gods warning scofft which vnto them 991:13,090[A ]| Seemd only as a melancholly dreame 991:13,091[A ]| Then Lott returning full of griefe and doubt 991:13,092[A ]| The winged angells earnestly call'd out 991:13,093[A ]| Were not Gods mercy very great said they 991:13,094[A ]| Thou hadst already perisht by thy delay 991:13,095[A ]| Too long these wicked walls have thee confind 991:13,096[A ]| Forsake them now nor cast thine eies behind 991:13,097[A ]| These that the warnings of the Lord reject 991:13,098[A ]| It is just they perish by their own neglect 991:13,099[A ]| And it will be sinne in thee to mourn for them 991:13,100[A ]| Who the late profferd mercie did contemne 991:13,101[A ]| Yet Lot still lingred till dayes infant light 991:13,102[A ]| Depose the sickly tapers of the night 991:13,103[A ]| Vnwillingly his thoughts to flight he bends 991:13,104[A ]| Griev'd to forsake his house, his wealth, his friends. 991:13,105[A ]| Such frailty reignes in every mortall brest 991:13,106[A ]| Outward enjoyments scarcely by the best 991:13,107[A ]| At Gods command are willingly resign'd 991:13,108[A ]| So wealths temptations captivate the mind 991:13,109[A ]| Men cannot from their golden fetters scape 991:13,110[A ]| Till their coy soules endure a holy rape 991:13,111[A ]| Which to himselfe the Lord by violence draws 991:13,112[A ]| Even as they enter hells extended jaws 991:13,113[A ]| Thus Lott was thought obediently slow 991:13,114[A ]| And had not of himself a power to go 991:13,115[A ]| Till his, and his wives hand one angell caught 991:13,116[A ]| The other his daughters out of Sodome brought 991:13,117[A ]| Whom now with gracious violence snatcht from death 991:13,118[A ]| The angell thus again admonisheth 991:13,119[A ]| Flie for your lives hast from this cursed plaine 991:13,120[A ]| With speed the top of yonder mountaine gaine 991:13,121[A ]| Nor this way evermore revert your eie 991:13,122[A ]| For in the moment you looke back you die 991:13,123[A ]| Haste hast you to the hills vengeance comes fast 991:13,124[A ]| And onely stops her rage till you are past 991:13,125[A ]| The Lott replide since God hath shewne his grace 991:13,126[A ]| In drawing me forth of this cursed place 991:13,127[A ]| Let me not be so long a flight enjoynd 991:13,128[A ]| Lest there I meet death of another kinde 991:13,129[A ]| What will it boote me swifter plagues to shun 991:13,130[A ]| If I into the mouth of famine run 991:13,131[A ]| That monsters slow jaws will sure devoure 991:13,132[A ]| As the quick flame from whose more vehement power 991:13,133[A ]| I strive to flie wherefore if now the Lord 991:13,134[A ]| Will mercy to his servants soule afford 991:13,135[A ]| Let us our Lives in Little Zoar' save 991:13,136[A ]| And that small towne for us exemption have 991:13,137[A ]| It is farre to the hill foote and steep the ascent 991:13,138[A ]| Our strengths will be in such a long flight spent 991:13,139[A ]| And we shall find nor food nor shelter there 991:13,140[A ]| Perhaps wilde beasts our tired limbs will teare 991:13,141[A ]| Or should we not their ravenous stomacks cloy 991:13,142[A ]| Consuming famine might our lives destroy 991:13,143[A ]| Wherefore o Lord this little citie spare 991:13,144[A ]| The angell then replied I grant thy prayer 991:13,145[A ]| For thy sake will that little place reprieve 991:13,146[A ]| Make hast then to it that thy soule may live 991:13,147[A ]| The time requires thou shouldst increase thy speed 991:13,148[A ]| Till thou art safe vengeance cannot proceed 991:13,149[A ]| These words did Lotts dull lingring sence excite 991:13,150[A ]| And made him hasten his commanded flight 991:13,151[A ]| His daughters wingd with feare out stript the wind 991:13,152[A ]| Yet his grievd wife came tardily behind 991:13,153[A ]| Ill could her covetous heart such losses brooke 991:13,154[A ]| But to her wealth reverting one sad looke 991:13,155[A ]| While she with teares the glittering spires beheld 991:13,156[A ]| A sudden horror all her blood congeald 991:13,157[A ]| Her lips and cheeks their lively colours lost 991:13,158[A ]| Her members hardend with deaths chilling frost 991:13,159[A ]| Her hands grew stiffe her feet stuck to the ground 991:13,160[A ]| Striving to cry her voice no passage found 991:13,161[A ]| She would have turnd her lookes away from thence 991:13,162[A ]| But to inform us what was her offence 991:13,163[A ]| Her neck stiffe as the other parts was growne 991:13,164[A ]| Her disobedience in her posture shewne 991:13,165[A ]| Thus she a lasting Statue of hard Salt 991:13,166[A ]| Became the monument of her own fault 991:13,167[A ]| And Gods just punishment of that fond love 991:13,168[A ]| Which she from that lewd place could not remove 991:13,169[A ]| Well suited therefore was her severe doome 991:13,170[A ]| There to remaine her own long lasting tomb 991:13,171[A ]| Which underneath Engaddis high hill place't 991:13,172[A ]| For many Ages sufferd not times waste 991:13,173[A ]| But for example to her sex remaind 991:13,174[A ]| Teaching how curious minds should be restraind 991:13,175[A ]| And kept within the Lords prescribed bound 991:13,176[A ]| Which none ere past but swift destruction found 991:13,177[A ]| She longd to see how Sodom was ore throwne 991:13,178[A ]| And looking for its ruine found her own 991:13,179[A ]| Lott and his daughters into Zoar came 991:13,180[A ]| Just as the sun disclosd his radiant flame 991:13,181[A ]| And then with eies in floods of sorrowes drownd 991:13,182[A ]| First his unhappie consorts losse he found 991:13,183[A ]| Which so augmented all his former feares 991:13,184[A ]| As stopt the current of his pious teares 991:13,185[A ]| Meane while the angells for his safety sent 991:13,186[A ]| That worke performd back into heaven went 991:13,187[A ]| Where divine vengeance had her troopes arrayd 991:13,188[A ]| And ready for quick execution made 991:13,189[A ]| That day she in a fiery charret sate 991:13,190[A ]| On whom the armed elements did waite 991:13,191[A ]| Each in the head of their own furious bands 991:13,192[A ]| Attending to receive her dire commands 991:13,193[A ]| Inn fires brigade under red ensignes fought 991:13,194[A ]| Rage, famine, thunder, pestilence and drought 991:13,195[A ]| Whirlwinds, haile, frosts, and tempests did repaire 991:13,196[A ]| Vnto the standards of the shining ayre. 991:13,197[A ]| Froggs monsters and fierce inundations went 991:13,198[A ]| With black flaggs under the third element 991:13,199[A ]| Her russett banners then the earth displayd 991:13,200[A ]| Wilde beasts and scorpions fild up her brigade 991:13,201[A ]| The goddesse scarlet robes in blood were died 991:13,202[A ]| Dreadfull portents before her charriot ride 991:13,203[A ]| Pale horror, wilde amazement, ghastly feare 991:13,204[A ]| Depaire and sorrow her attendants were 991:13,205[A ]| Her weapons flame darts savage teeth keene swords 991:13,206[A ]| Whatever plagues, heaven, earth, or sea affords 991:13,207[A ]| Ruine and desolation follow'd her 991:13,208[A ]| Pale death like a triumphant conqueror 991:13,209[A ]| With funerall blazes crownd marcht in the reare 991:13,210[A ]| And fatall shafts did in her quiver beare 991:13,211[A ]| As her Sollicitor at heaven gate 991:13,212[A ]| The cries of the oppressed world did waite 991:13,213[A ]| And when the Angell brought in their report 991:13,214[A ]| Obteind a full commission from that courte 991:13,215[A ]| The word now given flames and sulphurous showrs 991:13,216[A ]| Mad a fierce onset on the lustfull towres 991:13,217[A ]| Converting suddenly to dismall night 991:13,218[A ]| The morning which had risen so gay and bright 991:13,219[A ]| Mists filld their eies terror their mindes amaz'd 991:13,220[A ]| When light worse than that horrid darkness blaz'd 991:13,221[A ]| By which they saw their Palaces consume 991:13,222[A ]| In dreadfull splendor mixt with noysome fume 991:13,223[A ]| At first distractedly they run a boute 991:13,224[A ]| But quenching one a thousand fires broke out 991:13,225[A ]| Heavens inevitable darts struck down 991:13,226[A ]| The frighted sinners first and then the towne 991:13,227[A ]| The stately Pallaces and temples burn'd 991:13,228[A ]| Whatever the flame seizd to flame was turn'd 991:13,229[A ]| Each turrett had a blazing coronett 991:13,230[A ]| Where fiery floods which fell from heaven mett 991:13,231[A ]| The flames that did from burning beames aspire 991:13,232[A ]| And raysed their unopposed triumphs higher 991:13,233[A ]| Yet were they but like Sacrifices crownd 991:13,234[A ]| Their fatall splendor burn'd them to the ground 991:13,235[A ]| Like men who honours still accumulate 991:13,236[A ]| Till they consume in a too glorious state 991:13,237[A ]| Those who before did heavens threats deride 991:13,238[A ]| To heaven at last in vaine for succour cry'de 991:13,239[A ]| Their loud shriekes louder thunder did confound 991:13,240[A ]| And crackling flames their dying clamours drownd 991:13,241[A ]| Ugly despaire in their last moments rose 991:13,242[A ]| And to their hopelesse soules worse terror shews 991:13,243[A ]| Death might the tortures of those burnings cure 991:13,244[A ]| But those of hell would evermore endure 991:13,245[A ]| There would they wish for these now dreaded falls 991:13,246[A ]| To be concealed in heaps of ruined walls 991:13,247[A ]| But death would vainely be implord to close 991:13,248[A ]| The endlesse terme of their uneased woes 991:13,249[A ]| When they too late would their lewd crimes repent 991:13,250[A ]| Not for the sin but for the punishment 991:13,251[A ]| O how much earthly glorie in one houre 991:13,252[A ]| Did this out ragious element devoure 991:13,253[A ]| The garden of the world the checquerd fields 991:13,254[A ]| The pride of nature to the conqueror yields 991:13,255[A ]| Gomorrahs guilded roofes fed greedy flames 991:13,256[A ]| Wild fire now burnt up the unmelting Dames 991:13,257[A ]| Vnnaturall heat vnnaturall lust did quench 991:13,258[A ]| Perfumed courtiers were choakt up with stench 991:13,259[A ]| This Sea of wrath flowd over all the plaine 991:13,260[A ]| Where poore beasts for their masters sins were slaine 991:13,261[A ]| The fair groves perisht burnt up to the rootes 991:13,262[A ]| The earth it*self with all her shining fruites 991:13,263[A ]| From its first native beauty much estrang'd 991:13,264[A ]| Into a killing noysome lake was chang'd 991:13,265[A ]| Bounded with slime and noysome poysonous weeds 991:13,266[A ]| Where no fish lives, nor any foule ere breeds 991:13,267[A ]| If any lucklesse birds by chance here flie 991:13,268[A ]| They with the infection of the foule ayre die 991:13,269[A ]| The waters such unsavory vapours make 991:13,270[A ]| Where Hebers brood sirnam'd it the dead lake 991:13,271[A ]| O how are men bewitcht with sensuall love 991:13,272[A ]| Whom neither judgments nor sweet mercies move 991:13,273[A ]| Mercies held out in sinners punishments 991:13,274[A ]| By which the Lord fraile mankinds crimes prevents 991:13,275[A ]| And such whose hard hearts love cords will not draw 991:13,276[A ]| He by severer justice strives to awe 991:13,277[A ]| Yet those examples no inpressions make 991:13,278[A ]| Nor will the wicked their lewd wayes forsake 991:13,279[A ]| These lustfull cities to prevent their crimes 991:13,280[A ]| Had the example of these impious times 991:13,281[A ]| When God incenst with all of humane birth 991:13,282[A ]| Washt the bold sinnes from the stained earth 991:13,283[A ]| In that great delluge which the whole world drownd 991:13,284[A ]| And with the wicked did their seates confound 991:13,285[A ]| Yet that prevaild not, and themselves now made 991:13,286[A ]| As great examples are as little weighd 991:13,287[A ]| Such ruine as theirs the whole world shall endure 991:13,288[A ]| When earths dark mists shall heavens high arch obscure 991:13,289[A ]| And mounting flames set the elements on fire 991:13,290[A ]| In which the whole worlds glorie shall expire 991:13,291[A ]| But how should we have sence of this when Lott 991:13,292[A ]| Who saw the judgement had so soon forgott 991:13,293[A ]| That he could his unguarded soule resigne 991:13,294[A ]| To the allurements of the sparkling wine 991:13,295[A ]| For he in Zoar heard the thunders rore 991:13,296[A ]| Saw the transformed Land and had no more 991:13,297[A ]| Desire or courage to abide so neare 991:13,298[A ]| But climbd the mountaines full of urging feare 991:13,299[A ]| There in a cave by night his lodging made 991:13,300[A ]| By day reposd under some spreading shade. 991:14,001[A ]| Abraham from his own dwelling now no more 991:14,002[A ]| Beheld that goodly prospect which before 991:14,003[A ]| The lustfull cities were with fire destroyd 991:14,004[A ]| He in his pleasant evening walkes enjoyd 991:14,005[A ]| The beauteous plaine with fire and brimstone burnd 991:14,006[A ]| Into a stinking and dead lake was turnd 991:14,007[A ]| Whose noysome waters poysoned every thing 991:14,008[A ]| Here no fish lived nor no foule stretcht her wing 991:14,009[A ]| If lucklesse chance did any thither guide 991:14,010[A ]| They soon infected with those vapours died 991:14,011[A ]| All over head was dark and gloomie there 991:14,012[A ]| Vnwholsome mists corrupted the whole ayre 991:14,013[A ]| Hence desolate the neighbouring mountaines grew 991:14,014[A ]| Which having lost the pleasure of that view 991:14,015[A ]| And the commodities they had from thence 991:14,016[A ]| No more afforded lifes convenience 991:14,017[A ]| For the inhabitants corne which the vale 991:14,018[A ]| Before had still supplied begun to faile 991:14,019[A ]| No travellers did now those wayes frequent 991:14,020[A ]| By which the Merchants late to Sodom went 991:14,021[A ]| Now Abrahams habitation renderd thus 991:14,022[A ]| Neither delightfull nor commodious 991:14,023[A ]| He into Palestine remoovd but there 991:14,024[A ]| Againe fearing his wife who yet was fair 991:14,025[A ]| And had escapd the injuries of Age 991:14,026[A ]| Lest that her beauty should his life engage 991:14,027[A ]| He as before did her his sister call 991:14,028[A ]| By which more hopefully desird of all 991:14,029[A ]| The King himselfe enflamd with her report 991:14,030[A ]| Commanded that she should be brought to court 991:14,031[A ]| Thither she came and there she was admird 991:14,032[A ]| Abimelech the King her beautie fired 991:14,033[A ]| But not a common love within him burnd 991:14,034[A ]| The excesse of this into a fever turnd 991:14,035[A ]| The Queene her*selfe and every conqubine 991:14,036[A ]| Did at this passion with such envie pine 991:14,037[A ]| That the disturbance violent sickness bred 991:14,038[A ]| Which suddenly surprizd the court with dread 991:14,039[A ]| And the late much expected triumphs so 991:14,040[A ]| Converted to a face of generall woe 991:14,041[A ]| Skillfull Phisicians tried their art in vaine 991:14,042[A ]| The King still languishd with vneased paine 991:14,043[A ]| At length when earthly succours were denied 991:14,044[A ]| He to the Lord of heaven his prayer applied 991:14,045[A ]| Who allwayes gracious to poore mortalls cries 991:14,046[A ]| A winged messenger from heaven employs 991:14,047[A ]| Vnto the gloomie mansion of dull sleepe 991:14,048[A ]| Sleepe in a valley dwelt hemd round with steepe 991:14,049[A ]| And craggie rocks whose overhanging brows 991:14,050[A ]| No passage for the suns bright beames allows 991:14,051[A ]| Perpetually excluding all lights cheerefull rays 991:14,052[A ]| In this dark shade no lowing cattle graze 991:14,053[A ]| No barking dogs live there no bleating flocks 991:14,054[A ]| No wakefull geese nor day exciting cocks 991:14,055[A ]| All jarring tongues and sounds are banisht thence 991:14,056[A ]| But such as bring a dullnesse on the sence 991:14,057[A ]| Soft gently running springs and whispering gales 991:14,058[A ]| The humid earth thick vapours still exhales 991:14,059[A ]| That evermore in mistie waves arise 991:14,060[A ]| And interpose betweene the radiant skies 991:14,061[A ]| And the moyst ground which no glad issues breeds 991:14,062[A ]| But poppie and those stupifying weeds 991:14,063[A ]| From whence the night that drouzie juice collects 991:14,064[A ]| Wherewith she every creatures eies infects 991:14,065[A ]| One rock there was hung like a Canopie 991:14,066[A ]| Under whose shelter did the dull power lie 991:14,067[A ]| Upon a couch with sable coverings spred 991:14,068[A ]| Fantastick dreams hoverd about his bed 991:14,069[A ]| To which the angell comming with his bright 991:14,070[A ]| Appearance for a while suspended night 991:14,071[A ]| The lazie god thrice for his rest he calls 991:14,072[A ]| Whose head thrice reard thrice on his bosome falls 991:14,073[A ]| Which he at last supporting on his hand 991:14,074[A ]| With half closd lidds attends the Lords commands 991:14,075[A ]| Which thus the glorious messenger declares 991:14,076[A ]| O sleep thou sweete release of anxious cares 991:14,077[A ]| Lifes best refreshment in whose sacred reigne 991:14,078[A ]| Mortalls forgett all griefe and torturing paine 991:14,079[A ]| Restorer of the tired limbs and minde 991:14,080[A ]| Thy pleasing charmes the vexed sences bind 991:14,081[A ]| Thou calmest the rages of unquencht desires 991:14,082[A ]| Remembrance from thy presence still retires 991:14,083[A ]| And gives the agitated thoughts repose 991:14,084[A ]| From thee mans pleasant'st consolation flows 991:14,085[A ]| Hast with thy leaden mace to gerars King 991:14,086[A ]| And stupefaction on his sences bring 991:14,087[A ]| Then to his fancie in a dreame present 991:14,088[A ]| The vnknowne cause of his sad languishment 991:14,089[A ]| Which I assisting clearly will expound 991:14,090[A ]| When thy dull charmes have his quick sences bound 991:14,091[A ]| Sleep thus commanded lazilie did rise 991:14,092[A ]| And in nights chariott through the gloomie skies 991:14,093[A ]| Vsherd by silence past a*long like death 991:14,094[A ]| Poysoning the ayre with his contagious breath 991:14,095[A ]| At whose approach all living things fell down 991:14,096[A ]| And did their busie cares in stillnesse drowne 991:14,097[A ]| Sad Philomell abruptly ceast her songs 991:14,098[A ]| An Sleeping lost the memory of her wrongs 991:14,099[A ]| The larger heard benumd with stupid night 991:14,100[A ]| No more could sleep their drowzie limbs upright 991:14,101[A ]| But stretcht their heavie members on the ground 991:14,102[A ]| The silent rivers to their banks seemd bound 991:14,103[A ]| The new blowne flowers shutt up their gaudie leaves 991:14,104[A ]| The violett droopes while it nights juice receives 991:14,105[A ]| And like a bashfull virgin hangs her head 991:14,106[A ]| Even the fish rest in their watry bed 991:14,107[A ]| The birds pearcht on the boughs their lids fast close 991:14,108[A ]| And stupifaction into all things flowes 991:14,109[A ]| The student can no more with wakefull eies 991:14,110[A ]| Persue his search in learned misteries 991:14,111[A ]| Upon his open booke his head declines 991:14,112[A ]| And sleepe the vastnesse of his thought confines 991:14,113[A ]| Giddie with sleepe the toyled servants reele 991:14,114[A ]| Industrious matrons drop down at the wheele 991:14,115[A ]| The watchfull doggs lie stretcht out by the fire 991:14,116[A ]| And drowsinesse gives pause to all desire. 991:14,117[A ]| Sleep doth the fair one at her glass surprize 991:14,118[A ]| And shuts the eager gazing lovers eies 991:14,119[A ]| All passions which each creature doth possesse 991:14,120[A ]| As he past by gave way to stupidnesse 991:14,121[A ]| Oblivion did in the same charriot ride 991:14,122[A ]| All various kinds of dreames marcht on each side 991:14,123[A ]| Who when the first two had performd their charms 991:14,124[A ]| Enterd the easefull head in numerous swarms 991:14,125[A ]| And strange fantastick apparitions made 991:14,126[A ]| Suting the brains where they reception had 991:14,127[A ]| Deformed sloth and nastie poverty 991:14,128[A ]| Among the crowd of his attendants be 991:14,129[A ]| But in the reare there marcht a handsome paire 991:14,130[A ]| The cure of wearynesse and the release of care 991:14,131[A ]| Most tardie is the monarchs naturall pace 991:14,132[A ]| But severall active troops his slow steps chase 991:14,133[A ]| By swift and powerfull commanders brought 991:14,134[A ]| To dispossesse him of the agile thought 991:14,135[A ]| Restlesse ambition, care, and unfilld love 991:14,136[A ]| In the first rank of his persuers moove 991:14,137[A ]| Then follow industrie and strong desire 991:14,138[A ]| Melting his chaines with youths still active fire 991:14,139[A ]| But now a greater power their force contrould 991:14,140[A ]| And made him long that night his empire hold 991:14,141[A ]| When he into the sick kings palace went 991:14,142[A ]| Whose feaver want of quiet did augment 991:14,143[A ]| Till at the undiscernd approach of sleepe 991:14,144[A ]| A dullnesse did through all his members creepe 991:14,145[A ]| And so his torturd wearied sence benumbs 991:14,146[A ]| In whose still rest the sacred heralld comes 991:14,147[A ]| And thus his heavenly embassie declares 991:14,148[A ]| The Lord said he invoked by thy prayers 991:14,149[A ]| Wherein as guiltlesse thou pourst forth complaints 991:14,150[A ]| Thee with the cause of thy disease acquaints 991:14,151[A ]| For it is thy sin prevailes against thy life 991:14,152[A ]| While lewdly thou reteinst anothers wife 991:14,153[A ]| Wherefore thou art but dead for this offence 991:14,154[A ]| Ah. Lord said he shall then my innocence 991:14,155[A ]| Suffer like guilt wilt thou with me include 991:14,156[A ]| In generall ruine a just multitude 991:14,157[A ]| Did not her husband her his sister name 991:14,158[A ]| And did not she herselfe affirme the same 991:14,159[A ]| With innocent hands and with integritie 991:14,160[A ]| In my whole heart thou knowst O Lord that I 991:14,161[A ]| This fatall unknowne error did commit 991:14,162[A ]| Nor is her chastitie polluted yet 991:14,163[A ]| The Lord replide I know thy heart was free 991:14,164[A ]| From foule intent it was I restreined thee 991:14,165[A ]| From such an unknowne crime and by my grace 991:14,166[A ]| Thou hast been yet withheld from her embrace 991:14,167[A ]| Wherefore restore the man again his wife 991:14,168[A ]| And his prayer shall restore thy threatned life 991:14,169[A ]| For he is a prophet and his favour'd zeale 991:14,170[A ]| Shall the distempers of thy houshold heale 991:14,171[A ]| But if thou still persue his iniurie, 991:14,172[A ]| Quick death shall swallow up thy family 991:14,173[A ]| And thou thy*selfe shalt in their ruine fall 991:14,174[A ]| Vnlesse thy quick repentance save them all 991:14,175[A ]| With this the king awake and full of affright 991:14,176[A ]| When now the morn disclos'd her purple light 991:14,177[A ]| His terror had surmounted his disease 991:14,178[A ]| Anguish did more his minde than members seize 991:14,179[A ]| When early he his whole court congregates 991:14,180[A ]| And the sad threatnings of the Lord relates 991:14,181[A ]| Which when they had with wild amazement heard 991:14,182[A ]| Their courage faild nor were they lesse affeard 991:14,183[A ]| Than when poore men in a besiegd towne 991:14,184[A ]| See part of their strong rampire tumble down 991:14,185[A ]| And make a breach for death to enter in 991:14,186[A ]| So did they looke on this destructive sin 991:14,187[A ]| The fatall cause of this they durst not curse 991:14,188[A ]| Fearing to make their dreaded ruine worse 991:14,189[A ]| Prayer they thought a safer way and ran 991:14,190[A ]| To crave the assistance of the holy man 991:14,191[A ]| Whom when the King beheld struck with the sence 991:14,192[A ]| Of gods late threats ah said he what offence 991:14,193[A ]| In me or mine can have provokt thee thus 991:14,194[A ]| To bring this desperate ruine upon us 991:14,195[A ]| What have I or my guiltlesse people done 991:14,196[A ]| To meritt from thee this destruction 991:14,197[A ]| Our fault proceeded fromm our ignorance 991:14,198[A ]| But thou didst willfully our sins advance 991:14,199[A ]| And sure though I beare all the affliction 991:14,200[A ]| Yet thou hast done what ought not to be done 991:14,201[A ]| Abraham whom justly thus the king accus'd 991:14,202[A ]| Without replie stood silent and confus'd 991:14,203[A ]| When still the king urgd on what didst thou see 991:14,204[A ]| What could thy motive to this action be 991:14,205[A ]| Abraham who found no fair excuse to hide 991:14,206[A ]| A fault so manifest at length replide 991:14,207[A ]| I do confesse though that cause be not just 991:14,208[A ]| I have offended you by my distrust 991:14,209[A ]| I in my heart had said when I came here 991:14,210[A ]| Perhaps these men do not the allmighty feare 991:14,211[A ]| And if they know this beauty be my wife 991:14,212[A ]| To obteine her they may attempt my life 991:14,213[A ]| Yet when I said she is my sister I 991:14,214[A ]| Did but affirme the truth our nuptiall tie 991:14,215[A ]| Is added to our naturall bond for she 991:14,216[A ]| And I the children of one father be 991:14,217[A ]| Though we our births from severall mothers tooke 991:14,218[A ]| Wherefore when I my native earth forsooke 991:14,219[A ]| Informd by angells of the Lords command 991:14,220[A ]| Which made me wander in an unknowne land 991:14,221[A ]| I from my beauteous wife implord this grace 991:14,222[A ]| That when-so-ere we came to any place 991:14,223[A ]| She would the sisters title onely own 991:14,224[A ]| Nor let our marriage be to strangers knowne 991:14,225[A ]| This our concealment though unluckie here 991:14,226[A ]| Proceeded not from mallice but from feare 991:14,227[A ]| The gentle King would urge his shame no more 991:14,228[A ]| But unpolluted did his wife restore 991:14,229[A ]| Adding a royall gift and gracious words 991:14,230[A ]| Behold said he where ere my land affords 991:14,231[A ]| Thee best convenience chuse thy*selfe a seat 991:14,232[A ]| There with thy wife and family retreat 991:14,233[A ]| And amongst us in perfect freedome live 991:14,234[A ]| These oxen, sheep, and slaves from me receive 991:14,235[A ]| To Sarah next the king his speeches bent 991:14,236[A ]| A thousand silver pieces with thee sent 991:14,237[A ]| My kindnesse to thy brother testifies 991:14,238[A ]| Let him still be the convering of thy eies 991:14,239[A ]| Let not this accident procure thee shame 991:14,240[A ]| Yet never more endanger thus thy fame 991:14,241[A ]| For feare though thou preserve thy chastitie 991:14,242[A ]| Rash grounded censures may dishonour thee 991:14,243[A ]| Let him for thee and for thy maids provide 991:14,244[A ]| Such modest vailes as may from all men hide 991:14,245[A ]| The flames which may begett unlawfull fire 991:14,246[A ]| It is easier to prevent than quench desire 991:14,247[A ]| All would not as I do, returne thee pure 991:14,248[A ]| This iust reproofe, did their fraile feare procure 991:14,249[A ]| Then Abraham prayd to God with fervent zeale 991:14,250[A ]| And by his prayer moovd the Lord, did heale 991:14,251[A ]| The King with all his concubines whom he 991:14,252[A ]| For Sarahs sake plagud with sterilitie 991:14,253[A ]| To comfort their disgrace now Sarah womb 991:14,254[A ]| Grew pregnant with that promisd fruit in whom 991:14,255[A ]| A blessing was designd for the whole earth 991:14,256[A ]| And the ninth moone disclosd the joyfull birth 991:14,257[A ]| Isaac they call their Son whose name implies 991:14,258[A ]| Their gladnesse, him the eighth day circumcise 991:14,259[A ]| Then grew the child fed at his mothers brest 991:14,260[A ]| Whose weaning Celebrated with a feast 991:14,261[A ]| Bred envie in the proud AEgiptians boy 991:14,262[A ]| Whom Sarah found scoffing their solemn joy 991:14,263[A ]| Nor a just anger at these flouts refraind 991:14,264[A ]| But to her Lord with bitternesse complaind 991:14,265[A ]| This Slave said she in her own insolent pride 991:14,266[A ]| Hath bred her bratt who did my son deride 991:14,267[A ]| Wherefore no more will I susteine their scorne 991:14,268[A ]| Nor shall a Slaves proud Son so basely borne 991:14,269[A ]| A share of Isaacs heritage expect 991:14,270[A ]| Wherefore this Hagar and her son eject 991:14,271[A ]| Much did these words poore Abrahams thoughts disturbe 991:14,272[A ]| Hardly could he a stepdames fury curbe 991:14,273[A ]| Nor bring his heart to yield that his own childe 991:14,274[A ]| Should for one scoffe be evermore exil'd 991:14,275[A ]| Grievd both at Ishmaels scorn and Sarahs spite 991:14,276[A ]| Feeding his sorrow in the silent night 991:14,277[A ]| The Lord descending from the firmament 991:14,278[A ]| Thus said no more persue thy discontent 991:14,279[A ]| Nor cherish the disturbance of thy Life 991:14,280[A ]| But yield to the harsh instance of thy wife 991:14,281[A ]| Nor let it more afflict thee to fullfill 991:14,282[A ]| The jealous bent of her obdurate will 991:14,283[A ]| Consent to cast thy son and servant out 991:14,284[A ]| Nor vex thy soule with a perplexing doubt 991:14,285[A ]| What evill chance may unto them betide 991:14,286[A ]| For I their future fortunes will provide 991:14,287[A ]| Direct their wandring steps to a safe seate 991:14,288[A ]| Where I will make his glorious issue greate 991:14,289[A ]| Twelve Princes shall spring from his fruitfull loyns 991:14,290[A ]| And prospering in all their brave designes 991:14,291[A ]| Shall their strong enemies before them chase 991:14,292[A ]| And conquer for themselves a pleasant place 991:14,293[A ]| Wherein they shall in power and glorie reigne 991:14,294[A ]| And still invincibly their realme maintaine 991:14,295[A ]| Feare not to expose them then whom for thy sake 991:14,296[A ]| I henceforth into my protection take 991:14,297[A ]| But though this son my outward blessings share 991:14,298[A ]| The other to my promises is heire 991:14,299[A ]| It is in Isaac that I have decreed 991:14,300[A ]| A glorious name unto thy holy seed 991:15,001[A ]| Now Abraham great in wealth and power became 991:15,002[A ]| His foretold glories were divulgd by fame 991:15,003[A ]| Who the report from Isaac's nurses caught 991:15,004[A ]| And to the courts of neighboring princes brought 991:15,005[A ]| These prophecies in Gerars pallace knowne 991:15,006[A ]| The King solicitous to assure his throne 991:15,007[A ]| Visitts the blessed Patriarch and contracts 991:15,008[A ]| A league with him, that not by hostile acts 991:15,009[A ]| Nor secret practices each should invade 991:15,010[A ]| The others right, and that this covenant made 991:15,011[A ]| By them, their next successours should include 991:15,012[A ]| And to their generations be renewd 991:15,013[A ]| Beersheba hence receivd its name for there 991:15,014[A ]| They did with solemn rites this covenant sweare 991:15,015[A ]| Near this Abram planted a grove, and payd 991:15,016[A ]| His vowes to God beneath that sacred shade 991:15,017[A ]| Though while the saints livd in their pilgrimage 991:15,018[A ]| No stately temples in that infant age 991:15,019[A ]| Were for the worship of the great God raysd 991:15,020[A ]| But men in woods and fields their maker prays'd 991:15,021[A ]| Yet near whatever spring or shadie oake 991:15,022[A ]| Devout assemblies did the Lord invoke 991:15,023[A ]| That place holy esteeme from thence obteined 991:15,024[A ]| And was no more with common use prophaned 991:15,025[A ]| But what first decently was set a part 991:15,026[A ]| Men after to an idoll did convert 991:15,027[A ]| And did the Allmighties monarchie diride 991:15,028[A ]| Making peculiar deities preside 991:15,029[A ]| Ore every lake and spring and greater flood 991:15,030[A ]| The vallies, mountaines, and each shadie wood, 991:15,031[A ]| Poore weak and sillie mortalls who conceiv'd 991:15,032[A ]| Too foolishly of God while they believ'd 991:15,033[A ]| That this devinitie could be confin'd 991:15,034[A ]| To any of those places they assign'd 991:15,035[A ]| When even heaven which doth this globe embrace 991:15,036[A ]| Cannot hold him who yet fills every place 991:15,037[A ]| Still present in the earth, the sea, the ayre, 991:15,038[A ]| Not bounded, nor excluded any*where. 991:15,039[A ]| He in Kings Courts, and great assemblies dwells 991:15,040[A ]| In private houses, and obscured Cells 991:15,041[A ]| His presence over the whole world extends 991:15,042[A ]| And he to every single heart descends 991:15,043[A ]| Before designes to their ripe birth are brought 991:15,044[A ]| He is at their first conceptions in the thought 991:15,045[A ]| And when the black deeds are brought forth, not night 991:15,046[A ]| Nor darknesse can obscure them from his sight 991:15,047[A ]| Yet though he all mens inclinations knows 991:15,048[A ]| He often makes experiment of those 991:15,049[A ]| Who boast his name, that when their weake holds faile 991:15,050[A ]| They finding mortalls best perfections fraile 991:15,051[A ]| More humbly may to the Allmighty bend 991:15,052[A ]| And upon his, not their own strength depend 991:15,053[A ]| Some times firm faiths are tried which else conceald 991:15,054[A ]| Impious bosomes could not be reveald 991:15,055[A ]| To the just glorie of triumphant grace 991:15,056[A ]| And the example of the future race 991:15,057[A ]| And such a patterne is presented here 991:15,058[A ]| While God again to Abraham did appeare 991:15,059[A ]| Saying take now Isaac thine only Son 991:15,060[A ]| And offer him for a burnt oblation 991:15,061[A ]| Upon that mountaine I shall lead thee to 991:15,062[A ]| This said, the amazed Patriarch sencelesse grew 991:15,063[A ]| And trembling horror did his brest invade 991:15,064[A ]| Yet without scruple he the Lord obey'd 991:15,065[A ]| For faith soon recollecting his wild sence 991:15,066[A ]| Prevaild and bred a prompt obedience 991:15,067[A ]| No sleepe that night his carefull eies did close 991:15,068[A ]| But early he with the next morning rose 991:15,069[A ]| And calme lookes did his troubled thoughts disguise 991:15,070[A ]| While he preparing for the sacrifice 991:15,071[A ]| With knives and cloven sticks his asse did lade 991:15,072[A ]| And all provision for the voyage made 991:15,073[A ]| Taking two of his servants and his son 991:15,074[A ]| His journey toward Moriahs mount begun 991:15,075[A ]| Two dayes they travelld nor in all that space 991:15,076[A ]| Could he discover yet the fatall place 991:15,077[A ]| But when as the third morning had dissolvd 991:15,078[A ]| Those gloomie mists which the whole earth involv'd 991:15,079[A ]| As she in the east her purple curtaines drew 991:15,080[A ]| Whence light broke forth and unto mortalls view 991:15,081[A ]| Disclosd those regions which the expulst night 991:15,082[A ]| Before had hidden from their blinded sight 991:15,083[A ]| Abraham still marching on with heedfull eies 991:15,084[A ]| Affar off the appointed place descries 991:15,085[A ]| The at the bottome of the mountaine stayd 991:15,086[A ]| And upon Isaac the cleft fuell layd 991:15,087[A ]| The knife and fire in his own hands he bore 991:15,088[A ]| And to his youngmen said I shall no more 991:15,089[A ]| Employ your service here what is to be done 991:15,090[A ]| Must be alone by me and by my son 991:15,091[A ]| Performd wherefore while he and I ascend 991:15,092[A ]| To worship on that hill do you attend 991:15,093[A ]| And with the asse in this low place remaine 991:15,094[A ]| Till having finisht we come down again 991:15,095[A ]| Much mistery in this whole story lies 991:15,096[A ]| Each part some doctrine or some tipe implies 991:15,097[A ]| Abraham here represents the devout minde 991:15,098[A ]| And the two servants which he left behinde 991:15,099[A ]| Earthly affections humane reason be 991:15,100[A ]| These when soules climb the hill of pietie 991:15,101[A ]| By faith led up to God, must even so 991:15,102[A ]| As they, be left with the dull asse below 991:15,103[A ]| For wordly cares retard her nimble flight 991:15,104[A ]| And fleshly reasons blinde her piercing sight 991:15,105[A ]| While they converse with earth and earthly things 991:15,106[A ]| And hang like cloggs upon her soaring wings 991:15,107[A ]| Which once shooke off, the soule at libertie 991:15,108[A ]| Is swiftly carried up to God on high 991:15,109[A ]| And there upon his holy Altar payes 991:15,110[A ]| Her pure oblations of spirituall prayse 991:15,111[A ]| Now Abraham and his son climb the ascent 991:15,112[A ]| Isaac not knowing to what end he went 991:15,113[A ]| My father said he to his thoughtfull sire 991:15,114[A ]| I see the readie fuell knives and fire 991:15,115[A ]| But where is the lamb for sacrifice decreed 991:15,116[A ]| Whose bleeding flesh the holy flames must feed 991:15,117[A ]| The Patriarchs faith this mighty shock did stand 991:15,118[A ]| He heard unmoovd this innocent demand 991:15,119[A ]| Nor at the question by his melting teares 991:15,120[A ]| Betrayd his own or raysd up his sons feares 991:15,121[A ]| But with a firme untroubled looke replied 991:15,122[A ]| My Son God will his offering provide 991:15,123[A ]| Now to the mountaines top arrivd they there 991:15,124[A ]| An Altar of erected turfe prepare 991:15,125[A ]| The wood in order plact all readie made 991:15,126[A ]| Abraham his son bound on the Altar layd 991:15,127[A ]| And in obedience to the Lords command 991:15,128[A ]| With an unwavering faith stretcht forth his hand 991:15,129[A ]| Readie to strike, armd with the fatall knife 991:15,130[A ]| Without remorse, threatning so deare a life 991:15,131[A ]| O how religion changes stiles of things 991:15,132[A ]| Making the same act divers as it springs 991:15,133[A ]| From mans own nature or obedience 991:15,134[A ]| To Gods command to murther innocence 991:15,135[A ]| To have an unrelenting father kill 991:15,136[A ]| His only son guiltlesse of every ill 991:15,137[A ]| What barbarous cruelty would this have been 991:15,138[A ]| If Gods command had not from impious sin 991:15,139[A ]| Chang'd it into the highest pietie 991:15,140[A ]| Which can in any mortall bosome be 991:15,141[A ]| For not to quit that naturall tendernesse 991:15,142[A ]| Which the kind hearts of fondest sires professe 991:15,143[A ]| But whilst it is in fullest strength and heigth 991:15,144[A ]| To conquer it with faiths prevailing might 991:15,145[A ]| And where the precepts of the Lord enjoyne 991:15,146[A ]| The dearest pledges of our love resigne 991:15,147[A ]| Is such a patterne of victorious grace 991:15,148[A ]| As scarce can find beliefe in mortall race 991:15,149[A ]| Yet those whose spirits, fleshly bounds transcend 991:15,150[A ]| Yield all, while they on God alone depend 991:15,151[A ]| Nor loose by what to him they freely give 991:15,152[A ]| But with advantag that or better things receive 991:15,153[A ]| Now Abrahams faith sufficiently tried 991:15,154[A ]| To him an angell out of heaven cried 991:15,155[A ]| To stop the execution at whose call 991:15,156[A ]| He stayd his heavd up hand readie to fall 991:15,157[A ]| Upon the destin'd innocent sacrifice 991:15,158[A ]| And as he listned to the angells voyce 991:15,159[A ]| These glad words pierct his eares, Abraham forbeare 991:15,160[A ]| To hurt the child, In that thou didst not spare 991:15,161[A ]| Thine only son whom I required of thee 991:15,162[A ]| But freely hast resign'd him up to me 991:15,163[A ]| I know by this that thou dost feare the Lord 991:15,164[A ]| This act thy faith shall to the world record 991:15,165[A ]| The joyfull father then his son unbound 991:15,166[A ]| And as he cast his eies about they found 991:15,167[A ]| A thickett where a ramme by his hornes was caught 991:15,168[A ]| Which disentangled he to the Altar brought 991:15,169[A ]| And there in stead of his late destin'd son 991:15,170[A ]| Offerd it for a burnt oblation 991:15,171[A ]| In memorie of that did here befall 991:15,172[A ]| The place he did, Jehovah jireh call 991:15,173[A ]| Which name doth signifie upon Gods hill 991:15,174[A ]| It shall be seen and time did this fullfill 991:15,175[A ]| For then the Patriarch ignorantly foretold 991:15,176[A ]| What future glorie should there behold 991:15,177[A ]| There Solomons fair temple stood and there 991:15,178[A ]| God oft appeard invokd with zealous prayer 991:15,179[A ]| There Israills pious congregations joyn'd 991:15,180[A ]| The Jewish Church in her full splendor shin'd 991:15,181[A ]| There princes sacred fires with whole herds fed 991:15,182[A ]| Thither poore men their single offerings led 991:15,183[A ]| And while the sacrifice in flames consum'd 991:15,184[A ]| The darkned ayre with incense was perfum'd 991:15,185[A ]| This one of the worlds wonders held 991:15,186[A ]| All glorious structures in that age excelled 991:15,187[A ]| But when forgetfull Israell more relied 991:15,188[A ]| Upon the place than him who sanctified 991:15,189[A ]| That sacred seate and comming thither stain'd 991:15,190[A ]| With their foule sins the house of God prophand 991:15,191[A ]| He left the place he did inhabite late 991:15,192[A ]| And did the dwelling people offerings hate 991:15,193[A ]| Against them sent the Babilonish powers 991:15,194[A ]| Who without mercy razd fair Zions Towers 991:15,195[A ]| And in the citie licenzd furious rage 991:15,196[A ]| Which spard no sort of men no sex or age 991:15,197[A ]| Down every channel ran a mixed flood 991:15,198[A ]| With streams of Royall and of common blood 991:15,199[A ]| The princes were with vulgar prisners chaind 991:15,200[A ]| Lords with their slaves one servitude susteined 991:15,201[A ]| Chast virgins, matrons, priests escapt not free 991:15,202[A ]| Without regard of weaknesse sanctitie 991:15,203[A ]| High blood or holy orders some were led 991:15,204[A ]| In captive troops some at the Altar bled 991:15,205[A ]| And priests the sacrifices there became 991:15,206[A ]| While the whole temple blazd with wasting flame 991:15,207[A ]| That glorious fabrique with such reverence reard 991:15,208[A ]| That no noyse was in the whole building heard 991:15,209[A ]| Was now with horrid fragors overturnd 991:15,210[A ]| In crackling fires the cedar roofes were burnd 991:15,211[A ]| The ornaments became the victors pray 991:15,212[A ]| Who carried all the precious things away 991:15,213[A ]| Spoyling Gods house, their idolls to adorne 991:15,214[A ]| Scourging his people, with their heathnish scorne 991:15,215[A ]| Levell with earth thus was the temple layd 991:15,216[A ]| Jerusalem a heape of ruine made 991:15,217[A ]| The holy people in a barbarous land 991:15,218[A ]| Long time continued in a captive band 991:15,219[A ]| Till God at last moovd with their penitence 991:15,220[A ]| In mercy brought them back again from thence 991:15,221[A ]| And they a*new reedified the place 991:15,222[A ]| Assisted by the Persian monarchs grace 991:15,223[A ]| Who did again the holy things restore 991:15,224[A ]| But that ground where the temple stood before 991:15,225[A ]| Vnbuilt without the new walls did remaine 991:15,226[A ]| That the pure lamb of God might there be slaine 991:15,227[A ]| Where it so long before was tipified 991:15,228[A ]| By all those beasts which on his altare died 991:15,229[A ]| And by young Isaacs immolation 991:15,230[A ]| For Abraham thus resigning his deare son 991:15,231[A ]| His only heire to death presents that love 991:15,232[A ]| Which did the great eternall father moove 991:15,233[A ]| To give his only son for lost mankind 991:15,234[A ]| That by his death they might redemption finde 991:15,235[A ]| As Isaac the designed offering 991:15,236[A ]| The wood which should confirme himself did bring 991:15,237[A ]| Up to the place appointed for his death 991:15,238[A ]| So Christ was after led sweating beneath 991:15,239[A ]| The burthen of that crosse on which he died 991:15,240[A ]| And Gods severest justice satisfied 991:15,241[A ]| Then on this mountaine of the Lord was seen 991:15,242[A ]| That spectacle which hath in all times been 991:15,243[A ]| Beheld with faiths prophetick joyfull eies 991:15,244[A ]| Man's guilt purg'd by this guiltlesse sacrifice 991:15,245[A ]| From whose pierc't side streamd forth a plenteous flood 991:15,246[A ]| Of cleansing waters and all healing blood 991:15,247[A ]| Here dropt that balme which doth the pasions cure 991:15,248[A ]| Here sprung that fountaine which makes sinners pure 991:15,249[A ]| Here forfeit mankinds desperate debt was paid 991:15,250[A ]| Here was the treasure of Gods love displayd 991:15,251[A ]| Here deaths large power by diing vanquished 991:15,252[A ]| Here hungry soules with heavenly manna fed 991:15,253[A ]| Who*ever since have sick or weary been 991:15,254[A ]| Here have their cure here their refreshment seene 991:15,255[A ]| In all extremities who looks up here 991:15,256[A ]| For*ever quits his sorrow and his feare 991:15,257[A ]| By their stripes only mortall wounds are heald 991:15,258[A ]| In this rock is the spring of life reveald 991:15,259[A ]| The cerimonies of the law which led 991:15,260[A ]| All to this end were here consummated 991:15,261[A ]| Nor needed the allmightie now restore 991:15,262[A ]| That glorious temple which stood here before 991:15,263[A ]| Since this perfection to mankind befell 991:15,264[A ]| The immortall God in our fraile flesh doth dwell 991:15,265[A ]| Nor doth in temples built with hands reside 991:15,266[A ]| But in the hearts himself hath sanctified 991:15,267[A ]| Nor to one corner of the earth confines 991:15,268[A ]| His glorie, but in all the churches shines 991:15,269[A ]| Delighting more amongst them to behold 991:15,270[A ]| Pure worship than that splendor which of old 991:15,271[A ]| His temples did adorne and signified 991:15,272[A ]| The inward glorie of the heavenly bride 991:15,273[A ]| Yet the first fathers had but a dim sight 991:15,274[A ]| Of what we now enjoy in a cleare light 991:15,275[A ]| But in this hope they did their faiths erect 991:15,276[A ]| And the revealing of the Lord expect 991:15,277[A ]| While he their soules with promis'd blessings fed 991:15,278[A ]| Their lives with pious confidence they led 991:15,279[A ]| Rejoycing in the Lord now when the ramme 991:15,280[A ]| Was sacrific'd, again to Abraham 991:15,281[A ]| An angell out of heaven appeard and said 991:15,282[A ]| Because thou hast no difficultie made 991:15,283[A ]| When God requird to yield him up, thy son 991:15,284[A ]| Thine only Son for this that thou hast done 991:15,285[A ]| I by my*selfe saith God have sworne that I 991:15,286[A ]| Thy Blessings and thy seed will multiply 991:15,287[A ]| Dispencing Blessings I will still blesse thee 991:15,288[A ]| Thy enlargd seed as numberlesse shall be 991:15,289[A ]| As starres in heaven or sands on the sea shore 991:15,290[A ]| Nor shall their spreading families be more 991:15,291[A ]| In numbers than in glorious power encreast 991:15,292[A ]| By them their enemies gates shall be possest 991:15,293[A ]| Because of thy obedience in thy seed 991:15,294[A ]| An universall blessing is decreed 991:15,295[A ]| To all the nations which on earth survive 991:15,296[A ]| From thee shall they their happinesse derive 991:15,297[A ]| Thus his devotions ended Abraham then 991:15,298[A ]| Returnd again with Isaac to his men 991:15,299[A ]| And travelld home unto Beersheba where 991:15,300[A ]| His wife his dwelling and his houshold were 991:16,001[A ]| Now to the Patriarch age deaths summons gave 991:16,002[A ]| Who when he found his life approach the grave 991:16,003[A ]| Recounting how the Lord had blest his cares 991:16,004[A ]| And made him prosperous in all affaires 991:16,005[A ]| How he in wealth and plenty did abound 991:16,006[A ]| That no roome now for more desire was found 991:16,007[A ]| He piously his latest thoughts employd 991:16,008[A ]| Successors for his family to provide 991:16,009[A ]| Who worthily might all his wealth possesse 991:16,010[A ]| And since that both the parents godlinesse 991:16,011[A ]| To childrens education is requir'd 991:16,012[A ]| He for his son a vertuous wife desir'd 991:16,013[A ]| And lest his unexperienced youth should be 991:16,014[A ]| Betray'd by fond love to idolatrie 991:16,015[A ]| The fathers harsh prerogative doth use 991:16,016[A ]| Nor leaves it in his young sons power to chuse 991:16,017[A ]| But on a faithfull servant wife and stayd 991:16,018[A ]| This weightie trust with two strict cautions layd 991:16,019[A ]| First that he should not link the holy seed 991:16,020[A ]| To any of the Canaanitish breed 991:16,021[A ]| And next he binds him with a strict command 991:16,022[A ]| That Isaac go not from the promis'd land 991:16,023[A ]| Back to his fathers native soyle, though he 991:16,024[A ]| Must only out of his own familie 991:16,025[A ]| Elect his wife to this the servant swore 991:16,026[A ]| Cleard in some scruples he had made before 991:16,027[A ]| For said he if the woman should denie 991:16,028[A ]| To come how shall I then scape perjury 991:16,029[A ]| To which the faithfull Patriarch said that God 991:16,030[A ]| Which tooke me from my fathers just aboad 991:16,031[A ]| From all my kindred and hath sworne this land 991:16,032[A ]| Shall be given to my offspring, will command 991:16,033[A ]| His angell to prepare the way for thee 991:16,034[A ]| And make the virgin willing, but if she 991:16,035[A ]| Refuse to come thou from my oath art cleare 991:16,036[A ]| Strive only not to match my Isaac here 991:16,037[A ]| Instructed thus the prudent servant goes 991:16,038[A ]| His equipage doth handsomely dispose 991:16,039[A ]| Ten camells takes laden with precious things 991:16,040[A ]| Which he to Aram Mahors citie brings 991:16,041[A ]| Without the Gates he saw a fountaine where 991:16,042[A ]| The city maids each evening came, and there 991:16,043[A ]| Making his camells kneele, while as he stayd 991:16,044[A ]| For their approach thus to Jehovah prayd 991:16,045[A ]| O thou the God whom Abraham doth adore 991:16,046[A ]| Grant him the mercie I this day implore 991:16,047[A ]| It is evening now and the declining sun 991:16,048[A ]| Almost vnto his journeys end is run 991:16,049[A ]| Behold I at this fountaine stand and here 991:16,050[A ]| Soon will the virgins of the towne appeare 991:16,051[A ]| If thou thy favour to my Lord incline 991:16,052[A ]| Grant that the damsell whom thou shalt designe 991:16,053[A ]| For Isaacs wife, when I to quench my thirst 991:16,054[A ]| Shall water crave, may say to me drink first 991:16,055[A ]| Thy*selfe, then let they beasts their drought allay, 991:16,056[A ]| And I may know her by this courteous way 991:16,057[A ]| Whilst yet he spoke behold Rebekah came 991:16,058[A ]| Bethuel her sires, Milcah her mothers name, 991:16,059[A ]| Pure were her thoughts, and beautifull her face, 991:16,060[A ]| Her body nere defil'd with mans embrace 991:16,061[A ]| Her chaster mind upon her worke intent 991:16,062[A ]| She with a pitcher on her shoulder went 991:16,063[A ]| The honest labours of those innocent times 991:16,064[A ]| Kept honest weomen from adulterous crimes 991:16,065[A ]| The pride and idlenesse of our loose dames 991:16,066[A ]| Are the lewd parents of these lustfull flames 991:06,067[A ]| Which fire the world and make them blazing starres 991:06,068[A ]| Engendring murthers hate and civill warres 991:16,069[A ]| While to the well her journey she persues 991:16,070[A ]| Her fair forme then he with much wonder views 991:16,071[A ]| As she returning her full pitcher brought 991:16,072[A ]| He meets her and implores a little draught 991:16,073[A ]| Drinke sir said she and when you have enough 991:16,074[A ]| I will give your beasts, with that into the trough 991:16,075[A ]| She powrd the water she had drawne, and made 991:16,076[A ]| Hast to fetch more, till all their thirst allayed 991:16,077[A ]| The servant wondring at this providence 991:16,078[A ]| Could scarce recover his amazed sence 991:16,079[A ]| In joyfull admiration lost to see 991:16,080[A ]| Such beautie joyned with such humilitie 991:16,081[A ]| Such quick and just successe, to his late prayer 991:16,082[A ]| A damsell courteous, diligent, and fair 991:16,083[A ]| O said he to himselfe, if this might prove 991:16,084[A ]| My Masters wife, how worthy of his love, 991:16,085[A ]| Would such a partner be, O what a payne 991:16,086[A ]| My Soule doth labour with, till God explayne 991:16,087[A ]| Whether my voyage in this maide be blest 991:16,088[A ]| Then to the virgin he himself addrest 991:16,089[A ]| Fair one said he, tell me what happie bed 991:16,090[A ]| Hath such a blessing to her parents bred 991:16,091[A ]| Bethuel my sire Nahor my Grandsire are 991:16,092[A ]| Said she, and Milcah me to Bethuel bare 991:16,093[A ]| Can you said he at your good fathers home 991:16,094[A ]| Afford a wandring stranger courteous roome 991:16,095[A ]| Sir said she we can give you a retreate 991:16,096[A ]| Nor shall your camells too want roome or meate 991:16,097[A ]| At this the servant bowing low presents 991:16,098[A ]| Her armes, and eares, with Golden ornaments 991:16,099[A ]| And heaving up to heaven his pious eies 991:16,100[A ]| Adoring God with joyfull lips he cries 991:16,101[A ]| Blest be Jehovah, God, my Masters Lord 991:16,102[A ]| Who grace still to his servant doth afford 991:16,103[A ]| Who quickly granting the successe I sought 991:16,104[A ]| Hath me amongst my Masters kindred brought 991:16,105[A ]| Meane while the maid ran home and these things told 991:16,106[A ]| On whom when as her brother did behold 991:16,107[A ]| The wealthy presents, he haste forth to meete 991:16,108[A ]| The stranger whom he doth thus kindly greete 991:16,109[A ]| Thou blessed of the Lord why stayst thou here 991:16,110[A ]| Thy wellcome is prepard within draw near 991:16,111[A ]| With that his guests into the house he led 991:16,112[A ]| And there the wearie beasts refresht and fed 991:16,113[A ]| To him and his attendants for their feete 991:16,114[A ]| He water brought, and then prepard them meate 991:16,115[A ]| But the good Servant said, first let me crave 991:16,116[A ]| Before I touch you, that I may have 991:16,117[A ]| Leave to declare a certaine embassie 991:16,118[A ]| On which I am sent to Nahors familie 991:16,119[A ]| Laban replied, you freely may with us 991:16,120[A ]| Proceed, to whom the licensed servant thus 991:16,121[A ]| Vnfolds his errand, know said he I am 991:16,122[A ]| The servant of your kinsman Abraham 991:16,123[A ]| Whose travailes the Allmighty so hath blest 991:16,124[A ]| That plenteous fortunes are by him possest 991:16,125[A ]| Oxen and sheep Camells and Asses he 991:16,126[A ]| With slaves and maids ehjoys abundantly 991:16,127[A ]| Silver and Gold his treasures afford 991:16,128[A ]| So amply as make him the honord Lord 991:16,129[A ]| Of a most potent wealth designd to be 991:16,130[A ]| The inheritance of a noble Son which he 991:16,131[A ]| Receivd in his old age from Sarahs womb 991:16,132[A ]| Who now to perfect age and manhood come 991:16,133[A ]| My master will not marrie in that land 991:16,134[A ]| But I sent hither by his own command 991:16,135[A ]| Must carry back his Son a wife from hence 991:16,136[A ]| For which Rebecca seemes by providence 991:16,137[A ]| Markt forth, for as I at the fountaine stood 991:16,138[A ]| I beg'd of God that the first maid who should 991:16,139[A ]| Come thither, and give drinke to me and mine 991:16,140[A ]| Might be the virgin which he would assigne 991:16,141[A ]| For Isaacs wife, and while as yet I prayd 991:16,142[A ]| Behold God sent this fair and noble maid 991:16,143[A ]| Whose courtesie confirmd to me the signe 991:16,144[A ]| I askt of God, and if he now encline 991:16,145[A ]| Your gentle hearts to give me your accord 991:16,146[A ]| I shall return successefull to my Lord 991:16,147[A ]| If not give me your answer soon that I 991:16,148[A ]| To other courses may my*selfe apply 991:16,149[A ]| When thus the servant had his message clos'd 991:16,150[A ]| Her parents sayd, This cannot be opposd 991:16,151[A ]| Gods will herein so plainely is beheld 991:16,152[A ]| We can say nothing but obedience yield 991:16,153[A ]| Behold Rebecca here before thee stands 991:16,154[A ]| Whom freely we resigne into thy hands 991:16,155[A ]| That she wife to thy masters son may be 991:16,156[A ]| Take her and let her now return with thee 991:16,157[A ]| The servant hearing this bowd down once more 991:16,158[A ]| And with a thankfull heart did God adore 991:16,159[A ]| Then to his masters lovely spouse presents 991:16,160[A ]| Vessells of Gold, and Silver onaments 991:16,161[A ]| Of all sorts fitting such a noble bride 991:16,162[A ]| And fine robes in the richest tincture died 991:16,163[A ]| Then to her mother and her brother brings 991:16,164[A ]| Presents of choice and very precious things 991:16,165[A ]| Then they the late prepared meal encreas't 991:16,166[A ]| And turnd it to a ioyfull Bridall feast 991:16,167[A ]| At which in mirth, much of the night expird 991:16,168[A ]| The mother of the maid, ten days desird 991:16,169[A ]| To enjoy her daughter ere she went away 991:16,170[A ]| But the good man impatient of delay 991:16,171[A ]| A quick dismission prest the friends at last 991:16,172[A ]| Referrd it to Rebecca and she cast 991:16,173[A ]| It for the present voyage wherefore they 991:16,174[A ]| Giving her fitt attendants the next day 991:16,175[A ]| With Blessings to her spouse the virgin sent 991:16,176[A ]| With whom a nurse and traine of women went 991:06,177[A ]| How different were those vertuous dayes from ours 991:06,178[A ]| Beauty and goodness then were womens dowres, 991:06,179[A ]| Whom pride of their own wealth did not erect 991:06,180[A ]| To haughtie carriage, but with due respect 991:06,181[A ]| Obeying their own husbands they became 991:06,182[A ]| Strangers to their first family and name 991:16,183[A ]| Not want of filliall love and pietie 991:16,184[A ]| Made fair Rebecca here so soon agree 991:16,185[A ]| For*ever from her fathers house to go 991:16,186[A ]| But she believ'd since it was concluded so 991:16,187[A ]| A short stay might her pious griefes augment 991:16,188[A ]| And make her vertuous courage to relent 991:16,189[A ]| Softned with her fond mothers melting teares 991:16,190[A ]| Which might have fill'd her, with such doubts and feares 991:16,191[A ]| As would have stopt the entrance of that love 991:16,192[A ]| That must the blessing of her whole life prove 991:16,193[A ]| And since she must forsake her native home 991:16,194[A ]| She wisely chose occasion now to come 991:16,195[A ]| With obligations to her future Lord 991:16,196[A ]| Who needs must kindly take her quicke accord 991:16,197[A ]| Without impeachment to her modestie 991:16,198[A ]| So freely given, but yet not till she 991:16,199[A ]| Was by her parents first disposd, and then 991:16,200[A ]| With prudence maids incline unto these men 991:16,201[A ]| To whom their future service is designd 991:16,202[A ]| When it becomes their duty to be kinde 991:16,203[A ]| Besides when sorrow must pierce through our hearts 991:16,204[A ]| It is better to receive quick flying darts 991:16,205[A ]| Than while we sitt expecting an ill fate 991:16,206[A ]| To grow more sensible of its sad weight 991:16,207[A ]| Amazement dulls our sence of sudden blows 991:16,208[A ]| And when they are past we seek to cure our woes 991:16,209[A ]| Rebecca gave her*selfe no time to make 991:16,210[A ]| Reflection, on those joyes she must forsake 991:16,211[A ]| Deare parents, loving friends, her native place 991:16,212[A ]| An unknowne land, and husband to embrace 991:16,213[A ]| Had she considered this perhaps it might 991:16,214[A ]| Have fill'd a tender virgin with affright 991:16,215[A ]| Yet could not have her destiny controwld 991:16,216[A ]| Tedious consideration checks the bold 991:16,217[A ]| Whilst cautious men deliberating be 991:16,218[A ]| They oftner loose the opportunitie 991:16,219[A ]| Which daring minds embrace them with that wise 991:16,220[A ]| Foresight escape the threatned precipice 991:16,221[A ]| Where choice is offerd we may use the scales 991:16,222[A ]| Of prudence but where destiny prevayles 991:16,223[A ]| Consideration then is out of date 991:16,224[A ]| Where courage is requird to meet our fate 991:16,225[A ]| Wherefore With her deare home the parting bride 991:16,226[A ]| Forsooke her tender thoughts and now applide 991:16,227[A ]| Her*selfe unto her present state in which 991:16,228[A ]| Hearing her spouse was godly, honourd, rich, 991:16,229[A ]| Her hopes of happinesse with joy she greets 991:16,230[A ]| And gladly so her future blessings meetes 991:16,231[A ]| Thus many dayes in travaile new expird 991:16,232[A ]| Her longing Soule with expectation tired 991:16,233[A ]| More than her weary limbs her eies at last 991:16,234[A ]| As she towards evening through a large plaine past 991:16,235[A ]| Found out a man far off and being inspired 991:16,236[A ]| With a prophetick fancie she enquir'd 991:16,237[A ]| Of her conductor if the man in view 991:16,238[A ]| Were not his Lord, whom soon the servant knew 991:16,239[A ]| And told her it was her spouse, his masters son 991:16,240[A ]| Whereat through all her veins a chillnesse run 991:16,241[A ]| Begot by virgin feares, which swiftly chace 991:16,242[A ]| Her lively blood out of its proper place 991:16,243[A ]| And her fair cheekes with crimson blushes died 991:16,244[A ]| Which pulling down her vaile she strives to hide 991:16,245[A ]| Then from her beast with duteous hast descends 991:16,246[A ]| And the encounter of her spouse attends 991:16,247[A ]| Good Isaac from a fountaine came where he 991:16,248[A ]| Was used to exercise his pietie 991:16,249[A ]| And when his lone thoughts had devotion raisd 991:16,250[A ]| The name of God he there implord and praysd 991:16,251[A ]| Returning from his holy Exercise 991:16,252[A ]| His fathers camells he affarre off spies 991:16,253[A ]| And his wives traine which made him guesse 991:16,254[A ]| The Servant was come back with wisht successe 991:16,255[A ]| Toward whom he hasts and scarcely stays to hear 991:16,256[A ]| His story out when now the bride came neare 991:16,257[A ]| Whom he with open armes receivd and led 991:16,258[A ]| Into his mothers tent, his glad eyes fed 991:16,259[A ]| On her unvailed beautie there until 991:16,260[A ]| They did his Soule with loving ardor fill 991:16,261[A ]| And banish't out of it that pious griefe 991:16,262[A ]| Which since his mothers death found no reliefe 991:16,263[A ]| But in the glad arrivall of his wife 991:16,264[A ]| Reservd to be the comfort of his life 991:16,265[A ]| At whose approach to her such love he tooke 991:16,266[A ]| That every passion else quicly forsooke 991:16,267[A ]| His much enamoured brest where love doth come 991:16,268[A ]| If it come powerfully it leaves no roome 991:16,269[A ]| For any other cares, while as it brings 991:16,270[A ]| In its own swarme, too many smarting stings 991:16,271[A ]| Which where desires are unenjoyed abound 991:16,272[A ]| Nor is the Soule blest with fruition found 991:16,273[A ]| Wholly exempt the feare of losse and change 991:16,274[A ]| Makeing thoughts oft in wild distempers range 991:16,275[A ]| But where impatience and desire prevaile 991:16,276[A ]| A thousand arrows at one time assaile 991:16,277[A ]| The vndefended heart and every brest 991:16,278[A ]| That letts in love for that imperious guest 991:16,279[A ]| Must banish joy unlesse he can reteine 991:16,280[A ]| That temper which makes reason soveraigne 991:16,281[A ]| Reason by violent desire expelld 991:16,282[A ]| Good correspondence hath with chast love held 991:16,283[A ]| And to their fellowship receivd delight 991:16,284[A ]| Which never can with their wild fire unite 991:16,285[A ]| That most unjustly arrogates loves name 991:16,286[A ]| Due onely to a pure legitimate flame 991:16,287[A ]| Such as in Isaacs virtuous bosome reignd 991:16,288[A ]| And the pure joyes of his whole life maintaind 991:16,289[A ]| But ere we enter on another age 991:16,290[A ]| Conclude we here great Abrahams pilgrimage 991:16,291[A ]| Who after the decease of his first wife 991:16,292[A ]| Ill brooking the sad solitudes of life 991:16,293[A ]| Receivd an humble virgin to his bed 991:16,294[A ]| Returah namd who in her bosome fed 991:16,295[A ]| No pround ambitious thoughts and did not scorne 991:16,296[A ]| The second ofspring of her body borne 991:16,297[A ]| Should be inferior to the first wives race 991:16,298[A ]| And she her*selfe rankd in a lower place 991:16,299[A ]| The sons she brought the Patriarch, who lest they 991:16,300[A ]| Their brother should disturbe sent them away 991:17,001[A ]| At 40 yeares the Patriarch Isaac wed 991:17,002[A ]| For twenty more enjoyd a fruitlesse bed 991:17,003[A ]| O the unperfect state of humane blisse 991:17,004[A ]| The happiest mortalls still some comforts misse 991:17,04a[A ]| 991:17,04b[A ]| 991:17,005[A ]| And such mans wayward nature is, that one 991:17,006[A ]| Felicitie denied, all else seeme none 991:17,007[A ]| For it they pine, all other blessings slight 991:17,008[A ]| And where it is offerd them refuse delight 991:17,009[A ]| Great gifts enjoy'd common and worthlesse seeme 991:17,010[A ]| And Small ones wanted have a high esteeme 991:17,011[A ]| Which men with toyle and eager thoughts persue 991:17,012[A ]| But loath them gaind, and long a*fresh for now 991:17,013[A ]| These too acquird, the ungratefull restlesse minde 991:17,014[A ]| Will not in them a satisfation finde 991:17,015[A ]| But while the world, one object can present 991:17,016[A ]| To new desire, disdaineth all content 991:17,017[A ]| Its own enjoyments can afford, this kills 991:17,018[A ]| The sweete of life, mens soules with anguish fills. 991:17,019[A ]| While they preferring still what they have not 991:17,020[A ]| To what they have, despising their own lott 991:17,021[A ]| Think humane happinesse is only found 991:17,022[A ]| In that wherewith their fortunes least abound 991:17,023[A ]| He who is roll'd in heapes of wealth repines 991:17,024[A ]| That his meane house with no great titles shines 991:17,025[A ]| Thinkes blessednesse alone on honour waites 991:17,026[A ]| The nobly borne strugling ~~ with meane estates 991:17,027[A ]| Believe none but the rich are truly blesst 991:17,028[A ]| In busie courts with throngs of clients prest 991:17,029[A ]| Men crie true blisse is in darke cells immur'd 991:17,030[A ]| Those whom their quiet fortunes have obscur'd 991:17,031[A ]| Believe that none are happie lives allowd 991:17,032[A ]| But such as still converse among the crowd 991:17,033[A ]| Merchants commend the countrie dwellers lives 991:17,034[A ]| These envie their rich houses and gay wives 991:17,035[A ]| Esteeme themselves condemnd to endlesse toyle 991:17,036[A ]| While the other pride it with the Oceans spoyle 991:17,037[A ]| And glad themselves with the large wealthy heape 991:17,038[A ]| Of what their youth could in strange countries reape 991:17,039[A ]| The unlearned think that knowledge only can 991:17,040[A ]| Give true felicity to mortall man 991:17,041[A ]| The scholler with dull tedious studie tired 991:17,042[A ]| When he the heigth of wisdome hath acquir'd 991:17,043[A ]| In humane knowledge no content can find 991:17,044[A ]| Believe it vaine disturbance of the minde 991:17,045[A ]| And think those quiet mortalls are most blest 991:17,046[A ]| Whose unvext braines no studious toyles molest 991:17,047[A ]| Husbands that have unhandsome vertuous wives 991:17,048[A ]| Think enjoyd beautie only crownes mens lives 991:17,049[A ]| With true delight the obedient and the wise 991:17,050[A ]| If they are not fair with froward scorne despise 991:17,051[A ]| Such as imperious beauties rule, they crie 991:17,052[A ]| It is the wives humble carriage modestie 991:17,053[A ]| And kind compliance, makes a husband blest 991:17,054[A ]| Without these beautie adds to his unrest 991:17,055[A ]| Where fruitfull wedlock is with children crownd 991:17,056[A ]| And heires more than the heritage abound 991:17,057[A ]| There men believe themselves in bondage tied 991:17,058[A ]| Opprest with cares and sorrowed to provide 991:17,059[A ]| For such large families, and those alone 991:17,060[A ]| Happie who nere beneath such burthens groane 991:17,061[A ]| They that have welth, chast wives, and good repute 991:17,062[A ]| What nature or kind fate can contribute, 991:17,063[A ]| If too all these they want a certaine heir 991:17,064[A ]| Amidst their store they pine with sad despaire 991:17,065[A ]| And fathers only happie men esteeme 991:17,066[A ]| Whose children may their flesh from death redeeme 991:17,067[A ]| Reteine their figures and defend their fame 991:17,068[A ]| Preserve their memories and a lasting name 991:17,069[A ]| While others who no happie ofspring have 991:17,070[A ]| Must wholly perish in the silent grave 991:17,071[A ]| Vnhappie man who knows not his true want 991:17,072[A ]| Thus wasts his wretched life, in sad complaint 991:17,073[A ]| And neither with his own nor his Gods choice 991:17,074[A ]| Well pleasd, doth not, as creatures ought, rejoyce 991:17,075[A ]| In his good makers will, his present state 991:17,076[A ]| But with his murmurings alters his own fate 991:17,077[A ]| For every lott which the Lord gives is good 991:17,078[A ]| And only ill when not well understood 991:17,079[A ]| We know not what gifts for our*selves are best 991:17,080[A ]| Yet cannot in Gods dispensations rest 991:17,081[A ]| Who to his Children, gracious, good, and wise, 991:17,082[A ]| Nothing but what is hurtfull ere denies 991:17,083[A ]| Yet even the best, and purest of his saints 991:17,084[A ]| Dayly present him with their sad complaints 991:17,085[A ]| Isaac although unanswered twenty years 991:17,086[A ]| Still prays for children till the allmighty hears 991:17,087[A ]| And grants his suite, his wife conceives two sons 991:17,088[A ]| The fathers of two different nations 991:17,089[A ]| As soon as quickned in her pregnant womb 991:17,090[A ]| Begin to struggle in that narrow roome 991:17,091[A ]| Whose strife the wretched mother so torments 991:17,092[A ]| That she with griefe her late desires repents 991:17,093[A ]| If these said she be mothers ioyes ah why 991:17,094[A ]| Am I a mother made if only I 991:17,095[A ]| Must feele these tortures others never know 991:17,096[A ]| Why yet doth God let me continue so 991:17,097[A ]| Why sends he not death to conclude my paine 991:17,098[A ]| But makes me more than all my sex sustaine 991:17,099[A ]| Then with impatience tired and terrified 991:17,100[A ]| With her strange paines at length so God applied 991:17,101[A ]| Her anxious soule her help from him did crave 991:17,102[A ]| Who satisfaction to her sad minde gave 991:17,103[A ]| Forth to the altar of the Lord she went 991:17,104[A ]| There did her offerings and her prayers present 991:17,105[A ]| Thence back returning through a private grove 991:17,106[A ]| Haunted by the devout who dark shades love 991:17,107[A ]| Down by a Spring she sate repeating there 991:17,108[A ]| The late petitions of her anxious prayer 991:17,109[A ]| When to her supplications and her teares 991:17,110[A ]| At last the Allmighty bent his gracious eares 991:17,111[A ]| About his throne myriads of angells stand 991:17,112[A ]| Readie to execute his great command 991:17,113[A ]| One of these nimble spiritts then employd 991:17,114[A ]| To comfort the sad dame doth swiftly glide 991:17,115[A ]| Through yielding ayre and from the etheriall clouds 991:17,116[A ]| Descending in a humane figure shrowds 991:17,117[A ]| His angells forme puts on a prophets face 991:17,118[A ]| Long silverd beard and tresses a slow pace 991:17,119[A ]| So with a reverend gate and countenance 991:17,120[A ]| Towards the pensive matron doth advance 991:17,121[A ]| Daughter saith he resume thy joyfull cheare 991:17,122[A ]| The Lord to appease thy griefe and quit thy feare 991:17,123[A ]| Acquaints thee whence thy sore paynes come 991:17,124[A ]| Two male twins struggle in thy pregnant womb 991:17,125[A ]| There their dissentions in the gate of life 991:17,126[A ]| Are the beginnings of no private strife 991:17,127[A ]| From them two mighty nations shall descend 991:17,128[A ]| And with each other evermore contend 991:17,129[A ]| The people borne of them shall be as farre 991:17,130[A ]| From concord as the light and darknesse are 991:17,131[A ]| Different their dwellings, manners, minds, shall be 991:17,132[A ]| Nor shall their fates, or persons, more agree 991:17,133[A ]| The elder people shall in might excell 991:17,134[A ]| The other, and in stronger places dwell 991:17,135[A ]| Yet all their numerous hosts and powers shall faile 991:17,136[A ]| The youngers happier destinie shall prevaile 991:17,137[A ]| He shall his elder brother subjugate 991:17,138[A ]| Courage and strength in vaine opposing fate 991:17,139[A ]| Fate whose irrevokable laws decree 991:17,140[A ]| The eldest must the youngers servant be 991:17,141[A ]| This said the angell vanisht and the dame 991:17,142[A ]| With comfort back unto her woomen came 991:17,143[A ]| Expecting till the accomplisht time that shewd 991:17,144[A ]| When nine moones had their waining horns renewd 991:17,145[A ]| The ripe births to the chearefull light disclose 991:17,146[A ]| Then being seizd with strong and painfull throws 991:17,147[A ]| Lo twins were borne the first ore*growne with haire 991:17,148[A ]| All red like Tyrian scarlett did declare 991:17,149[A ]| His nature cruell daring fierce and wilde 991:17,150[A ]| Yet then the flattering gossips gave the childe 991:17,151[A ]| A name which glorious action signified 991:17,152[A ]| And to his bravery these signes applied 991:17,153[A ]| Thus this robustious infant forct his way 991:17,154[A ]| Nor did his brother long behinde him stay 991:17,155[A ]| He catcht his heele, but his inferior might 991:17,156[A ]| Could not prevent him from first greeting light 991:17,157[A ]| For this they calld him Jacob as a signe 991:17,158[A ]| How he should still his brother undermine. 991:17,159[A ]| The children grew and in their youthfull age 991:17,160[A ]| Various employments their delights engage 991:17,161[A ]| Esau being strong of temper wilde and fierce 991:17,162[A ]| Did not in softer companies converse 991:17,163[A ]| But all the day through the thick hilly wood 991:17,164[A ]| With nimble feet and darts wilde beasts pursued 991:17,165[A ]| And when black night her sable shaddows spred 991:17,166[A ]| Ore heavns darke vault made the hard earth his bed 991:17,167[A ]| There did till day his weary limbs repose 991:17,168[A ]| And with the morning to his hunting rose 991:17,169[A ]| By dayly exercise he cunning grew 991:17,170[A ]| The red and fallow deare sometimes he slew 991:17,171[A ]| Now badgers, tusked boares, and timorous hares, 991:17,172[A ]| Fall by his shafts, or tangled in his snares 991:17,173[A ]| Are seizd alive, he finds out all the arts 991:17,174[A ]| Of murdering beasts, pitts, nets, and well aimd darts 991:17,175[A ]| Which to the fairest head carrie slight wounds 991:17,176[A ]| Then runs down the hurt deare with nimble hounds 991:17,177[A ]| Thus oft times tender hunted venison caught 991:17,178[A ]| The dainty flesh to his old father brought 991:17,179[A ]| Makes this young vigorous son his chief delight 991:17,180[A ]| His love being governd by his appetite 991:17,181[A ]| Jacob of a complexion not so tough 991:17,182[A ]| As gentle as his elder brother rough 991:17,183[A ]| At home still near his tender mother stay'd 991:17,184[A ]| And her commands with diligence obey'd 991:17,185[A ]| His weaknesse first made him her darling prove 991:17,186[A ]| And then his duty gaind upon her love 991:17,187[A ]| One day as Jacob walkt the neighbouring ground 991:17,188[A ]| He there certaine red coloured lentils found 991:17,189[A ]| Of these a savourie pottage made which boyld 991:17,190[A ]| Lo Esau from the chace returning, toyld 991:17,191[A ]| And faint from hunger, begs his brothers messe 991:17,192[A ]| Jacob prevailing on his greedinesse 991:17,193[A ]| Thy birthright says he shall my pottage buy 991:17,194[A ]| Then answers Esau if I faint and die 991:17,195[A ]| What boote my vaine pretentions in the grave 991:17,196[A ]| Give me the broth thou shalt the birthright have 991:17,197[A ]| Confirme it with an oath Jacob replies 991:17,198[A ]| Esau sweares, eats, and goes, thus did despise 991:17,199[A ]| Gods favour in his birth and for a slight 991:17,200[A ]| Vile messe of pottage, sold that native right 991:17,201[A ]| Now after Abrahams death no showres of raine 991:17,202[A ]| Had moystned Canaans field the buried graine 991:17,203[A ]| By the hard clods stifled in its new birth 991:17,204[A ]| Abortive died, and causd a generall dearth 991:17,205[A ]| Throughout the land grasse parcht upon the ground 991:17,206[A ]| No food for either man or beast was found 991:17,207[A ]| The witherd hearbs, and plants, with hott sun's burned 991:17,208[A ]| Crumbled to dust russet the greene leaves turnd 991:17,209[A ]| As before autumne dropt off from the boughs 991:17,210[A ]| No cattle could on any fresh trees browze 991:17,211[A ]| The fountaines deep into the earth did shrinke 991:17,212[A ]| And left no coole streames for the heard to drinke 991:17,213[A ]| Good Isaac in this generall plague involvd 991:17,214[A ]| By famine chac'd, to leave that land resolvd 991:17,215[A ]| He only now deliberates to what stage 991:17,216[A ]| He next should carrie on his pilgrimage 991:17,217[A ]| And all the neighbouring lands poizd in his minde 991:17,218[A ]| His thoughts to Egypt at the last enclinde 991:17,219[A ]| Heavens bountie is not needfull to that soyle 991:17,220[A ]| Which only owes her plenty to the Nile 991:17,221[A ]| Fixt upon this remove his breast finds ease 991:17,222[A ]| And gentle sleepe doth his dull eielids seize 991:17,223[A ]| His senses charmd his soule which ever wakes 991:17,224[A ]| Now undisturbd a free reflection makes 991:17,225[A ]| On the Allmighties will who to his sight 991:17,226[A ]| Presents a vision in the dead of night 991:17,227[A ]| Forbidding him the voyage he designd 991:17,228[A ]| Quitt AEgipt saith the Lord and thou shalt find 991:17,229[A ]| Following the tracks where I thy footsteps guide 991:17,230[A ]| All lifes convenience by my grace supplide 991:17,231[A ]| Thou shalt not leave this land by me decreed 991:17,232[A ]| To be the inheritance of thy blest seed 991:17,233[A ]| Which I will make more numerous than those bright 991:17,234[A ]| AEtheriall flames that guide the silent night 991:17,235[A ]| The covenant I with faithfull Abraham made 991:17,236[A ]| Bcause that my commandments he obeyd 991:17,237[A ]| I will to thee confirme all nations shall 991:17,238[A ]| Thy happie ofspring their chiefe blessing call 991:17,239[A ]| Hells conqueror shall spring out of thy stemme 991:17,240[A ]| The regall and the priestly diadem 991:17,241[A ]| Shall thy illustrious nephews temples crowne 991:17,242[A ]| Spreading in power, riches, and renowne, 991:17,243[A ]| They shall become a mighty glorious state 991:17,244[A ]| And the neighbouring regions subjugate 991:17,245[A ]| Stay in this land then given vnto thy line 991:17,246[A ]| And believe euery place thou dwelst is thine 991:17,247[A ]| Then Isaac did a iust obedience yield 991:17,248[A ]| Assurd their promises would be fulfilld 991:17,249[A ]| At Gerar where Philistias Monarch reignd 991:17,250[A ]| He as a sojourner was entertaind 991:17,251[A ]| But when the men Rebeccas forme admired 991:17,252[A ]| And after her more curiously enquir'd 991:17,253[A ]| He said, she was his sister, not his wife 991:17,254[A ]| Fearing her beauty might betray his life 991:17,255[A ]| A long while there he livd in this disguise 991:17,256[A ]| Till from a window Gerars king descries 991:17,257[A ]| Such sportive fond behaviour as reveald 991:17,258[A ]| The marriage their deniall had conceald 991:17,259[A ]| Which when chance in this manner did detect 991:17,260[A ]| The king for his dissembling Isaac checkt 991:17,261[A ]| Who to excuse though not to iustifie 991:17,262[A ]| The action said his was afraid to die 991:17,263[A ]| The King then chargd his subjects to forbeare 991:17,264[A ]| Attempting any wrong to him, or her 991:17,265[A ]| Whoever dare this warning disobey 991:17,266[A ]| His head the forfeit of his faults shall pay 991:17,267[A ]| Now Isaac quiet from his feare releast 991:17,268[A ]| Began to hope fortune her mallice ceast 991:17,269[A ]| Since in his favour thus the king declard 991:17,270[A ]| And his successefull Labours well repair'd 991:17,271[A ]| His substance which the famine had before 991:17,272[A ]| Consum'd, and sence of povertie no more 991:17,273[A ]| Perplext his thoughts for even that hungry yeare 991:17,274[A ]| The ground he sowd a hundred fold did beare 991:17,275[A ]| His flocks and heards abundantly encreast 991:17,276[A ]| And he a numerous familie possest 991:17,277[A ]| Thriving thus, quickly by Gods speciall grace 991:17,278[A ]| He grew the admiration of the place 991:17,279[A ]| But perfect blisse in any mortall state 991:17,280[A ]| Is not to be acquired, clouds still abate 991:17,281[A ]| The brightnesse of all humane lustre, were 991:17,282[A ]| No prickles on our Roses, could we here 991:17,283[A ]| Hope to possesse a good unmixt with ill 991:17,284[A ]| We should persue these low enjoyments still 991:17,285[A ]| And never raise up our desires on high 991:17,286[A ]| To the only perfect pure felicitie 991:17,287[A ]| Therefore the wise dispencer who our good 991:17,288[A ]| Which by our*selves is not well understood 991:17,289[A ]| And our fraile nature perfectly doth know 991:17,290[A ]| In all conditions either high or low 991:17,291[A ]| So tempers good and ill that even the best 991:17,292[A ]| Of humane state is not in all things blest 991:17,293[A ]| Nor are poore wretched mortalls, in the worst 991:17,294[A ]| Of fortunes plunges every way accurst. 991:17,295[A ]| And to relieve fraile man the Lord besides 991:17,296[A ]| Varies his fortunes with alternate tides 991:17,297[A ]| Where floods of plentie now to vast heights rise 991:17,298[A ]| Now the scant stream the dry shore scarce supplies 991:17,299[A ]| Of this Isaac a full example gives 991:17,300[A ]| Growne poore with famine he at quiet lives 991:18,001[A ]| The mists of lasting night began to rise 991:18,002[A ]| And had allreadie darkned Isaacs eies 991:18,003[A ]| When calling for his eldest son he said 991:18,004[A ]| The powers of death my feeble soule invade 991:18,005[A ]| Which cannot long resist his conquering might 991:18,006[A ]| I have alreadie lost the chearfull Light 991:18,007[A ]| Wherefore before I go that path from whence 991:18,008[A ]| No traveller returnes I would dispence 991:18,009[A ]| My blessings unto thee then with thy bowe 991:18,010[A ]| And ratling quiver to the forrest go 991:18,011[A ]| Hunt down some venison the which slaine there 991:18,012[A ]| A savorie dish for thy old sire prepare 991:18,013[A ]| And bring it hither that at thy hand I 991:18,014[A ]| May eat, And my soule blesse thee ere I die 991:18,015[A ]| Esay forthwith departed to the chace 991:18,016[A ]| Meane while Rebecca being in the place 991:18,017[A ]| When Isaac gave the charge, she formes a plott 991:18,018[A ]| To have this blessing by her darling gott 991:18,019[A ]| She tells him what she heard his father say 991:18,020[A ]| And adds that if he would proceed the way 991:18,021[A ]| She had contrivd, do what she could advise 991:18,022[A ]| He might his brothers blessing thus surprize 991:18,023[A ]| Jacob objects his hazard if descried 991:18,024[A ]| Rather to incurre a curse, but she replide 991:18,025[A ]| I will betweene thee and the danger stand 991:18,026[A ]| Mine be the curse thou gainst by my command 991:18,027[A ]| Then he himselfe did to her conduct yield 991:18,028[A ]| Two tender kids he brought her from the field 991:18,029[A ]| Like venison she their savourie flesh prepares 991:18,030[A ]| The skin of Jacobs smoothe hands hides with theirs 991:18,031[A ]| Puts him in a rich suite of Esaus clothes 991:18,032[A ]| Who thus disguisd vnto his father goes 991:18,033[A ]| Then says arise my father, Isaac cried 991:18,034[A ]| Who art thou son, to which Jacob replied 991:18,035[A ]| I am thy first borne Esau, thy command 991:18,036[A ]| I have performd accept it at my hand. 991:18,037[A ]| The hunted venison I for thee have caught 991:18,038[A ]| And drest according to thy pallat, brought. 991:18,039[A ]| Then rise and feed upon this savoury messe 991:18,040[A ]| That eating it, thy soule thy son may blesse 991:18,041[A ]| How came it said Isaac thou found'st a prey 991:18,042[A ]| So soon, God said he sent it in my way 991:18,043[A ]| Approach said Isaac let me feele thy hand 991:18,044[A ]| That I thereby may surely understand 991:18,045[A ]| Thou art my eldest son, then came he neare 991:18,046[A ]| It is Esaus hands said Isaac but I feare 991:18,047[A ]| The voyce of Jacob is there no deceit 991:18,048[A ]| Art thou or dost thou Esau personate 991:18,049[A ]| He answered I am Esau really 991:18,050[A ]| Then said his father my deare son draw nigh 991:18,051[A ]| Let me now of thy hunted dainties feed 991:18,052[A ]| That I may blesse thee as I have decreed 991:18,053[A ]| With that Jacob presents the meate and wine 991:18,054[A ]| When Isaac fed, pursuing his designe 991:18,055[A ]| Thus speakes, now let me kiss my son at last 991:18,056[A ]| As he received this kisse the rayment cast 991:18,057[A ]| Forth Esaus smell, my son Sayd he doth yield 991:18,058[A ]| The fragrant smell of a well prospering field 991:18,059[A ]| Blest be the Lord Jehovah shower on thee 991:18,060[A ]| The deaws of heaven, let the earths fatnesse be 991:18,061[A ]| Thy wealthy portion, let thy fruitfull ground 991:18,062[A ]| With thriving graine, and floods of wine abound 991:18,063[A ]| May various people all serve thee, and may 991:18,064[A ]| All nations unto thee a reverence pay 991:18,065[A ]| Soveraigne over thy brethren still be thou 991:18,066[A ]| And let thy mothers sonnes before thee bow 991:18,067[A ]| Who*ere wish thee accurst themselves be so 991:18,068[A ]| And blessings unto them that blesse thee flow 991:18,069[A ]| Jacob thus blest forth from his father went 991:18,070[A ]| Scarce gone, but Esau doth himselfe present 991:18,071[A ]| Who having hunted and drest savourie meate 991:18,072[A ]| My father said he rise my venison eate 991:18,073[A ]| The let thy soule to me a blessing give 991:18,074[A ]| Isaac too late doth now the fraud perceive 991:18,075[A ]| But pious fraud whereby his zealous wife 991:18,076[A ]| Strove to correct the errours of his life 991:18,077[A ]| Who governd by a partiall blind affection 991:18,078[A ]| Stuck to that choice, which was not Gods election 991:18,079[A ]| Who in their birth without a reason shewne 991:18,080[A ]| To make his boundlesse will and free grace knowne 991:18,081[A ]| Declard love to the one to the other hate 991:18,082[A ]| Well pleasd in this, makes that a Reprobate 991:18,083[A ]| Before the children had done good or ill 991:18,084[A ]| Reveals the intent of his free mooving will 991:18,085[A ]| And manifests his greate prerogative 991:18,086[A ]| Ore all the creatures who their being derive 991:18,087[A ]| from his vast power which bounded by no lawes 991:18,088[A ]| Acts freely without any second cause 991:18,089[A ]| Though with their maker sinfull men contend 991:18,090[A ]| As if their narrow hearts could comprehend 991:18,091[A ]| His boundlesse power forgetting they are dust 991:18,092[A ]| According to their measures make him just 991:18,093[A ]| Think mens deserts his recompences guide 991:18,094[A ]| His iustice with an overweening pride 991:18,095[A ]| To their own ballance bring when on his breath 991:18,096[A ]| Alone depends all creatures life and death 991:18,097[A ]| And as meerely of free grace life he gives 991:18,098[A ]| So all the meanes by which his creature lives 991:18,099[A ]| All sins that lead to death are the effects 991:18,100[A ]| Of that free power which chuses or rejects 991:18,101[A ]| Then happie he who on the Lord depends 991:18,102[A ]| And without murmuring his decrees Attends 991:18,103[A ]| Who like the sacred prophet humbly says 991:18,104[A ]| Lord though thou kill me I thy name will praise 991:18,105[A ]| Isaacs corporeall eies were not more blinde 991:18,106[A ]| Than the affections of his erring mind 991:18,107[A ]| But by the late events recovering sight 991:18,108[A ]| His soule is struck with terrible affright 991:18,109[A ]| To find that he himselfe had given the doome 991:18,110[A ]| His darling should his brothers slave become 991:18,111[A ]| As a Stout man who with prevailing might 991:18,112[A ]| In civill warre had slaine his opposite 991:18,113[A ]| And with glad hast run to despoyle the dead 991:18,114[A ]| Under the guilded helme had ownd the head 991:18,115[A ]| Of some deare friend whose dislodg'd soule had found 991:18,116[A ]| Vnkind extrusion through his cruell wound 991:18,117[A ]| Amazing horror all his sences fills 991:18,118[A ]| From every limb cold clammy sweat distills 991:18,119[A ]| The murtherer like a marble Statue stands 991:18,120[A ]| By the pale corps his feeble knees and hands 991:18,121[A ]| By trembling only shew he is allive 991:18,122[A ]| So did it to the aged man arrive 991:18,123[A ]| When now the late occurrences revolvd 991:18,124[A ]| A trembling horror all his ioynts dissolvd 991:18,125[A ]| By God long since by himselfe pronounced but late 991:18,126[A ]| He sees his sonnes irrevocable state 991:18,127[A ]| And now acknowledges mortalls in vaine 991:18,128[A ]| Strive to prevent what God doth once ordaine 991:18,129[A ]| His wisdome humane policie befooles 991:18,130[A ]| And to his purpose mans powers ever rules 991:18,131[A ]| Mocks at the sillie wormes whose braines work still 991:18,132[A ]| Fixing resolves as if they could their will 991:18,133[A ]| Establish against what he hath decreed 991:18,134[A ]| Whose strong endeavours evermore succeed 991:18,135[A ]| Contrary to their own unfirme designe 991:18,136[A ]| Advancing that which they would most decline 991:18,137[A ]| Old Isaac had not else so long delayd 991:18,138[A ]| The promised blessing to transfer, nor stayd 991:18,139[A ]| For venison now when as without it he 991:18,140[A ]| Might have his first borne blest had he been free 991:18,141[A ]| Not acted by a secret providence 991:18,142[A ]| Whose workings were not obvious to his sence 991:18,143[A ]| Than to the venison raisd his appetite 991:18,144[A ]| And framd the occasion by which Jacob might 991:18,145[A ]| Surprize the promisd blessing this with*hold 991:18,146[A ]| Him when the different voyce a doubt instild 991:18,147[A ]| From giving credit to his eares above 991:18,148[A ]| His more beguiled touch it was this did move 991:18,149[A ]| Him, his own soules misgiving to neglect 991:18,150[A ]| That Gods sure purpose might thus take effect 991:18,151[A ]| These things resolvd in his disturbed thoughts 991:18,152[A ]| And he convinc't thereby of his own faults 991:18,153[A ]| Who to the oracles of God so slight 991:18,154[A ]| Regard had given, nor having plac't aright 991:18,155[A ]| His partiall Love, doted on him the Lord 991:18,156[A ]| As a prophane wild reprobate abhorrd 991:18,157[A ]| Therefore at length he did his will submitt 991:18,158[A ]| To Gods, but could not altogether quitt 991:18,159[A ]| His naturall inclination, yet he tries 991:18,160[A ]| His utmost and with strong faith fortifies 991:18,161[A ]| His fraile heart which suppressing at the length 991:18,162[A ]| All humane fondness gave his tongue the strength 991:18,163[A ]| To utter what was past where is sayd he 991:18,164[A ]| The imposter that hath cheated thee and me 991:18,165[A ]| Who before thine brought venison finely drest 991:18,166[A ]| Of which I eat and him my soule hath blest 991:18,167[A ]| Nor have I will or power to revoke 991:18,168[A ]| The promis'd blessing now alreadie spoke 991:18,169[A ]| A sad sence of his losse then Esau felt 991:18,170[A ]| And did into a flood of sorrow melt 991:18,171[A ]| But ah too late teares cannot now restore 991:18,172[A ]| The blessing he so much contemned before 991:18,173[A ]| Chiefe of these native priviledges he 991:18,174[A ]| For pottage sold, yet now he cries blesse me 991:18,175[A ]| Me also o my dearest father blesse 991:18,176[A ]| This prayer he made in his soules bitternesse 991:18,177[A ]| The Isaac said, the blessing I design'd 991:18,178[A ]| For thee but thee thy brother undermin'd 991:18,179[A ]| Esau replide makes he not good his name 991:18,180[A ]| Who by his subtill practice twice became 991:18,181[A ]| Possessor of my rights hast thou let fall 991:18,182[A ]| Thy store on him and left me none at all 991:18,183[A ]| Then answerd Isaac the supremacie 991:18,184[A ]| Ore all his brethren's his, And I have thee 991:18,185[A ]| His vassall made him corne and wine I gave 991:18,186[A ]| What now is left for thee my son to have 991:18,187[A ]| Then Esau weeping said o search thy store 991:18,188[A ]| Among thy blessings hast thou not one more 991:18,189[A ]| Reserved yet for me pittie my sad 991:18,190[A ]| Distresse and unto me one blessing adde 991:18,191[A ]| Then Isaac answerd, hear thy destinies 991:18,192[A ]| Heaven thy land with fatning dew supplies 991:18,193[A ]| Thy dwelling shall be in a fruitfull ground 991:18,194[A ]| With the earth's richest bountys ever crown'd 991:18,195[A ]| Thou by thy vallour shalt hty life sustaine 991:18,196[A ]| But yet thy brothers vassall must remaine 991:18,197[A ]| Till after a long tract of future time 991:18,198[A ]| Thy nephews shall to regall honour climb 991:18,199[A ]| And when they have their ancient fetters broke 991:18,200[A ]| For evermore cast off his servile yoake 991:18,201[A ]| Esau repind at this inferior fate 991:18,202[A ]| And enviing Jacob with a violent hate 991:18,203[A ]| For his large blessing could not quite suppresse 991:18,204[A ]| His deepe resentment but with bitternesse 991:18,205[A ]| Against his fraud he privately inveigh'd 991:18,206[A ]| And secret bloodie resolutions made 991:18,207[A ]| That when*so*ere his father Issac died 991:18,208[A ]| His thirst of vengeance should be satisfied 991:18,209[A ]| With Jacobs life, this by Rebeccas spies 991:18,210[A ]| Made knowne to her, she prudent, doth advise 991:18,211[A ]| Jacob to make a politick retreate 991:18,212[A ]| Till length of time had coold the violent heate 991:18,213[A ]| Of Esaus furie, he perswaded, next 991:18,214[A ]| Pretends to Issac that her soule being vext 991:18,215[A ]| With Esaus insolent wives, she to prevent 991:18,216[A ]| Jacob from marrying so would have him sent 991:18,217[A ]| To her own kindred that no Hittite wife 991:18,218[A ]| Might adde to the affliction of her life 991:18,219[A ]| What power like that of subtill women when 991:18,220[A ]| They exercise their skill to manage men 991:18,221[A ]| Their weake force recompenced with wilie arts 991:18,222[A ]| While men Rule kingdomes weomen rule their hearts 991:18,223[A ]| Her good perswasions haappily succeed 991:18,224[A ]| Jacobs departure at that time decreed 991:18,225[A ]| He now approach't to take his fathers leaue 991:18,226[A ]| These blessings and instructions doth receive 991:18,227[A ]| My son said Issac this is my command 991:18,228[A ]| That thou wed not a daughter of this land 991:18,229[A ]| But to thy Mothers native country go 991:18,230[A ]| And woe her brother Laban to bestow 991:18,231[A ]| One of his daughters on thee for a wife 991:18,232[A ]| And having this a partner of thy life 991:18,233[A ]| Let God Allmightie thy chac't wedlock blesse 991:18,234[A ]| With happie and abundant fruitfullnesse 991:18,235[A ]| Thy pious nuptialls crowne, so prosper thee 991:18,236[A ]| That thou mayst multitude of people be 991:18,237[A ]| Let Abrahams blessing upon thee descend 991:18,238[A ]| And unto all thy Progenie extend 991:18,239[A ]| The land which God to Abraham gave where thou 991:18,240[A ]| As he and I, art a stranger now 991:18,241[A ]| Let the inheritance of it be thine 991:18,242[A ]| And long continue in thy blessed line 991:18,243[A ]| This blessing only Isaac did provide 991:18,244[A ]| To furnish out his son who had beside 991:18,245[A ]| No servants, horses, mony, food, nor clothes 991:18,246[A ]| Could tender parents, thus their child expose 991:18,247[A ]| While they had flowing wealth to set him forth 991:18,248[A ]| Gods blessing is not of such little worth 991:18,249[A ]| Who*ever hath it carries with him more 991:18,250[A ]| Than all that is heapt in the vaine worldlings store 991:18,251[A ]| Full well the faithfull Patriarch vnderstood 991:18,252[A ]| The Allmighties favorites want not any good 991:18,253[A ]| As a small Christall streame which singly flows 991:18,254[A ]| From the upper springs augmenting as it goes 991:18,255[A ]| At last becomes a great flood, and divides 991:18,256[A ]| Among the lower grounds, his pleasant tides 991:18,257[A ]| Such Jacobs fortunes were who well content 991:18,258[A ]| With the pure fountaine of Gods blessing went 991:18,259[A ]| Vnfurnished of all outward earthly things 991:18,260[A ]| And back returning streames of plenty brings 991:18,261[A ]| Yet went he not thus unaccompanied 991:18,262[A ]| Because their trust on providence relied 991:18,263[A ]| For faith prohibitts not that honest care 991:18,264[A ]| Wherewith the godly life's supplies prepare 991:18,265[A ]| But contrarie to this the sacred writt 991:18,266[A ]| Termes him an infidell who doth omitt 991:18,267[A ]| The warranted provision for his own 991:18,268[A ]| But Jacob was dismissed thus alone 991:18,269[A ]| To avoyd worse danger lest his equipage 991:18,270[A ]| Making his journey knowne his brothers rage 991:18,271[A ]| An opportunitie might hereby gaine 991:18,272[A ]| And he by treacherie in the way be slaine 991:18,273[A ]| It was therefore thought convenient he should so 991:18,274[A ]| Depart, as none might his departure know 991:18,275[A ]| The sadest circumstance was not yet past 991:18,276[A ]| His dearest mothers farewell who at last 991:18,277[A ]| Conquering her passions with a vertuous force 991:18,278[A ]| Chacd from her soule all womanish remorse 991:18,279[A ]| Yet shedding two full streames of pious teares 991:18,280[A ]| With such kinde words her banisht darling chears 991:18,281[A ]| My son that I consent to thy remoove 991:18,282[A ]| Is the effect of a triumphant love 991:18,283[A ]| Which parts with all the pleasure I enjoy 991:18,284[A ]| That my delights may not thy life destroy 991:18,285[A ]| When thou art gone I shall no comfort have 991:18,286[A ]| But that my griefes thee from thy Brothers fury save 991:18,287[A ]| I know by giving back his forfeit right 991:18,288[A ]| Perhaps he would be pleasd and so I might 991:18,289[A ]| Retaine thee still but heaven forbid I should 991:18,290[A ]| For my own pleasure, thus oppose the good 991:18,291[A ]| Flie to obteine the promises decreed 991:18,292[A ]| Let stedfast hope thy fainting spirits feed 991:18,293[A ]| In the distresses of thy wandring state 991:18,294[A ]| Let Gods sure word thy just soule recreate 991:18,295[A ]| This land he doth for thee designe 991:18,296[A ]| And will in time restore thee unto thine 991:18,297[A ]| Give way unto thy brothers wrath a while 991:18,298[A ]| And shun his sword by suffering an exile 991:18,299[A ]| Too miserable should I be to have 991:18,300[A ]| Two sons at once go timelesse to their grave 991:19,001[A ]| Poore Jacob now exposd to banishment 991:19,002[A ]| Forth from Beersheba towards Haran went 991:19,003[A ]| But overtaken with the hastie night 991:19,004[A ]| Whose spreading shades alreadie veyld the light 991:19,005[A ]| He in the place a heape of rough stones found 991:19,006[A ]| These for a pillow takes, and on the ground 991:19,007[A ]| His wearie limbs distends nor long reposd 991:19,008[A ]| But gentle sleepe his heavie eielids closd 991:19,009[A ]| O how are meane men if they know it blesst 991:19,010[A ]| They on the hard earth can find pleasant rest 991:19,011[A ]| When princes rolling in their beds of plume 991:19,012[A ]| With waking cares the tedious night consume 991:19,013[A ]| Among the royall couches there are none 991:19,014[A ]| Afford such ease as this poore trav'lers stone 991:19,015[A ]| In his toyld braines no frightfull dreames are bred 991:19,016[A ]| Nor starts he wakned with a guiltie dread 991:19,017[A ]| He who unhousd heavens vast arch only covers 991:19,018[A ]| May sleepe secure while restlesse care still hovers 991:19,019[A ]| Where rich men lie their wealth requires a guard 991:19,020[A ]| The poore mans sleeps are soft, though his bed be hard 991:19,021[A ]| There are no terrors where the soule is pure 991:19,022[A ]| But wicked greatnesse no watch can secure 991:19,023[A ]| Still waking horror on the guiltie waites 991:19,024[A ]| With torturing conscience and her hellborne mates 991:19,025[A ]| Despaire, suspition, dread, and dismall woe 991:19,026[A ]| Whence frightfull melancholly visions flow 991:19,027[A ]| When ever slumbers close the heavie eies 991:19,028[A ]| But where sweete contemplation minds employes 991:19,029[A ]| The dreames feed that pure soule with fresh delight 991:19,030[A ]| Repeating the dayes comforts in the night 991:19,031[A ]| What*ere employes the busie force of thought 991:19,032[A ]| While mortalls wake by nimble fancie brought 991:19,033[A ]| Back to their view in sleepe again appeares 991:19,034[A ]| Mocking their charmed touches eies and eares 991:19,035[A ]| Thus the rough soldier who in warre delights 991:19,036[A ]| Dreames of scal'd forts long marches bloodie fights 991:19,037[A ]| The plowman dreames of his new springing graine 991:19,038[A ]| The gripple userer of his comming gaine 991:19,039[A ]| The labourer of his toyle the awfull slave 991:19,040[A ]| Of the last harsh commands his sterne Lord gave 991:19,041[A ]| The schollar in his sleeps old authors reads 991:19,042[A ]| At wrangling barres the glibtongued Lawyer pleads 991:19,043[A ]| The wanton new young Lovers entertaines 991:19,044[A ]| The knowledge of new fucuses or fashions gaines 991:19,045[A ]| Invading foes and treasons Kings affright 991:19,046[A ]| Loose Courtiers dreame of braverie and delight 991:19,047[A ]| Seamen that the rough winds the seas deforme 991:19,048[A ]| And all the billows crowd into a storme 991:19,049[A ]| Of distant shores, strange Islands, horrid rocks 991:19,050[A ]| Deep gulfes, and all the oceans monstrous flockes 991:19,051[A ]| The planter grafts his pear trees, prunes his vines 991:19,052[A ]| Gathers his ripe fruits tuns his new prest wines 991:19,053[A ]| These and a 1000 waking actions more 991:19,054[A ]| The vigorous fancie doth in sleepe restore 991:19,055[A ]| Other dreames from the temper rise, and some 991:19,056[A ]| From diabolicall illusions come 991:19,057[A ]| With naturall dreames sometimes good spirits do 991:19,058[A ]| Mix warnings of those evills which ensue 991:19,059[A ]| Sometimes when sleepes the fleshly sences bind 991:19,060[A ]| God represents to the unbusied mind 991:19,061[A ]| In visions the events which he prepares 991:19,062[A ]| For mortall men the wayes of blisse declares 991:19,063[A ]| Or else discovers hidden misteries 991:19,064[A ]| Wherein his deare Saints consolation lies 991:19,065[A ]| Such in his desolate longing Jacob found 991:19,066[A ]| Who sees a ladder standing on the ground 991:19,067[A ]| The top up to high heaven advanc't from whence 991:19,068[A ]| The angells waiting on gods providence 991:19,069[A ]| Perpetually in thick troopes made dessent 991:19,070[A ]| And back to heaven by the same stepps they went 991:19,071[A ]| To heaven where his penetrating sight 991:19,072[A ]| Beholds the glorious uncreated light 991:19,073[A ]| Where at the Laddars top Jehovah stood 991:19,074[A ]| And thus his lasting promises renewd 991:19,075[A ]| I am that God whom Abraham did before 991:19,076[A ]| And since thy father Isaac did adore 991:19,077[A ]| The land on which thou liest I have decreed 991:19,078[A ]| To give it unto thee and thy blesst seed 991:19,079[A ]| Which I will make as numerous as the sands 991:19,080[A ]| Dilate to the east west north and southerne lands 991:19,081[A ]| Blessings vnto the whole earths families 991:19,082[A ]| From thee and thy succissors shall arise 991:19,083[A ]| Loe I am with thee and in every place 991:19,084[A ]| Where ere thou goest will be thy guard, my grace 991:19,085[A ]| Shall thee in all thy wandrings sustaine 991:19,086[A ]| And to this land conduct thee back again 991:19,087[A ]| Till all thy promises accomplisht be 991:19,088[A ]| I will in no distresse abandon thee 991:19,089[A ]| This said himselfe again the Allmightie shrowds 991:19,090[A ]| The vision vanisht with the shutting cloudes 991:19,091[A ]| And Jacob starts from sleepe then horror chilld 991:19,092[A ]| His blood amazement his whole bosome fill'd 991:19,093[A ]| Till recollecting his disturbed sence 991:19,094[A ]| Converting his wild dread to reverence 991:19,095[A ]| His soule into a pious admiration breakes 991:19,096[A ]| And thus with trembling lips the Patriarch speakes 991:19,097[A ]| Surely Jehovah is conversant here 991:19,098[A ]| And it did not to my dull sence appeare 991:19,099[A ]| How dreadfull is this place, sure it is Gods court 991:19,100[A ]| And heaven is enter'd by this sacred port 991:19,101[A ]| Nights charret hasted on by swift howers drawne 991:19,102[A ]| And the next day brought on his early dawne 991:19,103[A ]| When with like diligence as dames that feele 991:19,104[A ]| The spurre of vrging need rise to the wheele 991:19,105[A ]| Rake by the sinders, and rush candles light 991:19,106[A ]| Calling their drowzie maids up while it is night 991:19,107[A ]| Then plie their taskes and labour hard to gaine 991:19,108[A ]| An honest maintenance for their small traine 991:19,109[A ]| The son of Isaac from his hard bed rose 991:19,110[A ]| The stone on which he did that night repose 991:19,111[A ]| Erects and consecrates unto the Lord 991:19,112[A ]| And like a pillar setts it to record 991:19,113[A ]| The memorable vision then adores 991:19,114[A ]| And oile upon his rustick Altar poures 991:19,115[A ]| Calls the place bethell and here makes a vow 991:19,116[A ]| Saying if God grant me his presence now 991:19,117[A ]| If he protect me in the way I go 991:19,118[A ]| If easie food and rayment he bestow 991:19,119[A ]| Me to my fathers howse in peace restore 991:19,120[A ]| Then will I for my God the Lord adore 991:19,121[A ]| This stone which I a pillar make shall be 991:19,122[A ]| The house of God when he enricheth me 991:19,123[A ]| What*ere God gives me tithe of every thing 991:19,124[A ]| I here will to his holy Altar bring 991:19,125[A ]| Yet ere we part from Bethell once again 991:19,126[A ]| We must review the vision and explaine 991:19,127[A ]| What God did there to him, and us intend 991:19,128[A ]| For hereon many misteries depend. 991:19,129[A ]| The ladder as to Jacob signifies 991:19,130[A ]| His mortall progresse which from the earth doth rise 991:19,131[A ]| Till he heavens arched pallaces ascend 991:19,132[A ]| The Angells marching up and down descend 991:19,133[A ]| Him from the anxious danger of the way 991:19,134[A ]| God stands above and doth his pathes survey 991:19,135[A ]| Who guarded by his providentiall care 991:19,136[A ]| Scapes the wild hunter Esaus murthering snare 991:19,137[A ]| Now on the ground secur'd from wild beasts sleepes 991:19,138[A ]| No killing serpent near his lodging creepes 991:19,139[A ]| Inspight of Labans fraud, he largely thrives 991:19,140[A ]| Wealthy and safe at home again arrives 991:19,141[A ]| This as to him but not to him allone 991:19,142[A ]| By this the pilgrimage of all saints shewne 991:19,143[A ]| Informes us that while Christians climb on high 991:19,144[A ]| By the harsh stepps of crosses povertie 991:19,145[A ]| Scorne persecution selfe*deniall hate 991:19,146[A ]| The austere progresse of a Christian state 991:19,147[A ]| God still is present all their sufferings knows 991:19,148[A ]| He watches over them regards their woes 991:19,149[A ]| Assures them of his never failing aid 991:19,150[A ]| When danger and the monster death invade 991:19,151[A ]| Over whose powers by him they shall prevaile 991:19,152[A ]| And at the last heavens glorious pallace scale 991:19,153[A ]| There at their fathers house sit down in peace 991:19,154[A ]| And share those perfect joys which never cease 991:19,155[A ]| And all along till this sad journeys end 991:19,156[A ]| An host of angells on their stepps attend 991:19,157[A ]| Carrying their fervent prayers to god on high 991:19,158[A ]| And bringing down his liberall supplie 991:19,159[A ]| By whom their labours never are forgott 991:19,160[A ]| Who still is present though they see it not 991:19,161[A ]| Yet doth this ladder higher things display 991:19,162[A ]| This ladder is the Christians only way 991:19,163[A ]| The blest Messiah heavens gate by whom 991:19,164[A ]| The Saints into his fathers glorie come 991:19,165[A ]| The mediator betweene earth and heaven 991:19,166[A ]| From the eternall fathers bosome given 991:19,167[A ]| Whose Godhead with the humane nature joynd 991:19,168[A ]| To the eternall comfort of mankinde 991:19,169[A ]| Remains the way to scape hells conquering powers 991:19,170[A ]| And climb up to the high calestiall towers 991:19,171[A ]| His meritt and his intercession are alone 991:19,172[A ]| The staires by which from Gods eternall throne 991:19,173[A ]| His sacred ministers bring to mankind 991:19,174[A ]| The sweete refreshments they from his grace find 991:19,175[A ]| And when death throws down this fraile house of clay 991:19,176[A ]| Pious soules back to eternall rest convey 991:19,177[A ]| God stands at top still readie to receive 991:19,178[A ]| Those deare soules whom the holy angells heave 991:19,179[A ]| Confident hope to Jacobs feete adds wings 991:19,180[A ]| And him to Nahors land in short space brings 991:19,181[A ]| Now the declining sun was hurried fast 991:19,182[A ]| Down the Hesperian hill the pilgrim past 991:19,183[A ]| Then through a wild and untract forrest where 991:19,184[A ]| No signe of humane dwellings did appeare 991:19,185[A ]| But he who in his first lodging on the ground 991:19,186[A ]| Visions of God and blessed angells found 991:19,187[A ]| No solitarie horror now can dread 991:19,188[A ]| Each flowerie banke a sweete perfumed bed 991:19,189[A ]| The Starrie skie a glorious roof esteems 991:19,190[A ]| Soft ayre better than silken curtaines seems 991:19,191[A ]| Yet now under a tuft of aged trees 991:19,192[A ]| Three shepherds resting with their flocks he sees 991:19,193[A ]| Who while they there for their companions stayd 991:19,194[A ]| Invite him to their hospitable shade 991:19,195[A ]| For curtesie then had not left the plaines 991:19,196[A ]| But made her dwelling amongst gentle swaines 991:19,197[A ]| From these he learnt that providence had brought 991:19,198[A ]| His wearie stepps near to the place he sought 991:19,199[A ]| That these belongd to Labans citie he 991:19,200[A ]| Yet livd and flowrisht in prosperitie 991:19,201[A ]| Then Jacob asks the shepherds why they stay 991:19,202[A ]| There with their flocks since the declining day 991:19,203[A ]| Had so much empire left as that they might 991:19,204[A ]| Well fill themselves before the approaching night 991:19,205[A ]| The men replied there is an ample well 991:19,206[A ]| Hid with that mightie stone, where all that dwell 991:19,207[A ]| In Haran there drie flocks to water drive 991:19,208[A ]| But vntill all the other flocks arrive 991:19,209[A ]| We are forct to stay because that weightie stone 991:19,210[A ]| Is more than a few men can moove alone 991:19,211[A ]| Nor long will they our expectation mock 991:19,212[A ]| For lo fair Rachell comes with Labans flock 991:19,213[A ]| And she is the only loadstone the bright starre 991:19,214[A ]| By whose light all our youth attracted are 991:19,215[A ]| Yet she her thoughts pure as her looks doth keepe 991:19,216[A ]| Harbours no care but for her flock of sheepe 991:19,217[A ]| Who of their guardian proud before her play 991:19,218[A ]| Whilst all the amorous shepherds pine away 991:19,219[A ]| Whose courtship she nor scornes nor entertaines 991:19,220[A ]| Of a successefull rivall none complaines 991:19,221[A ]| For her lovers all the same indifference finde 991:19,222[A ]| And yet her coldnesse is of such a kinde 991:19,223[A ]| So managd it a reverence begetts 991:19,224[A ]| And higher vallue on her beauties setts 991:19,225[A ]| Now let your own eies judge her wondrous face 991:19,226[A ]| See how she mooves on with becoming grace 991:19,227[A ]| And then indeed the shepherdesse drew nigh 991:19,228[A ]| On whom as soon as Jacob fixt his eie 991:19,229[A ]| Like one that suddenly out of darke roomes 991:19,230[A ]| Into the open glorious sunshine comes 991:19,231[A ]| A while his dazled eyes quite lost their sight 991:19,232[A ]| Which was restord again even by that light 991:19,233[A ]| That troubled them before and now doth find 991:19,234[A ]| Such winning sweetnesse with that splendor joyned 991:19,235[A ]| That his delighted soule dwells in his eies 991:19,236[A ]| And renders them so vigorous they surprize 991:19,237[A ]| The virgins heart, whose youthfull innocence 991:19,238[A ]| Made her yet think she needed no defence 991:19,239[A ]| As when black clouds the face of heaven deforme 991:19,240[A ]| He who in the open field would shun the storme 991:19,241[A ]| Runs to the shelter of a neighbouring oake 991:19,242[A ]| Which falling with thunders sudden stroke 991:19,243[A ]| So his amazed sence confounds that he 991:19,244[A ]| Long time remaines in the uncertaintie 991:19,245[A ]| Of his own life so Jacob stood till strength 991:19,246[A ]| Of vertue recollecting at the length 991:19,247[A ]| His scatterd powers he undisturbed views 991:19,248[A ]| That beautie which with no lesse force subdues 991:19,249[A ]| His guarded heart then cannons which beate down 991:19,250[A ]| Before them all the ramparts of a towne 991:19,251[A ]| Finding himselfe then vanquisht in the field 991:19,252[A ]| That he the fort on generous termes might yield 991:19,253[A ]| To his fair foe he comes whose kind rays melt 991:19,254[A ]| His gentle temper natures force he felt 991:19,255[A ]| Contending with the late intruder love 991:19,256[A ]| Which should more powerfull in his bosome prove 991:19,257[A ]| He tells her who he is nor then forbeares 991:19,258[A ]| To claime that deare relation with joys teares 991:19,259[A ]| To serve her then he bends his chiefe desires 991:19,260[A ]| And love a more than humane force inspires 991:19,261[A ]| His active limbs obey his eager mind 991:19,262[A ]| Nor can he any difficultie find 991:19,263[A ]| In that he undertakes for her the stone 991:19,264[A ]| Which all the shepherds did require alone 991:19,265[A ]| He roles from the wells mouth, with drinke relieves 991:19,266[A ]| Her thirstie flock, she thankfully receives 991:19,267[A ]| His service, to her father tells these things 991:19,268[A ]| Forth to his nephew Laban runs and brings 991:19,269[A ]| Him with glad welcome back Jacob obeyd 991:19,270[A ]| But with fair Rachell rather would have stayd 991:19,271[A ]| And put her tender lambs up in the fold 991:19,272[A ]| He cares no other object to behold 991:19,273[A ]| Yet must he now a new one entertaine 991:19,274[A ]| Her elder sister who becomes a paine 991:19,275[A ]| At first sight to his eies for hers were sore 991:19,276[A ]| And had that weaknesse no Art could restore 991:19,277[A ]| Vnhappie maid they only could let in 991:19,278[A ]| Loves arrows but nere shott them back again 991:19,279[A ]| She strove with studied courtesie and art 991:19,280[A ]| In time to circumvent the unyielding heart 991:19,281[A ]| But it was too late to attempt a fortresse where 991:19,282[A ]| Her sisters conquering powers alreadie were 991:19,283[A ]| Who never had that tempting beautie seen 991:19,284[A ]| With her sweet carriage might perhaps have been 991:19,285[A ]| At length allurd but of that noble kind 991:19,286[A ]| Was Rachells beautie that it shewd a mind 991:19,287[A ]| Worthy of such a cabinet nature the mold 991:19,288[A ]| Formd to those gemlike vertues it should hold 991:19,289[A ]| Vigour and courage in her bright eies shone 991:19,290[A ]| On the large forehead wisdome had a throne 991:19,291[A ]| A blushing modestie accompanied 991:19,292[A ]| With tempting sweetnesse did her motions guide 991:19,293[A ]| The opening of her lips was elloquence 991:19,294[A ]| They movd with such a taking innocence 991:19,295[A ]| In every smile was gentlenesse and truth 991:19,296[A ]| With that becoming joy that setts off youth 991:19,297[A ]| Perfection was her shape, her gestures grace 991:19,298[A ]| In every limb the beautie of a face 991:19,299[A ]| Her voyce was harmonie, her radiant haire