200:43,000[' ]| 200:43,001[C ]| Dearest friend, 200:43,002[C ]| These wild words show your violated mind 200:43,003[C ]| Urged with the last extremity of grief, 200:43,004[C ]| Which since I cannot like a man redress, 200:43,005[C ]| With tears I must lament it like a child, 200:43,006[C ]| For when 'tis Caesar does the injury 200:43,007[C ]| Sorrow is all the remedy I know. 200:43,008[D ]| 'Tis then a certain truth that I am wronged, 200:43,009[D ]| Wronged in that barbarous manner as I imagined. 200:43,010[D ]| Alas, I was in hopes I had been mad 200:43,011[D ]| And that these horrors which invade my heart 200:43,012[D ]| Were but distracted melancholy whimsies, 200:43,013[D ]| But they are real truths, it seems, and I 200:43,014[D ]| The last of men and vilest of all beings! 200:43,015[D ]| Bear me cold earth, who am too weak to move 200:43,016[D ]| Beneath my load of shame and misery, 200:43,017[D ]| Wronged by my lawful prince, robbed of my love, 200:43,018[D ]| Branded with everlasting infamy: 200:43,019[D ]| Take pity, fate, and give me leave to die! 200:43,020[D ]| Gods would you be adored for being good 200:43,021[D ]| Or only feared for proving mischievous? 200:43,022[D ]| How would you have your mercy understood? 200:43,023[D ]| Who could create a wretch like Maximus, 200:43,024[D ]| Ordained though guiltless to be infamous. 200:43,025[D ]| Supreme first causes! You whence all things flow, 200:43,026[D ]| Whose infiniteness must each title fill, 200:43,027[D ]| You who decree each seeming chance below, 200:43,028[D ]| So great in power, were you so good in will 200:43,029[D ]| How could you ever have produced such ill? 200:43,030[D ]| Had your eternal mind been bent to good, 200:43,031[D ]| Could human happiness have proved so lame? 200:43,032[D ]| Rapine, revenge, injustice, thirst of blood, 200:43,033[D ]| Grief, anguish, horror, want, despair, nor shame 200:43,034[D ]| Had never found a being nor a name. 200:43,035[D ]| 'Tis therefore less impiety to say 200:43,036[D ]| Evil with you has coeternity 200:43,037[D ]| Than blindly taking it the other way 200:43,038[D ]| That merciful and of election free 200:43,039[D ]| You did create these mischiefs you decree. 200:43,040[D ]| Wretch that I am against heaven to exclaim 200:43,041[D ]| When this poor tributary worm below 200:43,042[D ]| More than myself in nothing but in name 200:43,043[D ]| Who durst invade me with this fatal blow 200:43,044[D ]| I dare not crush in the revenge I owe. 200:43,045[D ]| Base notion which my just resentment clogs 200:43,046[D ]| With the fantastic awe of prince and slave, 200:43,047[D ]| I'll rip him up and throw his heart to the dogs: 200:43,048[D ]| Not all his powers shall the wild monster save, 200:43,049[D ]| Him and my shame I'll tread into one grave.