| | | | | Nothing is so delightful as flattery. To hear and believe pleasant | fictions about oneself is a temptation too seductive for weak mortals | to resist, as the typical legends of all mythologies and the private | histories of most individuals show; in consequence of which, home | truths, to one used to ideal portraiture, come like draughts of |

'bitter cup'

to the dram-drinker. | And flattery is dram-drinking; and | yet not quite without good uses to balance its undeniable evil, if it | be only exaggeration and not wholly falsehood; that is, if it assumes | as a matter of course the presence of virtues potential to your | character but not always active, and praises you for what you might be | if you chose to live up to your best. Many a weak brother and weaker | sister, and all children, can be heartened into goodness by a little | dash of judicious praise or flattery where ponderous exhortation and | grave reproof would fail; just as a heavily-laden horse can be coaxed | up-hill when the whip and spur would lead to untimely jibbing. If, on | the contrary, the flattery is of a kind that makes you believe | yourself an exceptionally fine fellow when you are only

'mean | trash'

~~ a king of men when you are | nothing better nor nobler than a | moral nigger ~~ making you satisfied with yourself when at your | worst ~~ then it is an unmitigated evil; for it then becomes | dram-drinking of a very poisonous kind, which sooner or later does for | your soul what unlimited blue ruin does for your body. But this is | what we generally mean when we speak of flattery; and this is the kind | which has such a deservedly bad name from moralists of all ages. | The flatteries of men to women, and those of women to men, are very | different in kind and direction. Men flatter women for what they | are ~~ for their beauty, their grace, their sweetness, their | charmingness in general; while a woman will flatter a man for what he | does ~~ for his speech in the House last night, | of which she understands | little; for his book, of which she understands less; or for his | pleading, of which she understands nothing at all. Not that this | signifies much on either side. The most unintellectual little woman in | the world has brains enough to look up in your face sweetly, and | breathe out something that sounds like

'beautiful ~~ charming ~~ so | clever,'

vaguely sketching the outline | of a hymn of praise to which | your own vanity supplies the versicles. For you must have an | exceptionally strong head if you can rate the sketch at its real value | and see for yourself how utterly meaningless it is. | You may be the most mystical poet of the day, suggesting to your | acutest readers grave doubts as to your own power of comprehending | yourself; or you may be the most subtle metaphysician, to follow | whom in your labyrinth of reasoning requires perhaps the rarest | order of brains to be met with; but you will nevertheless believe | any narrow-browed, small-headed woman who tells you in a low sweet | voice, with a gentle uplifting of her eyes and a suggestive curve | of her lip, that she has found you both intelligible and charming, | and that she quite agrees with you and shares your every sentiment. | If she further tells you that all her life long she has thought in | exactly the same way but was wholly unable to express herself, and | that you have now supplied her want and translated into words her | vague ideas, and if she says this with a reverential kind of | effusiveness, you are done for, so far as your critical power goes; | and should some candid friend, whom she has not flattered, tell you | with brutal frankness that your bewitching little flatterer has | neither the brains nor the education to understand you, you will set | him down as a slanderer, spiteful and malignant, and call his candour | envy because he has not been so lucky as yourself. | The most subtle form of flattery is that which asks your advice with | the pretence of needing it ~~ your advice, particularly ~~ yours above | that of all other persons, as the wisest, best, most useful to be | obtained. This too is a form that belongs rather to women in their | relations with men than the converse; though sometimes men will | pretend to want a woman's advice about their love affairs, and | will perhaps make-believe to be guided by it. Not unfrequently, | however, asking one woman's opinion and advice about another is a | masked manner of love-making on its own account; though sometimes it | may be done for flattery only, when there are reasons. Of course not | all advice-asking is flattery; but when intended only to please and | not meant to be genuine, it is perhaps one of the most potent | instruments of the art to be met with. | But if seeking advice be the most subtle form of flattery, the most | intoxicating is that which pretends to moral elevation or reform by | your influence. The reformation of a rake is a work which no woman | alive could be found to resist if the rake offered it to her as his | last chance of salvation; and to lead a pretty sinner back to the ways | of picturesque virtue by his own influence only is a temptation to | self-reliance which no man could refuse ~~ | a flattery which not Diogenes | nor Zeno himself could see through. The pretensions of | anyone else | would be laughed at cruelly enough; but this is one of the things | where personal experience and critical judgment never go in harness | together ~~ one of the manifestations of flattery which would overcome | the calmest and bewilder the wisest. | Priests of all denominations are especially open to this kind of | flattery; not only from pretty sinners who have gone openly out of the | right line, but from quite comely and respectable maids and matrons | who have lived blamelessly so far as the broad moral distinctions | go, yet who have not lived the Awakened Life until roused thereunto by | this peculiarly favoured minister. It is a tremendous trial of a man's | discernment when such flattery is offered to him. How much of this | pretended awakening is real? How much of this sudden spiritual insight | is true, and not a mere phrasing, artfully adopted for pleasantness | only? These are the cases where we most want that famous spear of | Ithuriel to help us to a right estimate, for they are beyond the power | of any ordinary man to determine. | But if priests are subject to these delusions of flattery on the one | hand, they know how to practise them on the other. Take away the | flattery which, mingled with occasional rebuke, forms the great | ministerial spur, and both Revivalism and Ritualism would flag like | flowers without

'the gentle dews.'

| Scolded for their faults in dress, | for their vanity, extravagance and other feminine vices, are not women | also flattered as the favourites of heaven and of the Church? Are they | not told that they are the lilies of the ecclesiastical garden? the | divinely appointed missionaries for the preservation of virtue and | godly truth in the world? without whom the coarser race of men would | be given over to inconceivable spiritual evil, to infidelity and all | immorality. We may be very sure of this, that if humanity, and | especially feminine humanity, were not flattered as well as chastened, | clerical influence would not last for a day. | There is one kind of flattery which is common to both men and women, | and that is the expressed preference of sex. Thus, when men want to | flatter women, they say how infinitely they prefer their society to | that of their own sex; and women will say the same to men. Or, if they | do not say it, they will act it. See a set of women congregated | together without the light of a manly countenance among them. They may | talk to each other certainly; and one or two will sit away together | and discuss their private affairs with animation; but the great mass | of them are only half vitalized while waiting the advent of the men to | rouse them into life and the desire to please. No man who goes up | first from the dinner-table, and earlier than he was expected, can | fail to see the change which comes over those wearied, limp, | indifferent-looking faces and figures so soon as he enters the room. | He is like the prince whose kiss woke up the Sleeping Beauty and all | her court; and can anyone | say that this is not flattery of the most | delightful kind? To be the Pygmalion even for a moment, and for the | weakest order of soul-giving, is about the greatest pleasure that a | man can know, if he be susceptible to the finer kinds of flattery. | Some women indeed, not only show their preference for men, but openly | confess it, and confess at the same time to a lofty contempt or | abhorrence for the society of women. These are generally women who | are, or have been, beauties; or who have literary and intellectual | pretensions; or who despise babies and contemn housekeeping, and | profess themselves unable to talk to other women because of their | narrowness and stupidity. But for the most part they are women who, by | their beauty or their position, have been used to receive extra | attention from men; and thus their preference is not flattery so much | as exigence . Women who have been in India, | or wherever else they are | in the minority in society, are of this kind; and nothing is more | amazing to them when they first come home than the attentions which a | certain style of Englishwoman pays to men, instead of demanding and | receiving attentions from them. | There are also those sweet, humble, caressing women who flatter you | with every word and look, but whose flattery is nothing but a pretty | dress put on for show and taken off when the show is done with. | Anything serves for an occasion with these people. Why, the way in | which certain unmarried women will caress a child before you is an | implied flattery; and they know it. If only they would be careful to | carry these pretty ante-nuptial ways into the home where nothing is to | be gained by them but a humdrum husband's happiness! But too often the | woman whose whole attitude was one of flattering devotion before her | end was gained, gives up every shred of that which she had in such | profusion, when she has attained her object, and lets the home go bare | of that which was so beautiful and seductive in the ball-room and the | flirting corner. | Some men however, want more home flattery to keep them tolerably happy | and up to the mark than any woman with a soul to be saved by truth can | give. Poets and artists are of this kind ~~ men who literally live on | praise, without which they droop and can do nothing. With them it is | absolutely necessary that the people with whom they are associated | should be of appreciative and sympathetic natures; but the burden | comes heavy when they want, as they generally do, so much more than | this. For, in truth, they want flattery in excess of sympathy; and if | they do not get it they hold themselves as the victims of an unkind | fate, and fill the world with the echo of their woes. This is | nine-tenths of the cause why great geniuses are so often unhappy in | married life. They demand more incessant flattery than can be kept up | by one woman, unless she has not only an exceptional power of love but | also an exceptional power of self-suppression. They think that by | virtue of their genius they are entitled to a Benjamin's mess of | devotion double that given to other men; and when they get only | Judah's share, they cry out that they are ill-used, and make the world | think them ill-used as well. | But though a little home flattery helps the home life immeasurably, | and greases the creaking domestic wheels more than anything else can, | a great deal is just the most pernicious thing that can be offered. | The belief prevalent in some families that all the very small and | commonplace members thereof are the world's wonders and greater | than anyone else ~~ that | no-one is so clever as Harry, | no-one so pretty | as Julia, that Amy's red hair is of a more brilliant gold than can be | found elsewhere, and Edward's mathematical abilities about equal to | Newton's ~~ this belief, nourished and acted on, is sure to turn out an | insufferable collection of prigs and self-conceited damsels who have | to be brought down innumerable pegs before they find their own level. | But we often see this; especially in country places where there is not | much society to give a standard for comparative measurement; and we | know that those fond parents and doting relations are blindly and | diligently sowing seeds of bitterness for a future harvest of sorrow | for their darlings. These young people must be made to suffer if they | are to be of any good whatever in the world; and finding their level, | after the exalted position which they have been supposed to fill so | long, and being pelted with the unsavoury missiles of truth in | exchange for all the incense of flattery to which they have been used, | will be suffering enough. But it has to be gone through; this being | one of the penalties to which the unwisdom of love so often subjects | its objects. | The flattery met with in society is not often very harmful save to | coarse or specially simple natures. You must be either one or the | other to be able to believe it. Lady Morgan was perhaps the most | unblushing and excessive of the tribe of social flatterers; but that | was her engine, the ladder by which she did a good part of her | climbing. We must not confound with this kind of flattery the | impulsive expression of praise or love which certain outspoken people | indulge in to the last. You may as well try to dam up Niagara as to | make some folks reticent of their thoughts and feelings. And when one | of this kind sees anything that he or she likes, the praise has to | come out, with superlatives if the creature be prone to exaggeration. | But this is not flattery; it is merely a certain childlike | expansiveness which lasts with some into quite old age. Unfortunately, | very few understand this childlike expansiveness when they see it. | Hence it subjects its possessor to misrepresentation and unfriendly | jibes, so soon as his or her back is turned, and the explosion of | exaggerated but perfectly sincere praise is discussed critically by | the uninterested part of the audience.