Ñuu Dzaui (Mixtec) Places and Place Signs

This map shows some of the major places of the Ñuu Dzaui world mentioned in the Precolumbian codices. We hope to add more sites and improve interactive and reference features. The tree glyph represents a place now called Santiago Apoala, a major Post Classic Mixtec centre.

The tree glyph is also painted on the wall of a modern building where another major Mixtec city Tilantongo was situated.

The Spanish text on the building at Santiago Tilantongo is as follows:

Somos Mixtecos de Padre y Madre

de sangre pura, no de Espanol

de piel morena, pues mi cultura

tiens la herencia de un Flechador.

Segun Plalican de los Mixtecos

que de dos arboles habian nacido

en las afueras del Pueblo Achiurla

junio a un calmado y hermoso rio.

Y de aquel grupo salio un guerrero

de los oscura fuerie y valiente,

que con su arco, y con sus flechas

buscaba tierras para su genie.

Fue aquel guerrero, que en Monte Negro

Son valentia Flechara al sol

queria tierras para su pueblo

y un sol radiante lo deshumbro.

El horizonte tino de rojo

por los flechaeos que recibio

el astro ren que cara herido

y alla Un gran Seino pronto surgio.

El cerro eslaba pegado al cielo

en doude el pueblo se establecio

por eso dicen que los Mixtecos

viven en nubes, cerea de Dios

Y hoy es la cuna de lost Misctecos

el Tilantongo del Flechador.

hombre valiente de sangre pura.

como es mi gente como soy yo!

Quizas sea un cuento quizas leyenda

o tal vez sea una realidad

pero es la historia que nos relata

de donde vience mi identidad.

En el presente todo Mixtecos

sequimos viendo de frente al sol

y en vez de flechas cargamos libros

para alcanzar la superacion.

Somos Mixtecos estory seguro

de raza pura, no de espanol

de piel morena. Pues mi cultura!

Tiene la Sangre del Flechador!

We are Mixtec of Father and Mother

of pure blood, not of Spanish

of dark skin, well my culture

You have the inheritance of a Arrowhead.

According to Plalican of the Mixtecs

that two trees were born

on the outskirts of the Achiurla Village

June to a calm and beautiful river.

And from that group came a warrior

of the dark and brave,

that with his bow, and with his arrows

He was looking for land for his genie.

It was that warrior, who in Monte Negro

They are brave Flechara to the sun

he wanted land for his people

and a radiant sun blew it away.

The horizon tino of red

for the arrows that he received

the star ren who wounded face

and there a great Seino soon emerged.

The hill was stuck to the sky

in doude the village was established

that's why they say that the Mixtecs

live in clouds, cerea de Dios

And today is the cradle of lost Misctecos

the Tilantongo del Flechador.

brave man of pure blood.

how are my people like I am!

Maybe it's a story maybe legend

or maybe it's a reality

but it is the story that tells us

where my identity comes from.

In the present all Mixtecos

We are dying looking straight at the sun

and instead of arrows we load books

to achieve the overcoming.

We are Mixtecos I am sure

of pure race, not of Spanish

of brown skin. Well my culture!

It has the Blood of the Arrowhead!
