Related Letters
My dear Frances
All I know about Juliana Coningsby is in the Cameo of December 1886. I got it out of Carte’s history also Knights, and they both took it from the King’s own account which Pepys wrote down at the time. The adventures were really more curious than Jane Lane’s and I have always wondered whether there were anything not told which prevented them from being made more of. But Carte is too old ... continue reading
Dear Mr Craik
Thanks for the last set of my books, and for the Kingsley’s whereof we have been going through a course.
If I might have the payment for the first edition of Beechcroft at Rockstone I should be glad.
I suppose the last volume of Cameos is waiting for its index, but I hope it will be out before the season is over.
The Reputed Changeling is a much better thing I hope than the Rockstone ... continue reading
Dear Mr Macmillan Some years ago Mr Craik wrote to me that the sale of the Cameos of English History had so fallen off that it was not worth while to give me £100 for the copyright of the volume after it had appeared in the Monthly Packet, and I therefore discontinued thinking of the separate publication. I think the volumes ended with the Restoration
Since that, and especially lately, so many people have asked for ... continue reading
Dear Miss Routledge
King Charles will come - if the Cameos and their author and the Monthly packet survive so long - in his due season - which cannot well be anticipated. But I am afraid a defence out of the Monthly Packet would not satisfy his enemies. Would it not be better to go to the fountain head? Clarendon’s History of the Rebellion is not a book hard to get at.
Or Guizot’s [[otherbook:1100]history of ... continue reading