Related Letters
My dear C C I confess that though I mourn over the Manes of the M P I am personally a little relieved, for I was considering what I could honestly personally undertake or allow my name to be used for, in relation first to Truth, secondly in public spirit to the Church and girlhood, and thirdly in justice to kind helpers and endeavours for a fresh start. Helen has been reading the early volumes ... continue reading
My dear C C I shall be very glad to see you on the 16th and I hope you come back again with the news of the meeting as I am told you can stay on with me a little while longer. I hope you will sharpend up my wits a little about my missionary lad, who I mean to have the divine afflatus but I am almost afraid the history of his home preventions ... continue reading
My dear C C The world seems wild with joy and flags from every window house! Maurice says traffic was stopped in London by people waving flags and shaking hands. I suppose there will be a culminating in a great illumination when it is over. Well, I shall be very glad of you on the 15th I shall like to have the benefit of the lectures, but I am afraid [[cmybook:250]my young ... continue reading
My dear C C I have got a letter for M in C from Canon Lias about Red Pottage, highly contrary to yours, and which the Sumners approve He goes on the unfitness of such subjects for women’s writing or reading, and certainly I should have thought ‘incline mine heart to keep this law’ went against either inventing or making people read them and so do you- At least I recognize you as ... continue reading
My dear C C I am glad of the 26th but I thought GFS stuck to the 24th & 29th. However it is all the better for me and the roses will be in their glory. The snow balls and may will be gone but no doubt you have them where you are. I wonder if Fanny Patteson will turn up any time. I throught she had, when Edith announced Miss ... continue reading
My dear C C I hope the melting process has slackened and will not be heated up again next week. It really was overpowering weather, and the thunder storms seem to have been awful. They did not come very near, but cooled us. I have just been informed by a school child that a lady was at Church on Sunday who wishes to make acquaintance with me ‘She is a poetess, and has been ... continue reading
My dear C C Do you know that Innes’s stock has been taken by Ward & Lock? I heard it second hand from a lady who has been enquiring after her goods. I suppose you had the letter asking creditors to accept 5 per cent. I asked what was become of the remains of what was half mine and half theirs and was told that Tanner did not know. I think we ... continue reading