Related Letters
My dear Miss Yonge You shall have all the new matter in slips and the old sheets as they were so that the inserting may be all made at once when it is finally settled what these are to be. I have no doubt the result will be a very satisfactory volume of which we will be proud. Later down I hope you will get [illegible] your more modern volume.
In the meantime there is a small ... continue reading
Dear Mr Macmillan Do you not think that the parallel history should come out in time for Schools to set themselves up with this winter. The one I wrote it for is crying out for it, and it seems in vain to wait for a neater finish to France than the fall of the Empire.
I am glad you give hopes of clearing off the old History of Christian Names I have them bristling with corrections, and ... continue reading
Dear Mr Craik
I enclose the receipt with many thanks for the cheque, also for Bp Patteson and the loan of Islam.
When I can, I should like to add to Bp Patteson that the mission has learnt the manner of his death, and that it was the women who placed his body in the canoe and sent it out to meet the boat. I have not a copy left of Pioneers and Founders, so could you ... continue reading