Related Letters
My dear Madam,
I must thank you for your two pretty notices, and tell you that they are come all quite right with the rest. I don’t know whether you will approve of one alteration I ventured to make of the name Chironia into Erythræa, for I found Sir James Smith, & the other modern botany books have changed the name, and say there is a decided distinction between the Chironia and Erythræa. I wish they ... continue reading
My dear Madam, You see your paper was quite in time to be printed with the rest. I am glad St Matthew had the Passion Flower, it is to him that this Church is dedicated. I have been spending a few days at Salisbury this week, and much enjoying that most beautiful Cathedral, I feel as if I had before never properly appreciated it, only seeing it as a verger led visitor, and not going to ... continue reading