Related Letters
My dear Driver I rather doubted about sending you Cyrus, because, as you will see, he does not stand alone, but is a chapter of general history and therefore is not very minute, nor has he been written more than once, so that you must excuse numerous deficiencies and please to let me have him again. To my shame be it spoken I have not read Clarendon; we ought to have read him aloud ... continue reading
Dear Miss Routledge
King Charles will come - if the Cameos and their author and the Monthly packet survive so long - in his due season - which cannot well be anticipated. But I am afraid a defence out of the Monthly Packet would not satisfy his enemies. Would it not be better to go to the fountain head? Clarendon’s History of the Rebellion is not a book hard to get at.
Or Guizot’s [[otherbook:1100]history of ... continue reading