Related Letters
My dear Miss Yonge The photograph is from a picture by Mr Farren the young artist whom I wanted to illustrate your Bethlehem. I was anxious to know that you thought him up to the mark. The picture was from Kingsleys Saints Tragedy, Saint Elizabeth of Hungary carrying her child to the altar in the early morning. I think it indicates a power considerably above average of entering into a spiritual conception. But I should be ... continue reading
My dear Mr Macmillan, Many thanks for the cheque for £25 for this month’s Dove. I am not sure whether a letter is still a sufficient receipt, if not please let me know, and I will send a stamped one, but receipt stamps are not easy to come by when one is out of the article, unless we are sending to Winchester, therefore I think it better to acknowledge the cheque at once. And at the ... continue reading