Related Letters
My dear Mr Macmillan I send the rest of the MS of the Dove in the Eagle’s Nest as it is all finished now, and I shall be going from home about the beginning of September into Devonshire first, and then perhaps to London some time in October - when I hope I may see you.
How soon will the last chapters of the Prince and the Page be wanted? Since it began to come out I ... continue reading
My dear Miss Yonge The MS. reached us safely. I will [illegible] distribution in the months
We shall be very glad to see you when you come to town. It is just possible that I may be gone to America, but my wife & sister are at home; and we recently made a valuable addition to our neighbourhood , 'the author of John Halifax',whose husband Mr Craik, has become my partner, has taken a house quite near ... continue reading
Dear Mr Macmillan, Thanks for the cheque. I enclose the receipt.
I do not know whether the British Museum has a copy of Theurdanck - probably it would I think, but if you should be in Oxford, there is a beauty at the Bodleian, a much better one than that which I have here, which is only lent to me.
You should also look at the wonderful wood cuts in ‘Der Weise König.’ There is a demon sitting ... continue reading
Dear Miss Yonge I will see Theuerdank somehow though I fear I shall not be at Oxford before I go to America on the 28th. The Bodleian dont let books out - in which they are quite right. Cambridge U.L. does - in which they are quite wrong, though I often benefit by it. I have written to Cambridge. When I see what the pictures look like I will be able to judge how the book ... continue reading
Dear Mr Macmillan, Thanks, here are the receipts. I think I once got 5/ in like manner before from the Cape. I am not able yet to speak with any certainty of our plans. We have just offered ourselves to my uncle for the 8th of September, and there is such a vista of relations to stay with when once we get into Devonshire, that I do not think we shall come to London till the ... continue reading