Related Letters
My dear Christabel Your Face seems to me very effective, I long to hear more of it. I suppose it will not be like the Face story I heard of, which has a terrible ending. I hope you will go on and get me out of the eerieness it gives me. Thanks for the promise of Handley Mills [sic], I shall be so glad of it, for poor Gertrude’s reading, she is so ... continue reading
My dear Christabel Here are the Answers All to one question! I have read Hanbury Mills once to myself and am now reading it to poor Gertrude who enjoys it exceedingly – I like it very much indeed – there is so much character in the three degrees of refusement, and all the people seem to me very successful- Wilfred and Frank especially & Mrs Bridgewater and Joe. By the by in 108 & ... continue reading
My dear Christabel York and Lancaster Rose has gone- one half to school- and the other has grown too busy, so it resigns, and I have accepted a
Miss Alice Poole Uffington Farrington
She is sister to a governess I like very much –
Hanbury Mills was an immense pleasure to Gertrude. She and Frances have both bought one. I think Linda is true, but as you say, it was not possible to bring her out more. ... continue reading