Related Letters
My dear Arthur Clark gives oinos as an original form of Ýíïò, and also of nous, but from the way he bracketted it I fancied he meant it for a form of one dialect, I ought to have verified it.
I see the misunderstanding that brought me wrong in the vocatives - thank you. About the English apostrophe S I meant to say more when I had more space, I only put it there to stand for ... continue reading
My dear Arthur I am greatly satisfied about ci, reasoning from the tendency to use there in old English as in the case of thereof for which its is a barbarous substitute. The complication of Italian pronouns of all sorts is very curious, and makes me wish Italian had a Brachiet. I suppose someone will soon do a good comparative grammar for these unfortunate moderns. I wish you would.
I am sure I have a defence for ... continue reading