Related Letters
Dear M. E. C. I feel strongly impelled to write to you both to thank you for your letter and for St. Christopher's legend. A German lady once sent me a set of photographs of frescoes of his history, where he was going through all sorts of temptations, including one by evil women.
I think I must tell you that the Daisy Chain was written just when I was fresh from the influence and guiding of ... continue reading
Dear Miss Christie, I think I must lend you my Fairy Bower. It was written, as you see, nearly sixty years ago, before the Oxford Movement had become a visible fact, by Mrs. Thomas Mozley, while her husband was vicar of Cholderton. She was Harriet Newman, and though the little book is quite in children's form, it was such as none but a Newman could write.
A little girl, Grace Leslie, goes with her widow ... continue reading