Related Letters
My dear Miss Palmer I waited to write to you till I had seen my way through the MSS, and I now see that Itys will come the first as a classical statement of the question
If there is a frontispiece I want it to be from him. I am not sure however whether you had a new statue in your eye or not. Will you let me know if you had
There is about 1/10 due to ... continue reading
My dear Miss Palmer The printer has put your name in full upon this proof - but if you do not wish it to appear, you had better scratch it out, though of course the Packet would be glad to have the story owned.
I am glad it did not come while you were occupied with the wedding bustle, they like to put the Christmas number in hand a long time in advance. I am now at ... continue reading
My dear Miss Palmer Here is Itys upon his copperplate. As far as I can judge he seems to me good though I would rather have had him standing - he is certainly free from Pan’s legs. You had better return him direct to Mr Cowie, 6 Paternoster Row; E C.
I am ashamed to find that my night cap stayed behind me - thank you for sending it to me - also the heath - of ... continue reading