Related Letters
My dear Mrs Blackburn Many thanks for your photograph which I am very glad to possess, as it is pleasant to have more than a visionary notion what one is writing to.
I cannot find any authority for Tom Thumb’s father being a miller, in one of your books he is a ploughman in the other a woodman, and in Grimm a peasant, so as he seemed to be quite well to do, with a cow ... continue reading
My dear Mrs Johns, Thank you so much for letting me [see] Mr Ruskin’s very characteristic opinion of the beautiful Griselda work. I have thought and talked it over with my mother, and certainly it is a complication, but would not the most satisfactory course be to ask some opinion of a person such as Richmond a thorough artist, and also a religious man, a gentleman, and father of daughters whether it would be his judgment ... continue reading
My dear Mrs Johns, I am afraid I have nothing very satisfactory to say my friend confirms my belief that there was an uncomfortable story about Ruskin and his wife - who you know is now Mrs Millais - and further adds that she does not think that real artists vote his opinion very high.
Neither is her view very favourable to a regular course of study for a young girl, she has known of an instance, ... continue reading
Madam, The school that I should think more likely to answer your purpose would be St Michael’s, Bognor, which is under the Provostship of Mr Woodward who has done so much for education – I cannot tell what the terms are but I know they are on a less expensive scale than those of schools equally good as education goes, and the doctrine is thoroughly high – The person to address for information is
The Lady Warden St ... continue reading