Related Letters
I cannot but feel sorry that the Central African Mission is given up, though I am most willing to believe that it was unavoidable. How often, when it was started, have I heard my good and wise master say, ‘I feel most thankful that some attempt should be made, but I greatly fear some disaster.’ He meant that such expectations had been raised, and so much pressure was applied from behind, that some precipitate action ... continue reading
My dear Fanny Yes, I think it is an excellent little paper and shews a good deal more knowledge of Sir Tristrem than I have, inasmuch as I have never got up Modern poems, and it is a good while since I poked in the ancient[.] I have a curious old Italian one printed in Italics called La Tavola Rotonda and with a good deal about Sir Tristram in it - which was bought ... continue reading
My dear Cousin, I enclose a note to Miss Mackenzie, thanking her for her book about Mrs. Robertson. It does one good to read about such a couple. I almost feel as if I should like to write a line to the good man. There was the real genuine love for the people, the secret of course of all missionary success, the consideration for them, the power of sympathy, of seeing with the eyes of others, ... continue reading
My dear Cousin, One line to you to-day of Christmas feelings and blessings. Indeed, you are daily in my thoughts and prayers. You would have rejoiced could you have seen us last Sunday or this morning at 7 A.M. Our fourteen Melanesian Communicants so reverent, and (apparently) earnest. On Sunday I ordained Mr. Palmer Priest, Mr. Atkin and Mr. Brooke Deacons.
The service was a solemn one, in the Norfolk Island Church, the people joining heartily in ... continue reading
My dear Cousin, I must write you a few lines, not as yet in answer to your very interesting letter about Mr. Keble and about Ritualism, &c., but about our great event of yesterday.
George Sarawia was ordained Deacon in our little chapel, in the presence of fifty-five Melanesians and a few Norfolk Islanders. With him Charles Bice, a very excellent man from St. Augustine’s, was ordained Deacon also. He has uncommon gifts of making himself thoroughly ... continue reading
My dear Cousin, I must not leave your letter of last October without an instalment of an answer, though this is only a chance opportunity of sending letters by a whaler, and I have only ten minutes.
Your account of the Southampton Congress is a regular picture. I think I can see the Bishops of Winton, Sarum, and Oxon; and all that you say by way of comment on what is going on in the Church at ... continue reading
My dear Charlotte I had written one letter to you today when your other came by the second post and I just stopped it. I am writing to Mrs Johns to desire her to put these Carters into communication with you. I believe the Bishop of Victoria is not much of a Churchman. On the whole I think governesses are much more inclined to height than depth in the present day. [[person:2279]Mrs ... continue reading