Related Letters
Dear Mr Craik
I am exceedingly puzzled. I am sure I wrote on to the end of the history of France, and that Mr Greene had it and wrote to me that it only came to 86 pp, and that I must make it longer. What can have become of the latter part? What did he go upon if he had it not in type to the end? Besides, I believe I had it in ... continue reading
Dear Mr Macmillan
I am today sending Clay the last copy for the Scripture Readings, I suppose we may consider now whether the five volumes can be made more compact and profitable, and I hope Clay will finish off the present one quickly.
Thanks for sending all these notices of the Primer. It is odd I thought I had written up to MacMahon’s election, but perhaps Mr Green thought the siege made a better conclusion - and ... continue reading
My dear Christabel
There is a nice little life of the Black Prince by Louise Creighton in Rivington’s series of Biographies. Also G P R James wrote a nice long romantic life of him which might be in old libraries, and Canon Warburton has a life of Edward III in Longman’s Epochs of history. I can’t understand about the grown man schools, but Mr Green is pretty sure to be right. I cannot ... continue reading