Related Letters
Sir I am obliged to you for forwarding the cheque for £25 for the first edition of the Two Guardians.
I am at present too much engaged to think of publishing anything in the Churchman’s Companion, though I am obliged to you for the proposal.
Yours sincerely C M Yonge
... continue readingDear Miss Roberts, Carlisle Cathedral is a very pretty sketch, and will be very acceptable to the Monthly Packet, I think however it will be better to keep it for next year perhaps, if we and the Packet proceed and prosper as hitherto, so that it may be the opening of a series which promises to be very useful and interesting, I will consult a very good archaeologist at Winchester about the rugged [sic] staff ornament ... continue reading
My dear Mrs Blackburn Many thanks for your photograph which I am very glad to possess, as it is pleasant to have more than a visionary notion what one is writing to.
I cannot find any authority for Tom Thumb’s father being a miller, in one of your books he is a ploughman in the other a woodman, and in Grimm a peasant, so as he seemed to be quite well to do, with a cow ... continue reading
My dear Miss Smith,
Thanks for the continuation, some of which we like very much, but I have a good deal to say about it, which is all the easier to do, as you tell me you were thinking of making some alterations in the re writing. First - to begin with what struck us in its order. Grandpapa’s account of his own youth is a little dull and I do not think his history of ... continue reading
My dear Miss Wilford
Yesterday was the Ampfield anniversary of the consecration of the Church and I took a grand holiday - including a walk from Ampfield to Hursley with Mr Keble, and so I could not write but we have read your Seven Campbells and like them very much. I suspect boys would believe in them more if John Lackland always went by his English name.
I do not think a Scottish minister stands on the ... continue reading
My dear Miss Smith
I have not the letter, at least I do not believe I have but I am almost certain that it was to be the 4 couples at 2lb; and I think you may safely so apply it. I will wait a week to write to Mrs Elphinstone in case you should be able to tell me anything specially about any of the people.
I do not know whether I forgot to finish my ... continue reading
Dear Mr Macmillan
One of my very first ventures in publishing was ‘Kenneth: or the Rear Guard of the Grand Army’. J.H. Parker of Oxford published it, on the half profits system, I retaining the copyright. There were two or three editions but it has gone out of print, though I am sometimes asked how to get it.
Also, about 1850 and 52, Masters published Henrietta’s Wish, and the Two Guardians, republished from the Churchman’s Companion. Both ... continue reading
My dear Christabel
It certainly used to be considered the thing to give the publisher of the magazine the refusal of the story but there is so much more free trade in publishing now that I do not know whether this is still necessary. I think most likely Masters would say he did not want to have it particularly.
No, I think Miss Ingelow has diverged plentifully from you, except in the original idea. ... continue reading