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Community of St. John the Baptist, Clewer, The (organization)


In 1849 the Clewer House of Mercy was founded in Windsor by Mariquita Tennant, as a refuge for repentant prostitutes. In 1852 this work was taken on by Harriet Monsell and the Rev. Thomas Thellusson Carter, Rector of Clewer, who founded a group of Sisters of Mercy.

The organisation still exists as an Anglican sisterhood, and its website is http://www.gjm61.dial.pipex.com/

According to A.M. Allchin, The Silent Rebellion: Anglican Religious Communities 1845-1900. (London: SCM Press, 1958), it became 'one of the most characteristically Victorian and nineteenth-century of all the sisterhoods' undertaking as its primary work the restoration of 'fallen women'.