MS Westcountry Studies Library, Exeter/ 1861/1 1
My dear Miss Smith
I did not write yesterday because the parcel was not come, but it is here all safe this morning though I can only testify to the beautiful clear MS as yet. It was rather over weight, which perhaps was the reason of the delay. I think it is possible this may account for the lamented loss of the Wynnes, as the post will not convey things beyond a certain amount overweight. I once nearly lost all the Packet proofs that way, the stamp having fallen off, but luckily there was a direction inside, so they wrote to me and I redeemed it. I have sent your first two chapters to Derby to be printed, though I don’t much think there will be space in April, as the Easter story must come in then It was that sent me by Mrs Carr about whom you wrote to me, and whose friend seems to be a mine of Russian curiosities. Do you know anything about evening sewing classes – a lady wants counsel in the notices to correspondents in the M P upon setting one up, and as I know nothing myself, I shall be grateful for any experience you can give or direct me to. I sent Aggesden to a friend in America who likes it very much as also the Wynnes.
yours sincerely
C M Yonge