MS location unknown. Printed in Yonge, Life of John Coleridge Patteson I 561.
My dear Cousin,
I do not like to leave New Zealand without sending a line to you. We sail probably in a week or two for Melanesia, and I hope to make a long voyage among many islands, leaving Revs. Pritt, Kerr, and Dudley, some in one place and some in another (including native teachers), visiting them frequently, so as to remove them, if rendered desirable by fever, ague, or other causes.
You know my feeling about the ‘Daisy Chain’ money: it will all (D.V.) be spent some day in a stone Chapel, perhaps other permanent buildings. God bless you for all your prayers and alms.
We have never had so satisfactory a set of scholars. Out of twenty-eight (exclusive of three native teachers) only one who has been an invalid almost all the summer is unable to read and write. The first class (which indeed should by rights be subdivided) consists of nine. All may be regarded as Catechumens. I should not hesitate to baptize them at once, if attacked with sudden illness, for example.
I am very hopeful about the Banks Archipelago, though at Mota only has any real work been done, and there it is but the beginning. I think that from Fanny you will have heard enough to make it unnecessary for me to write more, and I have but a few minutes.
Dear Mr. Keble wrote me a letter when Fanny was at Hursley, such a great pleasure to me. Oh! so humbling to receive such a letter from him
What do you say to this plan of Joan and Fan? If they can clearly see the difficulties, and yet resolve to come, what joy for me! To talk over all that took place last year at Feniton, to pour out long suppressed feelings. Ah! I must not think it a reality yet. Much may happen in a few months even should they come; and I hope to visit many islands this winter, among which there are some where I know I must be cautious.
I need not tell you that you are specially remembered in thought when we pray and give thanks daily for all who, by prayers and almsgiving, are partakers with us in the ministry.
Your affectionate Cousin,
J. C. PATTESON Missionary Bishop.