MS Westcountry Studies Library, Exeter/ Yonge 1863/41
My dear Miss Smith,
I am half afraid of plunging into a tour because I have got so many on hand, that Eastern journal is indeed printed to the end, but I cannot get it in, and the Journal in Holland lingers on, and I have some Italian letters that I grieve not to have got in, so on the whole I think I had better decline yours, though if I had not been so ‘furred up’ as Hants people say I should have liked it very much.
I must confess to having betrayed you to Florence Wilford She so very nearly knew that I was obliged to tell, but I think she is very discreet. She has been staying a long time with her aunt nursing a sprained foot, but is now gone home.
I heard of nothing amiss about the postage of your last proofs.
yours sincerely
C M Yonge