MS British Library Add MSS 54920: 15-161
Dear Mr Macmillan
Herewith I send enough of the Trial for the printer to proceed with at once. I have erased all the redundancies I could find, and I hope it may thus become less cumbrous – Unless there is some difficulty I suppose there is no need of sending me proofs. Mr Parker wrote to me himself to recommend Phelps who printed the History of Christian Names and as there were a good many letters from ancient alphabets there used, I suppose it would be best to put any future edition into his hands. For this book I have no choice
I shall be much pleased if Mrs Macmillan2 is inclined to write me her views on the Golden Deeds, I am sure it is a subject on which discussion will be a great assistance.
Perhaps I could procure Mrs Blackburn’s original designs for the Little Duke. Would you think it worth while for me to do so- ? Many of the faults in the illustrations as they appeared in the first edition were from the badness of the stone – One or two chiefly of animals were spirited and good but unfortunately the blot is the Little Duke’s face, and I am afraid this is past improvement but if you think these designs preferable to new ones, I could try if they are still to be had.
Yours faithfully
C.M. Yonge