MS Westcountry Studies Library, Exeter/ Yonge 1864/11
My dear Miss Smith
I have certainly made a mess! The fact was this, that two or three years ago, I made a great appeal to get more pay than the 2/6, and the result was a sum sufficient to give at the rate of about /6 per page more to some one article in the number, but not to all. I have no doubt that I then told you I could give you 3/ per page. I ought to have kept a record of my engagement, and I wish I had done so, then I should not have forgotten that I had fixed to give you that amount. Then you see when there were long pieces of your story, I having really forgotten, thought that I was doing by you like other people, in making up money, and so adding something, though not the regular rate. I have been in puzzles ever since that sixpence was added, and shall be so for ever, unless it comes to be for everyone.
Meantime I feel much concerned at the sight of your post office order, and am inclined to ask if you will let me send the sum to an asylum for the blind at Dublin, which seems to be in great need of help. I had a most earnest letter about it and I send you the paper that accompanied it. I am very sorry for the mistakes I have made
yours sincerely
C M Yonge
I would send the order back to you, but that I am afraid I must cash it now, and besides I think you would rather not.