
Aug 3 1864

Copy outletter book British Library Add MSS. 55383 (1): P. 246

Dear Miss Yonge
I am very sorry to have missed you when you called today.

I will take my chance of finding you at Mr Gibbs tomorrow between 12 & 1 & will bring the MS which is at the printer with me.

After much searching my clerk, whom I sent to Piles Coffee House could not recover the story about the little girl1 I wonder if you will be able to find it

Karamsin has been translated into French, and I saw a second hand copy in a foreign catalogue which I have ordered. There is not one in London for sale. Is it in the London Lib.? You subscribe to it, I think.

We are going to start – in the mass, 17 souls, including bodies great and small, on Friday morning for the Isle of Wight.2 We mean to stay a month. Might we hope to see you there?

Yours most truly
A. Macmillan

1The story of “Lotty” that CMY had seen in the Times and wanted to include in the Book of Golden Deeds.
2Macmillan, his wife and children, his sister-in-law, her children and servants.
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The Letters of Charlotte Mary Yonge(1823-1901) edited by Charlotte Mitchell, Ellen Jordan and Helen Schinske.

URL to this Letter is: https://c21ch.newcastle.edu.au/yonge/1969/alexander-macmillan-to-charlotte-mary-yonge-12

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