MS Princeton University, Parrish Collection, C0171: Box 29
My dear Miss Cleveland,
Thank you for your very interesting despatch, which we read with much enjoyment.1 The account of the Freedmen is especially interesting, and I feel quite sorry to have to put it off so long, as I shall be obliged to do, in order to get to the end of the Southern journal. I shall however have a letter written from Philadelphia in the next number, giving the account of the general mourning there, coming full in the heat of the moment, it seems to be a time for putting in such a letter.2 I am much obliged for the photographs, which are very interesting. What a fine face Mr Putnam’s is, and your touching sketches of their lives make the faces much more remarkable, I have quite an American gallery of photographs, including the three little children whose father was found grasping their likeness on the battle field.
With many thanks and kind regards to Mrs Cleveland
Yours very truly
C M Yonge