MS British Library Add MSS 54920: 97-98
Dear Mr Macmillan
Somehow my direction book has been faithless and I have missed Mr Masson’s address, so I am sending the new chapters of Dove etc. direct to you. I am afraid the story may be thought to flag a little just here, but I could not help it, and there is plenty of incident to come after the next division.
I think Miss Sewell’s idea was to divide by periods.1 I think I should have ended the stage in the constitutional existence/history not with Montfort’s death but with the establishing of his measures under Edward I, but I shall know more of Miss Sewell’s plan by this day week.
This year’s Monthly Packet has a story of mine about the Sons of Montfort which I want to bring out at Christmas in the same shape with the Little Duke and Lances of Lynwood. It is called the Prince and the Page, and is/has long been all written, though I had rather it did not appear till December, when the last chapter will have come out in the Monthly Packet.
I am promised some illustrations the first of which is excellent. What would be the cost of photozincography, and how soon should they be sent if such were the medium?2
Yours sincerely
C M Yonge