
June 23d [1865]

MS British Library Add MSS 54920: 97-98

Dear Mr Macmillan
Somehow my direction book has been faithless and I have missed Mr Masson’s address, so I am sending the new chapters of Dove etc. direct to you. I am afraid the story may be thought to flag a little just here, but I could not help it, and there is plenty of incident to come after the next division.

I think Miss Sewell’s idea was to divide by periods.1 I think I should have ended the stage in the constitutional existence/history not with Montfort’s death but with the establishing of his measures under Edward I, but I shall know more of Miss Sewell’s plan by this day week.

This year’s Monthly Packet has a story of mine about the Sons of Montfort which I want to bring out at Christmas in the same shape with the Little Duke and Lances of Lynwood. It is called the Prince and the Page, and is/has long been all written, though I had rather it did not appear till December, when the last chapter will have come out in the Monthly Packet.

I am promised some illustrations the first of which is excellent. What would be the cost of photozincography, and how soon should they be sent if such were the medium?2

Yours sincerely
C M Yonge

1She and Elizabeth Sewell were planning the work which became Historical Selections.
2Photozincography, or the creation of relief photographic images on zinc plates which could then be printed from, had been invented in the late 1850s to use for the reproduction of maps.
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The Letters of Charlotte Mary Yonge(1823-1901) edited by Charlotte Mitchell, Ellen Jordan and Helen Schinske.

URL to this Letter is: https://c21ch.newcastle.edu.au/yonge/2047/to-alexander-macmillan-50

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