
June 26. 1865

Copy outletter British Library Add MSS. 55384 (2): P. 604

My dear Miss Yonge
The M S. has come all right. Sending as early as – I am thankful indeed you do, to address him here is the simplest way.1 His private address is 2 Newton Villas Finchley New Road. N.W.

I shall be very glad to hear about the result of your conference with Miss Sewell. My only feeling in the suggestion I made re – Montfort was that each volume – supposing it is found that we have so emphatically met a public want that go beyond the first, which I dont in the least doubt [-] should be complete as to an idea, not merely to a year. What you suggest clearly fulfils this better than my crude list.

I shall be very delighted to have your Prince & the Page for a Christmas book. For the illustrations, photolithography which was use in the case of Kingsleys Water Babies will be better than zincography[.] But both are inclined to be rough. But I will go into it carefully, if you will kindly send me one of the drawings. I will also go over the story itself [to] see what quantity it will make, like the Little Duke.

This months number of the Dove is admirable, so clear and firm in [illegible] tone, reminding me constantly of these qualities in Scott. I was thinking why should not the Christmas book be written in this honest style. Pardon me.

Yours very faithfully
A. Macmillan

1This refers to the chapters of The Dove in the Eagle's Nest which she was sending to David Masson, editor of Macmillan’s Magazine, where it was being serialized.

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The Letters of Charlotte Mary Yonge(1823-1901) edited by Charlotte Mitchell, Ellen Jordan and Helen Schinske.

URL to this Letter is: https://c21ch.newcastle.edu.au/yonge/2049/alexander-macmillan-to-charlotte-mary-yonge-35

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