MS British Library Add MSS 54920: 154-155:
Dear Mr Macmillan
Our start from home is fixed for the 30th of this month. I suppose there is no chance of my getting any copies of the Dove before I start. I was obliged to delay further by having a revise of the preface where the printers had contrived to make a good many gratuitous mistakes. I never knew Messrs Clay so long printing anything. If there is no chance of your sending me a dozen copies before Saturday week will you send me by post four of the Prince and the Page, which at any rate I want before leaving home. If the dove is not ready in time, I will write and say where it can meet me.
Miss Peard has just sent me the beginning of her history of the Prayerbook to look at. I think it will make an exceedingly pretty and interesting book, and she is very careful and correct in her statements.
I ought to have thanked Mr Craik for sending me the Swiss professor’s letter, but it came at a time when I was in much anxiety and grief. Perhaps Mrs Craik could have answered more satisfactorily than I have been able to do. What a beautiful story her last is.1
Yours sincerely
C M Yonge