MS WDRO Acc No 308: 24/10/68
[Character of Anne Yonge]
So unselfish as to have no will of her own – strong opinions, kept under great check & reserve – A great sense of subordination and an infinite kindness and charity, taking up small disregarded offices. A great power of effectiveness, though want of method makes her do less than might be. True but reserved. Very strong & deep affections, without much demonstration, prone to tormenting herself. Very attractive in her whole nature, gaining much influence from strong reliance on her – but putting herself out more to the weak than to her equals – strong sense of humour – but deep reverence – and some severity in judgements
[Character of herself]
Selfish really & self indulgent, but with a good natured open manner that veils it. True and open handed, and not very sensitive or jealous – getting on easily with superiors, but stiff, shy, & disagreeable to others – ready to do whatever does not involve personal discomfort – Punctual to time but to nothing else – slovenly – but with superinduced accuracy – Good tempered & cheerful, when self indulgence is not in the way – Severer on others than to herself. Living on a false reputation for good qualities she has not, and seeming good by mere cleverness –