
Elderfield, Otterbourne, Winchester.
March 29th [1869]

MS British Library Add MSS 54920: 230-311

My dear Mr Macmillan
I think I should enjoy editing a Globe edition of children’s books,2 and am much obliged to you for the proposal. I suppose the question is how many really good ones have exhausted their copy right.

Perhaps Philip Quarl could begin the series, it is really Defoe’s but I doubt if anyone has read it.

I send 9 chapters of the Lion. One object is to make people think of that St Katharine’s charity, and its unhappy state of slumber. I make my heroine end there the heroine [sic] is much too poor a creature for her to marry.

Alas! under the impression they were in type, I made away with those sheets of the parallel history! I am now waiting to go to Winchester to get some large paper ruled for me.

I must try to get matters forward by August, as then the Chaplet is to treat me to a trip to Paris and Val Richer

I am delighted with Miss Winkworth’s number of the Sunday Library.

Yours sincerely
C M Yonge

1Black-edged paper.
2This project became A Storehouse of Stories, first series (1870) and second series (1872).
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The Letters of Charlotte Mary Yonge(1823-1901) edited by Charlotte Mitchell, Ellen Jordan and Helen Schinske.

URL to this Letter is: https://c21ch.newcastle.edu.au/yonge/2313/to-alexander-macmillan-109

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