MS British Library Add MSS 54920: 233-4
My dear Mr Macmillan
I shall see Miss Johns on Saturday and have a consultation with her.
I have been prevented from setting about the Storehouse by the almost sudden death – the first day of this month – of one of my dear cousins – the one on whom I relied for looking out the copies of the books that I was to have from Puslinch. I have not been willing to trouble her sister to hunt them out – and I am afraid the Elements of Morality cannot be had anywhere else. (I do not mean the Blossoms of Morality). I will however ask for it in a day or two.
One or two more questions before I definitely arrange. Shall we have Goody Two Shoes. It is more of a classic than any other, but has been often reprinted – spoiling the ghost, and can it be made out if Philip Quarl is Defoe’s – I cannot find it in the list of his works.1
Also after how many years is it safe to take no notice of copy right. What is to be done about illustrations and in borrowing the books that cannot be bought. What assurance can I give of their being returned uninjured or must I get them copies. Mr Craik shewed me a copy of Blossoms of Morality with cuts by Bewick. I thought of taking a few of the stories, can the illustrations to them be copied.
I think I must ask to know all this before I can fairly arrange the list of books, but I am writing for some that I can borrow. The post has not yet brought M. Huard’s designs. I must write again when they come. I believe the second part of Historical Selections is almost ready
Yours sincerely
C M Yonge