MS British Library Add MSS 54921: 5-6
Dear Mr Craik
‘Enquiring friends’ kept me in such a whirl on Saturday from the moment I came home that I could not acknowledge the very agreeable parcel I found waiting me, which I need not say I was very glad to see. It is certainly a pleasant amount to look forward to and I see that it does not include the sum for the Abridged Edition of Bishop Patteson, any more than for Lady Hester.1
I hope there has been no mistake about the £200 you were so good as to promise me immediately for I find Messrs Hoare have not received it.
Will you kindly let me know whether it has been paid
Yours truly
C M Yonge
What honors [sic] for the Patteson memoir
G.L. Craik Esq
Looking again at your letter I see you say on the 18th of August you have ‘today paid the account,’ – was it to Barnett and Hoare instead of Hoares’ Fleet Street or can they have put it to a wrong account?