
Febry 26th 1876

MS British Library Add MSS 54921: 111

Dear Mr Craik

Could you give me any idea what is the value of my copy rights, I do not mean that I want to part with them, but it would be convenient to me to know what is likely to be the full value of my property, and what I could raise by them in case of need2

Yours truly
C M Yonge

1Endorsed 'See my letter. Feb 29/1'.2This question is likely to have been prompted by anxiety about the financial situation of CMY's brother Julian.
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The Letters of Charlotte Mary Yonge(1823-1901) edited by Charlotte Mitchell, Ellen Jordan and Helen Schinske.

URL to this Letter is: https://c21ch.newcastle.edu.au/yonge/2542/to-george-lillie-craik-21

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