MS British Library Add MSS 54921: 18-19
Dear Mr Craik
I think a letter of mine which I wrote last week to the ‘house’ must have been overlooked at least in part. I asked for a copy of the Heir of Redclyffe to be sent to myself,1 and a set of all my books to the Sisterhood at Wantage2 who want to have them to lend from their branch at Bombay
The one I asked for has never come and I have not heard of theirs.
Why does Clay go on printing Cameos, for which I am in no particular hurry instead of the last volume of the Scripture Readings which is really wanted to finish the set
Yours truly
C M Yonge
I wish someone would discover how much there is about St Katherine’s Hospital in ‘The Caged Lion’ now that it is under discussion3