MS British Library Add MSS 54921: 40-411
My dear Mr Macmillan
What I have by me in the way of authorities are the Universal History Lady Calcott’s in English and in Spanish a life of the Cid – Perez de Hyta (whence Washington Irving took his material, but which is only romance) and old Madiema – who is alarming – as he hardly ever has a paragraph, and when he does put a date, does not use figures!2
I have picked out a useful list of books mostly French from the London Library and if they will take the trouble to find them for me, I shall do well but I sometimes think they don’t choose to hunt up an insignificant book out of date for a person in the country. If I do not get the important ones, I will write to you about them
Yes, Longfellow does fall later than my period for I must end with Boabdil’s last look at Spain
I must try to work history and romance side by side – and I think I can keep within the bounds
Yours sincerely
C M Yonge