MS Princeton University, Parrish Collection C0171: Box 29
My dear Mrs Curteis
First I must tell you of what perhaps you have seen in the Guardian, my dear Miss Dyson’s death. She had been growing feebler and feebler for the last two years and had for months been wholly confined to bed, and unable to read even a letter, though she was constantly read to for the last fortnight she was almost unconscious, and slept herself away. She leaves a great blank behind her!
I am afraid it is too late to protest against Helen’s babies, except by word of mouth as I have done, for I can’t bear them1 But I think they have had their day – and the bad imitation will do more to disgust with them than my protest. Armine does not by any means die so you need not be afraid for him.2 I have him now in the midst of a naughty fit, quite sufficient to save his life.
Thank you so much for your kind thoughts about the game
Yours sincerely
C M Yonge