
Elderfield, Otterbourne, Winchester.
Novr 29th 1878

MS British Library Add MSS 54921: 74

Miss Yonge would be obliged if Messrs Macmillan would send to

the Revd R Bigg Wither
St Thomas’ Home

a copy of each of

The Heir of Redclyffe
The Daisy Chain
The Trial
Pillars of the House
Scripture Readings with comment
Pupils of St John

1The Rev. Reginald Bigg Wither was a nephew of the Rev. William Bigg Wither, curate of Otterbourne, and he published in 1887 a History of the foundation and of the chief incidents in the gradual establishment of St. Thomas' Home, Basingstoke, the Winchester Diocesan Penitentiary for Friendless and Fallen Women. CMY evidently selected works she thought would interest the inmates.
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The Letters of Charlotte Mary Yonge(1823-1901) edited by Charlotte Mitchell, Ellen Jordan and Helen Schinske.

URL to this Letter is: https://c21ch.newcastle.edu.au/yonge/2652/to-messrs-macmillan-7

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