MS British Library Add MSS 54921: 77-78
Dear Mr Macmillan
I am today sending Clay the last copy for the Scripture Readings, I suppose we may consider now whether the five volumes can be made more compact and profitable, and I hope Clay will finish off the present one quickly.
Thanks for sending all these notices of the Primer.1 It is odd I thought I had written up to MacMahon’s election, but perhaps Mr Green thought the siege made a better conclusion – and that I could not grasp it.
I hope soon to send the Spanish corrections2 As a matter of curiosity is Mr Freeman still mending up that other unfortunate history, I have kept all the proofs of mine to compare[?].3
With all good new year’s wishes
Yours sincerely
C M Yonge
Thanks for the primers. English composition is very good. Though I wonder at the condemnation of pell mell and topsy turvey.