MS British Library Add MSS 54921: 133
Dear Mr Craik
I am afraid I am guilty about the Birthday book My consent was asked two or three years ago, and I suppose it was ignorance for it never struck me that such little scraps could be a copy right question, and it did not occur to me that I ought to refer to you. In fact I thought it a nonsensical project that would fall to pieces of itself, and as I had nipped various projects of the young lady1 before I did not like to do this. Mr Walter Smith asked me if I had consented, and I told him I had .
I am very sorry I did not refer either of them to you, and you see both trusted to me.
I should have thought that the selections would rather have acted as an advertisement than have done harm. The book was sent to me a day or two ago. There are no extracts more than six or eight lines long and the works they are taken from are fully given to each but I am very sorry I transgressed about it, and it would be a serious matter to have brought Miss Jupp and Mr Smith into a difficulty. I think if it had come before me this year I should have known better, from bits of experience, but unluckily I had forgotten all about the Birthday book. If you can pass it over without restraining the publication it would be a great favour to me
Yours truly
C M Yonge