
May 28th [1886]

MS British Library Add MSS 54921: 145-6:

Dear Mr Craik

You will think there is no end to me, but it may save more letters if you get this before seeing Mr Carr.

1st – Could some copies be put in boards for prizes for the Board Schools at Liverpool. I suppose they could tell how many, and others might like them1

2d – . If I could have a list of convenient illustrations I could make them salient points

3d – As to length, I will go on so as to unfold the history naturally, and if there is too much cut down afterwards.

4th I believe the Liverpool people would like it before February; but even if I finish my part quickly, I suppose the illustrations must take time.

Now another subject

I have finished writing a story about the length of the Little Duke, 14 chapters of which about half have come out in the Monthly Packet. It is to finish at Christmas The Modern Quest of Ulysses is the title, and it is about a Moorish capture of an Irish and Scotch Jacobite family (naturalised in France) in 1718 A good deal of it is true and there is material for pretty illustrations

Would it be well to set it going, though I do not want it to come out till December, so as not to precede the end in the Packet?

Lastly – may I ask for Mrs Craik’s edition of Old Fairy Tales? I have been recommending the right old ones in the library guide I spoke of and I want to see which these are.

Yours truly
C M Yonge

1This relates to the publication of CMY's Victorian Half-Century (1886), which Craik was considering serializing in the English Illustrated Magazine, edited by Joseph Comyns Carr.

Cite this letter

The Letters of Charlotte Mary Yonge(1823-1901) edited by Charlotte Mitchell, Ellen Jordan and Helen Schinske.

URL to this Letter is: https://c21ch.newcastle.edu.au/yonge/2830/to-george-lillie-craik-65

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