MS British Library Add MSS 54921: 168-70
Dear Mr Craik
Many thanks for your letter and cheque. I am glad to see your writing again, and that the first dreariness of return has been faced.1
I am glad the cheap edition is doing so well, it is capitally got up and bound, and I regret nothing but the Daisy Chain illustrations and those to the Trial. Those to the intermediate edition were much better.
I have had some correspondence about a story of the historical kind which I finished in the autumn, but it was thought better to let it wait till Beechcroft at Rockstone had had its start. Its name is a great difficulty A Seven Years Secret has been thought of but does not really suit and I now think that ‘A Reputed Changeling’ or ‘Peregrine the Changeling’ would be best as though it is by no means a child’s story, the whole turns on the hero’s life being influenced by a sort of half belief in his being a changeling imp
It is in the time of the English Revolution
Yours truly
C M Yonge