MS Miss Barbara Dennis/7
In the autumn a Mr Yonge in America, an Engineer chose to send me the photograph of his little daughter whom he had named Charlotte and he sent a description of his arms, wanting to know whether he could be of the same family.2 They were not the same as ours, nor as those to which we failed to shew our claim but Julian thought they were the same as yours. Now, American as he is, he has written the long letter which I send in case your husband can gratify him with an answer tracing his Philip and Mary. I am sure he would instantly claim you, if he knew that you had a Philip.
I hope you are quite well. The measles have started in the parish here most inopportunely just before the Government Inspection We rather expect that Joanna will have them, as her great playfellow is in the midst
your affectionate cousin
C M Yonge