
[November or December 1849?]

MS location unknown. This fragment printed in C.A.E. Moberly, Dulce Domum: George Moberly, his Family and Friends (London: Murray 1911), 97.

My dear Alice
I am glad you think ‘St Barthelemy’s Fair1 practicable. I shall very much enjoy doing what I can in the preparations, and I will try and grow as fat and dignified as I can in honour of her Majesty, Queen Philippa. I was almost afraid that there were too many characters, though I could not see how to manage with less. We can furnish a real sword and spinning-wheel. My notion of the King is in a long blue cloak, which we have here, and a fur tippet. The object of this letter is to ask you and Miss Cowing, and as many of the schoolroom party as the carriage will carry, to come in the afternoon and look at the illuminated illustrations in Froissart and talk it over and see what can be done. You cannot think how I shall enjoy the fun of the rehearsals, and it will give me such a good opportunity for correcting any part of the play that may not have the right effect.

1This play, written by CMY for the Moberly children to act at Christmas, was published as The Mice at Play (1860).
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The Letters of Charlotte Mary Yonge(1823-1901) edited by Charlotte Mitchell, Ellen Jordan and Helen Schinske.

URL to this Letter is: https://c21ch.newcastle.edu.au/yonge/2965/to-alice-arbuthnot-moberly-2

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