MS Huntington Library: Yonge Letters
My dear Madam,
I enclose your P O order for 11/6 for the last quarter of the Lesser holidays. Mr Mozley promises this next year 1854 to raise his pay to 1/6 per page, so that I hope the Cathedrals will be a little less unworthily paid when you have time and inclination to make them out. Your present of the Garland must be indeed a most precious one, I wish we were not so entirely on the opposite ends of England that there seems no conveyance but the post, for I should much like to see it. I have been asked several times if there was any hope of its being published separately, and I should think it would meet with many purchasers, who would be very glad of it. As to the question of publisher, I think if I was you I should fix my own price for permission to print such or such a number and give a certain time to sell them in, and then if Mozley did not accept your terms you would be free to look elsewhere. His family is very clever, but I never quite think they appreciate botany, so that I am not quite sure what he would say in this case. When he brought out my little Herb of the Field which had been published in the Magazine for the Young he was afraid of illustrations, though I thought them much wanted. However, having them ready drawn would make a difference and I am sure the book might be a very pretty one, especially if you added the emblems of the Saints perhaps as tail pieces, there is a tolerable list of them in Lord Lindsay’s Christian Art,1 and another in a little paper of the Ecclesiological Society, and really it is most useful to have some key to such figures as one sees in Henry VII’s Chapel or in Worcester Cathedral.
Yours sincerely
C M Yonge