MS Huntington Library: Yonge Letters
Dear Miss Roberts,
I enclose a paper sent by my archaeological acquaintance with all the information he could gather respecting the Ragged Staff, I hope it is what you wanted.
I am sorry for your want of success with the Garland. My father is going to London for a day or two early next week, and will see Parker, He says if you would trust us with a specimen of the illustrations and explain your plans as to size of the book &c, it is possible he might be able to gain some information, that might be useful. If you like him to see about it, you had better send it at once as he is soon going, but at the same time he may be too much hurried to be able to think about it as my brother’s regiment is among those under orders for Constantinople, and there are matters of outfit that may take up time. But if he has time, he will be very glad to try to forward the appearance of the book, and I think he is likely to find from Parker whose line it is likely to be.
I should not think there was the least cause for uneasiness as to your manner of addressing Mr Neale, if it was wrong, I did the very same thing, so that it is my interest to believe it right. I think the probable explanation is that he had not been able to find matter enough in his authorities to make it worth while to write, and has perhaps forgotten the subject, as much engaged clergymen are very apt to do. I still hope to see the Garland triumph happily over all the contre temps, for it would be a great pity that the world should not have it in its collected state. I was from home all last week, and only found your letter on my return or I would have lost no time in writing. I dare say you have not too much time, but I hope it is a happy nursing, all recovery.1 I always think Aunts are particularly happy and important at such times. I am sorry for your friend who stuck fast at Guy’s death, I think he would have been comforted if he had gone on — indeed one of my friends went to the length of deluding a tender hearted person by telling her it was not a melancholy book, because she thought the end consoling.
Yours sincerely
C M Yonge