MS Mrs Caroline Fairclough/4
My dear Miss Butler
Many thanks for Basle1, which will do very well. I am only sorry it had to be finished at an inconvenient time. And many thanks for Aunt Louisa altogether. She has been a very pretty pleasant portion of the Monthly Packet. I am sorry all the pages in the Packet were settled so that I could not get in even a verse of Gertrude, one of the people I most admire.
When you like to send me anything further, I shall be very glad, though I am afraid to promise speedy insertion, as there are some subjects that must be finished off in this next volume. I will tell Mr Mozley to send a proof of this as soon as possible.
The errors in the names are a sore subject. I generally look the revise over again with your corrections and sometimes find the printers have mistaken even these and an Ingeham for Ingelram we had both missed.
Thank you for the kind sympathy you express, there has been much soothing in the kind feeling so many have expressed2
yours sincerely
C M Yonge