
Febry 11th [18561]

MS NLS 966 ff. 373-4

I waited until I should have received the photographs to thank you for them. Most of them are beautiful impressions, that of the Hen and Chickens is superior to the copy in my possession, and I am extremely obliged for the kind manner in which you have sent them2

your obt servt
C M Yonge

1Endorsed 'Miss Yonge Otterbourne 11th Febry 1856'. Otherwise it would be tempting to class this with other photographs and MSS relating to New Zealand sent to CMY when she was working on the biography of Bishop Patteson in the early 1870s.
2The name has been given to rocks and islands in many parts of the world, but this reference may be to the Hen and Chicken islands off the east coast of New Zealand on which the Southern Cross was to be wrecked in 1860.
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The Letters of Charlotte Mary Yonge(1823-1901) edited by Charlotte Mitchell, Ellen Jordan and Helen Schinske.

URL to this Letter is: https://c21ch.newcastle.edu.au/yonge/3078/to-an-unknown-man-3

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